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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. I also think this idea would be well served by the addition of stock SCANsat functionality.
  2. Huh. wonder why that wont attach sorry mate. I always have trouble with the micronode myself.
  3. Toribash is a physics based fighting game I've been playing on and off for quite a few years. The best way to describe it is you can control your ragdoll character by putting its various joints in a few different states: Hold, Relax, Contract,extend, and the spine has rotate left/right) You set up your joint movements and a ghost shows what your character will do with that set up. then time advances by 1/4 second, and you can alter the joints again. Oh and its completely free. money only lets you customize your character, no gameplay benefits, everyone is equal.
  4. That thread and a certain post in general discussion sparked the idea. And really the idea isn't important, it's how it might be implemented. Anything can be done poorly lol. I think that programs should be independent from reputation(in so far as you can select any body as your goal, no matter your progress). This would let players tailor their space program more to their whims. This way players can do local contracts while saving up for the gilly program or whatever they want.
  5. Contracts are great but say a player wants more control over their space program. I propose, programs. Here is how I envision it. I enter Mission control and click "start exploration program" From there I can name my program(kerpollo, mercury, whatever you want) Then you select the planet/moon you wish to explore with this program. Then It gives you a series of contracts(in a somewhat logical sense) for that planet. -get a probe in orbit/flyby -unmanned landers(mission control might offer bonuses if you land in certain areas "We would love to see the ice caps on duna") -then manned missions orbit, flyby, or go for gold and land. -final objective is to return a sample and a kerbal from ______'s surface perhaps the program can be called complete after a minimum of 3 biomes have been explored(75% science taken), or the player can keep the program live and try to get more SCIENCE. Thoughts?
  6. r4pt0r


    sounds like hourglass timers in a chess match?
  7. As long as you aren't using faulty cold-war era Russian boosters, nothing should go wrong . . . you aren't using faulty cold-war era Russian boosters, right?
  8. a 2700 post veteran falls to the dark lure of necromancy. What folly, what misfortune! Are none so high as not to fall to its grasp?
  9. Oh that? Jeb left a piece of buttered toast on the top of the probe. Seeing as buttered toast ONLY can land butter side down, and the toast in question was butter side up, It had no option but to repel the weak hands of gravity and fly skyward once more.
  10. If i install KSPRC am I good to go? like is this a modpack, and its one install and done? or do i have to go in and install all those other mods individually to make this work?
  11. BAH, HUMBUG! GET BACK TO WORK BUILDING ROCKETS! now post me 3 kerbal christmas spirits
  12. That is your opinion That's all a waffle needs to be. You wouldn't taint the master waffle-genetics would you?
  13. "We choose to go to the mun. We choose to go to the mun in this month and do SCIENCE. Not because it is easy, but because this game is about space" -Lord Emperor Kerman
  14. Wouldn't lighter fuels and improved ISP's make most parts in the game way overpowered? also I really feel "harvesting some generic, imaginary resource" is totally their plan.
  15. NO NO NO, It took a 64 page thread to get that idea canceled. edit: giving a ship a few units charge might be alright, thats not too unfeasible if it is done right.
  16. Everything in this thread is beautiful and should be made stock. better still it is made by a forum goer.
  17. I had freetime to fully explain how to make the design in the OP
  18. Ok, it isnt perfect, but it will allow OP to continue his work, if he can manage it. Hope it helps! Oh and this trick works for connecting bicouplers to bicouplers, tri to tri, and so fourth. just space them apart with a girder, strut the nodes together, and take out the girder again. Many uses! I took 18 minutes, sorry edit: if at least 1 person views it here every 6 months, it will never get deleted.
  19. Give me 10 minutes to make a pic in paint.exe to describe a fix
  20. oh yeah i do it like so: Munar Highlands Munar East Crater Minmus Greater flats I think "Munar" sounds cooler than "Mun Highlands", but "Minmusian" or "Minmusar" sounds bad so I just go with "Minmus". and now i can finally do Dunar Craters Dunar Poles
  21. My recently began research into mods has shown me the Renaissance Compilation, and it looks really interesting. I'll be digging into it and others this weekend since the ones I want have all updated to .90 now. So full disclosure here, I cant say if its any good from experience.
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