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Everything posted by YANFRET

  1. We're going to need a few more test flights to answer that question. For several reasons it made sense to try it with the upper first. At very least, my hunch is for a Munar surface mission we would need it, however it could probably be half capacity of what is shown above. Another KSP technical variable... in order to contain the payload as shown in the notional diagram you presented, an entirely new part would need to be made, and it would not be possible for it to be procedural: the "up and angled in" fairing. Also the merits of such a design may not prove out when they cut metal. It might make sense to use the angled fairing volume for a dangled engine, allowing a cross brace as shown here, similar to the roof of a house having a brace under the pitch. Orion is a hefty sum to be waving around atop a composite, multi angle, bifurcating system. However, if it were feasible, could we potentially run the fairing all the way up to the LES get rid of the SM fairing?
  2. Improved structural bracing:
  3. SLS Block IB: Orion Munar "Apollo with solids"
  4. SLS Block IB: Orion Plus Initial flight test Habitat mass exceeds Altair full lander config, in other words the next test flight will "one shot" from pad to Mun.
  5. That's gangster As noted a few pages ago, there are high and low mass versions of the two Chaka dock port sizes, depending on whether or not a rigid structural connection is needed. However, I think the light weight one should at least be .5 rather than .05... so that's been fixed as of.... now.
  6. You also get a free barrel of monkeys
  7. My thoughts exactly Thanks for bringing that to our attention. We do have a variety of MM scripts that are supposed to make FAR work with Chaka, however they have not been updated for a few versions. Your heating issue is an example. We need to investigate how FAR sees the fairings, update the fairing cfgs and perhaps add another MM script.
  8. aha pretty much! It's also quite similar to the Jupiter direct proposals. I'm struggling with the structural logic of having such a tall and complex payload under the Orion service module. A simple habitat can is one thing, but when we make it as complicated as Apollo, I think that an angled fairing and a larger upper stage gives us a more reasonable situation. Regardless, here's the finalized texture and sizing config for the procedural version:
  9. Oh did I happen to mention the procedural version? I'm not sure if that's going a little too far but it does fly.
  10. The MPLM sized hab normally uses oribtal orb internals, but I'm open to suggestions! Improved texture detail:
  11. Chaka's rockets are balanced to depict the real vehicles placed into the Kerbol system. So half way to the Moon is half way to the Mun. Sometimes this results in parts that are heavier than you would expect. In the case of dock ports, in KSP, the rigidity of a docked connection is affected by the relative masses of the dock port parts and the overall spacecraft(s). To allow Orion and other systems to have a rigid docked connection, those ports are typically 5t. Low mass versions of the CBM and IDA ports are also included for situations when structural docking is not necessary. Orion Payload Expansion Cartridge (continued) Its essentially a double service module fairing sized for the MPLM habitat.
  12. How do you mean? Like will there be instructions? Yes This is just the test flight. Imagine how great it will be to send it up with SLS and a mature exploration habitat stashed in the trunk
  13. Presenting... Orion Payload Expansion Cartridge TM Boiler Plate proof-of-concept flight test Applicable to any Orion launch system...
  14. This is true. Until then the ASET IVA set from Alex Ustas is very nice!
  15. Orbit management, debris avoidance, and as a robotic transfer or emergency crew vehicle. In it's shown config, orbit management would be the primary role. However, as needed it could autonomously un dock, transfer to a crewed ship in a nearby orbit, and return docking to the habitat section, without the need for station and the other system to interact.
  16. Intermonkey Space Station Development concept VII: High Munar Orbit two piece station via MLS
  17. â–² Actually coming this fall there is going to be a reality TV show in which the blue team is assigned to making it work in RO and the red team is assigned to building all the rockets in real life, to see who gets it done first Five cookies awarded to Mr Budgie!
  18. Quesiton from user: noreply@curse.com 9:02 PM (1 hour ago) to me Chaka Monkey Exploration Systems has been commented on by Buzzcopter "hey um... I just like spent $10 on data trying to download this over and over again coz both A an B downloads are broken... well they wont download for me... mmmm that was worth it... can you let me know when you fix the zip... thanx... I know this is hard work and all but yea... paying $10 for nothing is a bit annoying..." Chaka's Answer: Okay! so.. Thank you for your interest in Chaka Monkey Exploration Systems. Persuant to your request for download capability we have spot checked each link and found they work perfectly. Also our records indicate tha the pack has been downloaded on average 100 times per day by users around the world consistently since the last update as well as today. We apologize for any download charges you may incur due to your situation, however invite you to find a different connection to the internet through which you may download and enjoy Chaka. Regards and best wishes for safe and happy downloading, Y.C.
  19. Intermonkey Space Station Testing continues with SLS version (600km target orbit) At 600 km EMLV I Snacks services station and EMLV II Orion transfers crew. Next the MLS version will target a Munar orbit. In MLS config, the Altair pod is launched with the stack (sold separately in SLS config) Direct Munar injection targets 1000 km Munar orbit. EMLV II Snacks Plus serivces station and EMLV III Orion transfers crew
  20. Action Ticket Resolved! Obviously we will be doing an update, but until then you can replace CMES/Pod/ALCOR_Monkey_Rover/Spaces/ALCORE_Monkey_Internals/ALCORMonkeyInternals.mu with this one Special thanks again to Alex Ustas for supporting Monkey exploration!!
  21. Mystery of the alien space helmet rack confirmed! We have created an Action Ticket to resolve this issue
  22. Okay in other news, a good friend of the program, V8jester, has created a new CFG for the original Bobcat parachutes that appears to sort them out rather well. This would mean that in the next update we could do away with the need for nesting the red parachute. A few tweaks to the final descent rate will make this config simply the best it has ever been. Please join us in expressing our appreciation to V8jester for sorting this!
  23. Could this be what happens when the latest version or RPM is not used?
  24. So if I open my troubleshooting operations manual, it says the first page is intentionally left blank, and then on Page 2 it says "Does issue occur on a clean install?"...
  25. For informational purposes, the next update to Chaka will not include the old fustek DLL which may be causing this problem. Also you can safely remove the DLL from your current version of Chaka without significant consequence, and there is a simple CFG edit to restore operation of the cupola windows on Chaka's forum thread which I can paste over if needed.
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