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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. Woot jumped in to 23rd place! and yes, I do enjoy your songs Upsilon
  2. still disagree, unless 1.0.3 is improving the games bland sound design, replacing the remaining low res textures from WAY old versions, improving the games general lack of graphical polish, and all that number stuff like Dv alot of people want in the stock game. That and whatever stuff Maxmaps said they are leaving for 1.1 in this post Edit: oh, and GP2. If the game is really at its limit as far as planets go(as they have said once), I would hope U5 improves that and lets them add GP2.
  3. I love KSP, but I still think the game is too unpolished/unfinished to be "1.0". We tried to stop it, we really did, but oh well. No going back now.
  4. I've done some manned jool moon returns, but as far as im concerned my biggest accomplishment would have been my mission to get a satellites in orbit of Jool itself, Bop, Pol, Tylo, Val, and Laythe in one launch. everything went perfect and it just was a great mission. That mission funded the rest of my .90 campaign just by transmitting temperatures from all those bodies haha
  5. The masses will recognize the space shuttle though, I think that's why they went that direction. Made the ad relate to the near-future better than a futuristic spacecraft design no average person on the street has seen.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nuHfVn_cfHU I have no experience coding, but I can help motivate.
  7. I dont like the idea of too many procedural parts myself.
  8. assuming you have it on right now, to me it appears you are offline. It must go yellow so you know you are in invisible mode? Edit: confirmed
  9. Yes. Yes I do have an image that makes me laugh.
  10. also peek here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/116993-Helpful-1-0-observations?p=1870738#post1870738 The aerodynamics section has some things. personally I would keep the stock settings, or just use a mod. Getting assistance here might be more difficult if you are playing with your own completely custom settings.
  11. you've been incredibly helpful, friend. The new aerochanges things quite a bit, and I must advise not giving up quite yet. Important things to note: -dont go too fast while still at low altitude, rockets like to tip if you do that. I keep it below 250 m/s till about 6000m -keep all control imputs small, gentle taps of the keys if you use keyboard. trying hard turns is no good. -use fins to keep it stable. post a pic of your rocket? upload it to imgur and then link it here so we can help more.
  12. They are an underground dwelling sentient mold (that's why they *poof* when they hit the ground too hard). I also used to think they all followed the will of their giant slug-like queen, who lives in an underground cathedral worshiping the distant planets. As her will was for them to explore space, that's what they did.
  13. How far we have fallen, for this thread to even be real.
  14. Best: Resident Evil 2, AceCombat 4 and AC:0, Halo 3 for the LAN party memories, Goldeneye64, Counter Strike: Source, Banjo-tooie Worst: Borderlands and all of its sequels, Jurrasic: The Hunted, Superman 64 And before anyone asks, I really just dont like Borderlands in the slightest.
  15. It seeems sometimes on the main page that you mods are not online, but really you are, as sometimes I see new posts right after I see no green names in the "users online now" list. Is that a mod only feature, "Appear Off-line"? There have been occasions where I wished to PM a mod, so I've noticed these circumstances. Or is it that the online user list at the bottom here doesnt list all users?
  16. I also had relevant posts in that thread, as did Flowerchild but they got scrubbed. IDK why, the op was asking if it was OP and we were explaining our views on why it is OP.
  17. Still grindier than a combo on "Tony Hawks Pro Skater"
  18. I dont buy games full price if I can at all avoid it. For steam that means throwing it on my wishlist and waiting for an inevitable sale. While I am glad they arent going for the full 60$ that alot of games charge, I think 40 is a bit high. I could see 30 for the full release, but its their call. They have already made millions off KSP so something is working lol.
  19. Hello, my name is...Mapt0r. Just updating the forum map, you know, my job. Mind showing just a tid-bit of the fault vault?
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