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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. At the bottom of this link: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/misc.php?do=bbcode There is an embedable feature called "Sketchfab" that shows 3d models. It seems pretty neat and I was wondering why I've never seen it used on the forums. Maybe it could be used to display new or work-in-progress parts, or maybe the new femkerbals?
  2. I do this occasionally in the normal part of the forum, for when I want say Reddit is stupid, or when I want to make sexist jokes.
  3. An empty stupidity bar means smart.
  4. Other than that roach business, she is me.
  5. making the kerbals masculine is not a mistake. They look like steriotypical 60's US men and women astronauts, and thats fine, fits the game well.
  6. r4pt0r


    Delightful news. I am dabbling in dating again myself. Good for you, Sir Whackjob.
  7. If she has more than 50% stupidity I fear there will be folks who don't understand kerbal yelling MISOGYNY!
  8. While I agree, I think Hinges are more important due to the coming addition of fairings. we need to be able to tuck things inside easier.
  9. I think the edited version on page 2 of this thread is a tad nicer. the eye spacing is a little big. seeing as they did all that animation work, that implies to me that the female body rig doesn't match with the male body rig, so I'll wait to see a picture where her arms aren't crossed.
  10. Is there any validation to this? tweakables seems to run up the ram usage or something.
  11. The OP seems deceptive, not pretend. people gave you rep for that too.
  12. thanks. With the move to 1.0, it is now more important than ever to refine the career contract system. Players dont always get the contracts they want to go to the places they want to go to. since they are running the space program, they should have more control of what their destination is
  13. You should lend support to my suggestion here then http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/104368-Mun-Duna-Gilly%28ect-%29-Program
  14. what could they add that modders cant? Modders already have done more than they have.
  15. Thats alot of screens, I hope you get all the IVA views in "1.0" update
  16. Learn yourselves here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolaus_Copernicus Sure, we all know him as the organizer and the main coordinator for the polish defensive forces during the seige of Olsztyn , from the Polish–Teutonic War of 1519–1521, but only a few of you may know his contribution to our knowledge of space. That's right, Copernicus was a full blown HERETIC. But that's OK, he was a heretic FOR SPACE! Happy Birthday to him!
  17. Run. Run. Remain calm. Run.

  18. Granted, It removes ALL organic material every hour on the hour. I wish I knew what happened to the tomb of Alexander the Great.
  19. I like the scale, I dont want getting to orbit to take 10 minutes.
  20. post a request here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25176-Need-a-Thread-Moving-Removing-Closing-or-Post-Deleted
  21. and what do you think it needs to be friend? express a hypothetical "you are the boss at squad" scenario
  22. No, Its squads decision. I've championed the "Its squads game let them do what they want" angle before, like when they said no to resources, which I agreed with. however, this is a forum: a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. I am exchanging my view, just as you are exchanging your non-view.
  23. r4pt0r


    I was going to say Odysseus, but a few pages ago he said the greek thing was a coincidence.
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