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Everything posted by Asmosdeus

  1. Well radiators don\'t have a purpose in kerbal right now... So I\'m using them as armour...
  2. Haha, Thanks! I had great fun doing that
  3. I hope you don\'t mind but... I\'ve adapted the radiators to be ablative armour.
  4. Uses C7, C7 experimental and C7 hardpoints. Requires 0.14x2 Watch this so you actually know how to get her into space. http://www./?5xxi5dmmbd7aafw
  5. The Probe! Malfunctioning rocket, who you gonna call?
  6. Huh... weird I should come across this, I just finished successfully testing a stratolauncher... Right now.
  7. Her name is Sztar, my mum chose it! However I keep mispronouncing it Tsar(zar).
  8. I\'m pretty excited about iron sky, that\'s where I got the idea.
  9. Thanks guys! I\'m noting down all this names for consideration. In the mean time please upvote this reddit thread so more people can see the puppy and give name idea\'s. http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/pz4zk/what_should_i_name_my_puppy/
  10. Female names please? May\'be I can work it into Jebedina...
  11. Female/dog names only! I got a puppy! She\'s a 9 week old collie. Comment on the video with your name suggestion, names will be picked next week. http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/pz4zk/what_should_i_name_my_puppy/
  12. Or you can make your own. That\'s why my ships are escorted my Black Adders
  13. The Kriege Furchten Ein, retired from the position of Kaledonian flagship, and now commonly seen as Forseti\'s flagship escort. The Kriege Furchten Zwu, Kaledonia\'s current flagship.
  14. Handles a little sluggishly with a full payload but can still do some tricky stuff, Once all the missiles are away it can turn on a dime. Fully loaded it can pull a 5G manoeuvre, unloaded 11G manoeuvres.
  15. The Blackbird Cruising at 30Km altitude, holding speed and altitude at 10% thrust.
  16. I found it. Going to mirror. Edit: MIRROR http://www./?xybvc74mhbcaspq
  17. Kind of, I was looking for this but couldn\'t remember the name. Also I would very much like a mirror.
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