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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. Testing to see if I'm banned from posting I too am looking forward to that game, as I am a lover of ancient and medieval history. I just got into space engineers myself.
  2. the things piloting the craft dont matter. hell till this whole female kerbal business reared its head I assumed kerbals were some sort of asexual sentient fungi, that is why they poof on impact, spreading their spores to reproduce. that theory i think is backed up by the finding of green organic matter on the launchpad when you get a surface sample. plus quadrupeds would be much cooler aliens for our game. Brohoof
  3. Green Iron Crown, my king, please name an heir. Your time is waning and your work must not go unfinished, your message unheard. This does not need to be the end.
  4. yeah, pink would be bad(any percived sexisim aside, it would just look gaudy lol), shades of green would be preferred.
  5. not necessarily. In The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Female orcs generally have a lighter green skin than their male counterparts. Quite a few birds such as Pheasants, Peacocks, Mallards, and also many different fish all exhibit sexual dimorphisim in the form of coloring/ornimental differences. Nothing says female kerbals have to look the same as the males. I think Kerbals having sexual dimorphism would be very interesting. It could be their color or their size. I dont think psychological and behavioral differentiation would fit the scope of the game, but differing appearences would be interesting. Are kerbals similar to most reptiles, where the females are larger? How do they attract mates? How do they reproduce? In no species are both sexes the same.
  6. Same with terrain scatter. They should be immobile and unaffected by physics like the ksc buildings, but should also be solid so you have to avoid hitting them.
  7. Visigoths. He is adding a tribe of Germanic barbarians who will raid and pillage ksc occasionally.
  8. If you asked the average person on the street to name something man-made in orbit, not including the ISS, what do you think they would answer? I bet a high percentage would say the Hubble space telescope. Heck, Hubble is part of pop culture lexicon, and is still making the news. So yeah, space telescopes, or telescopes in general should be in the stock game at some point.
  9. Project V is GP2. If we believe it enough, and spread that around enough, when they release whatever it really is, they will have to do some hardcore damage control to reign in the disappointment. The perfect damage control would be to actually add GP2. This way we get project V and GP2!!! WIN WIN
  10. people only liked the dark knight because heath ledger died. I honestly think his performance was average, as is the whole movie.
  11. you are hurting all of their feelings http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbie%27s_careers
  13. Barbie has already been an astronaut, so it would certainly lose originality points. Jeb/Bob/Bill are not exactly the names of famous astronauts, so naming and prospective 3 females after famous female astronauts seems...off. Squad should of course include some famous female names in the proper names section, as they did for the males HERE, but the 3 should be squad originals, or at the least named after the celestial goddesses of long dead civilizations.
  14. sorry, I was unclear earlier. What I tried to do was plan a voyager style mission, but when I warped into a new SOI, my carefully placed periapsis changed and did not slingshot me to the next planet as I had intended. thats how my post related to this thread lol.
  15. my problem is when i enter a new SOI, the periapsis changes. I'll have a perfect aerobrake set up for duna just as I leave kerbin, but when I cross into the duna SOI, it is off by hundreds of thousands of meters. Is there a fix for this? edit: and no its not ike interference, i've tested.
  16. all my notifications are infractions from RIC for supporting our glorious green monarch....
  17. My liege, we need to fall back to a more defensive location, let the greenlings hold the line for now. You need not waste your strength arguing with the peasantry. Remember your goal...
  18. NO MILORD! Your righteously Green Iron Crown, It has been besmirched! WHO HAS WROUGHT THIS DISCOMFORT UPON YOU?!
  19. 0/10, it's not too late to turn to Green Iron Crown....
  20. I too love stock. .90 is my first modded version because I wanted something different from restarting every update and doing the same stuff. once updates stop and I can keep a permanent save for many months, I'll happily keep it stock, especially if they do good on the aero make-over. Also those "huge numbers in the download stats" mean nothing if we cant reference them against total sales. they might only be 5%.
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