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Everything posted by KroShan

  1. Nope - you are not alone. It seems its not showing up on CKAN :\
  2. EDIT 2: All the Craft files which use the chine roots cant be loaded because of this missing parts. i use the stock Techtree not CTT. Also i didn' find the new Atomic Jet here... Edit 1: Everthings OK - CKAN didn't finish the installation - sorry I updated from CKAN to 1.4.2 but the Game did't load. Is there a seperate mod installation necessary? [LOG 11:23:28.271] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Mk2Expansion/Parts/Engines/RONTGEN/part/M2X_AtomicJet' [ERR 11:23:28.277] [ShipTemplate]: No Resource definition found for RESOURCE [LOG 11:23:28.282] IntakeAtm not found in resource database. Propellant Setup has failed. [EXC 11:23:28.284] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ModuleEngines.SetupPropellant () ModuleEngines.OnLoad (.ConfigNode node) PartModule.Load (.ConfigNode node) Part.AddModule (.ConfigNode node) PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) PartLoader+.MoveNext () [EXC 11:23:28.291] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object PartLoader.GetDatabaseConfig (.Part p) PartLoader.GetDatabaseConfig (.Part p, System.String nodeName) DragCubeSystem.LoadDragCubes (.Part p) Part+.MoveNext ()
  3. nope definitly not... its only a problem for old save crafts in Orbit where you cant get rid of the oxidizer. the major advantage of LV-N is that your last stage can be much lighter and so your launch stage is smaller. the downside is that the fuel density in the tank is lower. so you need a large tank. -ninjad- please watch scott manleys explanation...
  4. I meant this part quite literaly "Then press and hold "g" hover cursor over the part and drag&drop it to your inventory." - for me its often neccessary to hover the cursor over the part after pressing and holding "g", if i press with the cursor on the part it doesnt' work...
  5. Hi Vorg! To attach solarpanels you need to press "x" while the panel is green coloured - the mouse icon will change to an electric screwdriver if done right. I recommend to try it on the launchpad first... To capture a free floating part i recommend to get in range and match up speed with soft touches of the control. Bring up your inventory with "tab" and press "r" to disable the EVApack. Then press and hold "g" hover cursor over the part and drag&drop it to your inventory. To get a snap for surface mounted part you need to use the electric screwdriver - then press "r" - its not possible with the wrench. hope this helps to use one of the best mods properly... [Edit: spelling] - - - Updated - - - Great video, great narration. Great Duna fail instant rep and abo... - - - Updated - - - If you wanted to carry the container you have to drag it to the inventory. I think this problem can occur with every part. When you drop them on another part they intersect with the other part and get pushed apart. But yes the last direction was very weird.
  6. Yes, that should solve your problem. ---- But sometimes occures a bug within the Manouvre node system. When you have an intercept with another cel. body it is somtimes not possible to create a manouvre node
  7. Congrats on Release i had to laugh so hard when i read that thread... I always used Round8 for making my FL-series tanks look prettier - but who needs pretty ship - let's dump them...
  8. I think i found a new BUG There is no personal inventory in the "Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2". All items in the inventory are deleted (the inventory is empty) when i enter the lab and go EVA again. Same is true if i transfer a Kerbal from a capsule to the Lab. btw. grabbing with auto rotation on works fine here. I tried both, grabbing is only broken after visiting the map view. I had already much fun with trying KIS/KAS - the idea with the handbook is great! Thanks
  9. Hi Bob! i'd love to see this in Project Odyssey. OP wrote that it Please give it a try Greetings from Vienna
  10. Yes roosterr "Interactive illustrated interplanetary guide and calculator for KSP by olex" is more dynamic -but try to print an oberview with it I think both guys did a great job. Lando thanks for the Map. I will test it today getting some vessels back from Laythe and Duna.
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