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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. no the one i've seen was months ago, though his is nice awesome looking too It is parameciumkid's jool-5 challenge ship , that thread is here
  2. Someone on the forums made a +20 meter diameter heat shield for a jool aerobrake out of panels, and I thought It looked like the most badass thing ive ever seen. I like the junkyard aesthetic look too. EDIT: I cannot for the life of me find the giant scratch heatshield for that interplanetary jool craft, but this is similar(if a bit smaller than the one I am thinking of)
  3. I honestly see GP2 coming at some point before they are done with the base game. since they said the next version is 1.0, but they will still continue a lot of work on it, I still consider them in beta. I really think GP2 will happen. That said, I'm really pulling for a celebratory "HERE IS A SURPRISE PLANET SINCE WE ARE GOING TO 1.0" thing.
  4. I only remember hearing about 3 out of the 4, can we get confirmation on no breasts? Its an honest question please dont infract me for this too... As for heatshields, I hope structural panels will work just as well...thats my current plan at least....
  5. I don't seem to remember the delightful commentary on each person, thank you for adding that. (he even remembered my "99% stock" days)
  6. What good is turning one 10 inch wall of text into two 5 inch walls of text? It still obstructs the same amount of your screen right?
  7. I used it once. In .26 or whatever, I had just completed the tech tree when I stopped playing. So when .90 dropped I added science to complete the tree. Otherwise restarting everytime gets too grindy.
  8. r4pt0r


    I had it by tumble. I have spent so many hours in oblivion watching lock tumblers fall, then botching it and having to restart
  9. r4pt0r


    A key. llama llama 10 characters
  10. 9/10 it fits docked 1 point because Vinyl Scratch is best pone
  11. Yeah she really is beautiful huh...
  12. It will be more of a sim once the aerodynamics get some love in 1.0 Does anyone ever notice my hidden text?
  13. I think fitting 2 gallons of milk inside 1 gallon of volume is wrong. This also applies to fuel tanks. so If you hide tanks inside tanks I don't think that's cool. also, consider a rocket 6 orange tanks tall. Its tall and wobbly, and you have to design accordingly(more torque, winglets, ect...) but if you could halve that height and keep the same fuel amount, 6 tanks hidden in a 3 orange tank tall rocket is much more easily controlled. I don't think that's fair either. Now on the other hand, If you are clipping batteries, or a little rcs, or making neato looking engine clusters(NOT AN ENGINE INSIDE AN ENGINE), or hiding other small things then that is a-ok by me. Of course, play how you want. I'm just saying I don't rep people with cheaty clipping in their design.
  14. someone who presumably likes trains, judging by that picture.
  15. The recent revelation that fairings are coming to stock has lead some to worry that their payloads wont fit without the fairing becoming very ungainly. Now we don't know how Squad will implement these fairings, but I think most agree that to get something like this pic from the other thread to fit inside fairings would be much easier if those arms in that picture could fold up. So this thread is to discuss and support the addition of hinges to the stock game. They would be just another creative tool in our creative toolbelts Mod aproval here:
  16. I PM'ed Rows a few days ago to ask permission to start a Hinge discussion(since they are on the WNTS list). He hasn't gotten back to me. With the revelation that fairings are coming stock we NEED a way to make our payloads more compact. Can a mod tell me if we can start 1 discussion thread on hinges, as they pertain to fitting things into fairings? Anyone?
  17. I've played all the resident evil games, F.E.A.R. 1 and 2, slender, amnesia, many other horror games. IS THE WORST THING I HAVE EVER EXPERIENCED. I had friends over to play it, one actually played while I watched and held a pillow to my chest while sitting in the fetal position. We screamed like 6 times, the times in between filled with horrifying tension. I had to sleep with the lights on for a few days, and kept checking behind the shower curtain. I'm 22.
  18. I like the idea too. this is the sort of little stuff that should be considered for that final polish. Though I think all saving should be done with an ink ribbon...
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