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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. of course he will, he said a ~week ago he intends to get to it, but as I recall his internet is spotty or something like that? so time to dedicate to updating the OP might be sparse.
  2. go advanced is in the bottom right. otherwise, that's bizzare
  3. Oh my. You should power a ship with that tech Seems like the second coming of the K-drive
  4. I just checked again, I had some really popular posts around the 1.0 launch. now I'm sitting at .64
  5. I play Project M, a mod for Brawl that makes brawl better balanced like Melee. Heres the site for anyone interested (ignore their most recent video, it was an april fools joke) Its pretty sweet, just download it onto a SD card, and put that in the Wii. Adds characters, maps, skins, completely changes the game and changes movesets. Its just overall awesome. My friends and I play it at least once a week. Anywho I main Peach, Mewtwo, Link, and Mario. No one can stop me when I play the Shadow Peach skin Edit: also I am not to shabby with Charzard, Project M makes Squirtle/Ivysaur/Charzard their own independent characters, with their own smashes and new moves. No switching mid battle for them any more
  6. I am also on an RC forum with a lot of 50+ year olds, and they end every post with their names, like every post is a mailed letter or something. I think its cute.
  7. ok so then you want to Italic something, highlight it and click the italic button Here
  8. LOL we all found the same source within a minute of each other
  9. probably something like this: https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/structure/elements/radiators.html
  10. The stereotype of the hotshot "fighter jockey" with the air of superiority about him has to have some root in reality. I'd think its that.
  11. If its any consolation, the in game lights do have a tweakable to change their color.
  12. Actually, if you disregard Squad, Jeb, and the rest of that gang for their artificially inflated rep, im in 24th overall, incredible.
  13. What ever are you talking about, friend? Once they fix the fairings I'll go back to using quotes from my favorite historical figures.
  14. Basically this. That's why I prefer stock at least. I honestly view things like mechjeb as cheating, but when that was my sig I got reported "multiple times". There are no depths of depravity mod players wont go to. Also you absolutely do not need dv or anyother KER numbers added to the game to play it. I manage just fine. I agree with this article, where Harv says "In the end, it takes away a gameplay element because it takes some of the guesswork and some of the trial and error and figuring out for yourself what the delta-V is. It might take some of the magic away." Remote tech and TAC and KAS might be fun, but I enjoy the game Squad made, just as they made it*. *With the exception of chatterer and EVE. I like my game to look and sound pretty. Forgive me for cheating.
  15. I've seen screens of Vens stock Revamp, and his reskins of ALL the parts look amazing.
  16. Right but starting a launch from 20k instead of sealevel should still result in some savings.
  17. Cant a bunch of dv be saved by launching from Eve's highest point instead of sea level? Stands to reason that this too would save a boatload of dv, and the rocketwould be smaller and much cheaper. Sure, you arent launching any manned missions this way, but for small probes I dont see why people think this wont work.
  18. Lol You should probably lighten up a bit.
  19. I tried b9 a little back in .20, and there was a 2.5m engine, that was super super short. I think it was the Atlas? Anyway it the Atlas was less tall than the 909, and I loved it as it fit under a 2.5m tank and the 2-man lander-can very nicely for compact munar landings. So a poodle that is 1/4 the height of the actual poodle, with low end power so its good at vacuum landings, would be my vote. HAHA, so what the poster below me says
  20. You used to be able to go here to see the steam numbers, they did break a million on steam alone: http://steamspy.com/app/220200 but then Squad had them removed from that site, because of the cartels. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/330vsi/squad_removes_steam_spy_data_from_public_view/
  21. While I like the idea of replicating early space missions before we had the know how to do human flights, for gameplay purposes its just extra science equipment, nothing that a probe core couldnt do. Plus I would post some just horrifying animal murder-tower to crush the VAB.
  22. Oh dear Foxster. Whether you know it or not, with that sentence you have doomed this thread to be a battlefield for the realism crowd. Already now, I can hear their great army assembling.
  23. The Resident Evil Series The Ace Combat Series The Elder Scrolls Series Goldeneye64 Counter-Strike: Source GTA 4&5 Chivalry:Medieval Combat The Half-life Series Bioshock Sim City 2000 Super Mario 64 The Legend of Zelda games Medieval (the ps1 classic) I could continue, but its 4am. KSP can settle for somewhere in the middle of my top 50.
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