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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. I've been on some forums that have a "night mode" that makes the blinding whiteness a dark grey. An alternative would be a browser extension to do the same job. Heres one for chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hacker-vision/fommidcneendjonelhhhkmoekeicedej?hl=en-US Heres one for firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/eyeguard/
  2. my i7 3770 works beautifully, if you can fit it into the budget.
  3. I call them kerbals and femkerbs.
  4. actually, slow motion replays might be cool. explosions and such you know.
  5. I usually play females for the eyecandy, especially with Skyrim's killcams. The Female kerbal design doesnt really lend itself to that though. Wasnt there a kerbal fan comic that had some attractive femkerbs?
  6. Having already seen some messed up stuff in real life, elfenlied wasnt that bad. Plus it was only 12 episodes so I wasn't too attached to the characters yet.
  7. 8/10 memorable, but if you trimmed in the extra blue, you could add a tagline, something like this from your thread: "Moho Aeroworks is a one-man (currently) company which provides both replicas and functioning aerospacecraft, at the best of quality possible."
  8. Cheer up! Way up. A little more... HIGHER! UPWARDS TO SIXTY!
  9. After playing space engineers, a placeable camera that we can view from would be neat.
  10. Vall because of that thing that's there.
  11. I voted "Some Realistic and some Unrealistic" with the caveat that I like the 1/10 scale.
  12. and why did that default to that for so many?
  13. That might be a legitimate concern after 1.0
  14. He's like that, you get used to it. Really after how long the modding community has been around, obviously most of the things that Squad adds to the game will have already been done before. Mods are popular because some people want certain things in the game. So you can say "Squad cant do anything original, they are lazy and just assimilate mods into the game" or you can say "Squad sees what people like, and use that player feedback to determine what to add to the game. since they see ____mod is popular, they take the already excellent mod and make it stock" Perspective varies by person.
  15. even more uses if there was another gas giant and some atmospheric moons added to use these electric props on.
  16. thoughts on this? http://www.ncpa.org/sub/dpd/index.php?Article_ID=23746 I have done very little reading on this stuff, but can climate change do good? turn deserts into more easily liveable space, things like that?
  17. they were. now squad feels the need to be politically correct.
  18. Replacing someone because of their gender would be the definition of sexism.
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