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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. R.I.P. He was a great and powerful being....
  2. your backyard have a fence?
  3. Harv was online for a bit and I PM'ed him asking him to comment in this thread about whats being fixed, but he doesn't appear to be online any more
  4. seconded. Confetti fairings are uncool, but a tweakable is fair.
  5. That is the single reason we have been waiting for 1.0.3. I understand that Kasper is not a dev/producer, thats cool, whatever. But since we got no real devnotes, can we expect that an actual dev will comment in this thread to confirm the memory leak is being fixed? please.
  6. I am excited for no mans sky. I am more excited for the HD Resident Evil:0 because after that Capcom almost HAS to remake RE:2, my favorite game of all time. I try not to get locked into one game. The truly great ones keep me coming back.
  7. I am planning some upgrades to my rig soon. Current set up: Motherboard: Foxconn H77MXV-D RAM: 8gb DDR3 CPU: i7 3770 - with a cooler master hyper 212 EVO cpu fan Videocard: Nvidia GTX 660 Power supply: Cooler master 550watt supply I plan on adding more RAM, just because my motherboard can handle it. What I need advice on is the videocard. Is there anything that is an upgrade from the 660, but can still run with my 550watt power supply?
  8. I dont meddle with that stuff on my PS4. I have however messed around with modding the Wii, playing Project M, a Smash Bros. mod. and some roster editing for backbreaker, a football game. What we should all take note of is Bethesda announced modding will be a possibility on the Xbox1 Fallout 4. It is expected to come to PS4 as well: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/fallout-4-pc-mods-will-be-playable-on-ps4-eventual/1100-6428239/ Is the delay between XB1 mods and PS4 mods an exclusivity thing(microsoft paying bethesda so mods come to XB1 first?), or is it because the framework for a sony modding system is not in place? I dont know. But such a thing is expected at some point. I will say that if the framework is available, a system wherein you can get mods ingame would be best. I would hope for the following: Player starts ps4 starts KSP main menu clicks spaceport clicks the mods/crafts they want downloaded/activated plays KSP That would be awesome. Until we know how modding will work on consoles though, this is all speculation. Hopefully no curse account would be needed in any of this, just click stuff in the spaceport. In the past modding console games has required things like hex editing and a usb drive or SD card, and required a PC anyway. If it could all be contained to just the console that would be great. perhaps official mod depositories could be linked directly to ps4 ksp servers?
  9. I really enjoy mine. plus all these HD remakes and remasters mean some of my favorite games of all time might get more love. Resident evil 2 HD, Ace Combat 4,6,0 HD PLEASE I think it's great. I also enjoy my PC I built myself. See people complain about console peasants and plebs, but historically those people, the 'unwashed masses', held the real power. The nobility and aristocracy had to keep them content or be overthrown. So game on whatever system you enjoy. I just hope the PS4 version of KSP doesnt end up like I fear it will. If its good, they will have another sale from me.
  10. to be fair Max does the business things, and max himself has said he is not a dev.
  11. In all honesty, this is the truth that bothers me more than anything else, even the stupid fairings. reddit is garbage.
  12. yes,yes fair enough. Im just curious to see what changes if any have been made to the fairings.
  13. Im begining to suspect your assessment of the 1.0.3 release timeframe was incorrect Hope its tomorrow though.
  14. Seconded. FOR THE GLORY OF ROME!
  15. Well myself as a stock player and PS4 owner, I would probably get it if its done well. I prefer minecraft on my PS4 as well. I played modded MC for a little bit, got into tekkit a little, but the console version is still fun. So I would like it done right if at all possible.
  16. Wait that Wiki page actually strengthened your confidence in them? They have not released a real(non-mobile) game in about a decade.
  17. Congrats! You still have my favorite mod avatar.
  18. Now when this gets merged you will bury my post in the real ps4 discussion thread, thanks alot.
  19. Well their official site has "mobile" in it. Thats been my concern all along. Who are these guys? What qualifies them? Their first currentgen console job will be porting a complex PC game to a system they have never worked on. I am excited for the PS4 version, but I cant see any possible reason to hire these untested amature devs for the project. PS4 KSP could be great, if done properly, and these dont at all look like the guys for the job. Bet they were cheap though.
  20. The forums here are fine. Have I had some of my posts deleted, scrubbed, edited, or otherwise molested? Yeah. So what? I've even gotten in trouble many times because my sig proclaimed my belief that "mechjeb is cheating" There are rules here and you accept that when you make an account. The mods have all been levelheaded and fair in my experience. Except for Red Iron Crown. He led the rebellion that killed Green Iron Crown, and I will never forgive him. EDIT: I would hate for one of our younger users to google search for [Molested by the moderation team], maybe that could get scrubbed lol.
  21. The mods are people just like us, and judging by some posts by normal people, odds are some of the mods are also upset by the PS4 revelation. What are the various mods thoughts on it? Edit: glad to see this thread got a sticky even after supernovy shut the idea down on page 11
  22. Good luck out there. Thanks for all the work.
  23. I picked up every Hitman game for just 8 bucks, after I saw the E3 promotional trailer for the new one. I'd always wanted to get them, but the trailer helped justify my purchase
  24. I enjoy moderator rep to be sure. I cant say I remember Dev rep.
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