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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. These exhausts vfx is mutch better! Looking forward to see it in action! Are you planning to overhaul the reentry vfx to in line with reality? We got spectacular footage from SpaceX (I have seen you made notes there on X )
  2. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/218512-developer-insights-21-rockets-red-glare/
  3. This was very informative! Thank you for sharing it with us!
  4. If this would be done, it will be no KSP2 for many many years. Yeah, not 1-2 but 10+. You underestimate the effort. This would break the community and the franchise for sure.
  5. Yes you are right. One solution for that to have an AI which is trained by reinforced learning, so it learn the essence of gameplay a can detect a kraken. Otherwise you can't.
  6. Will the reentry effects work the same as the rocket exhausts? In low pressure environment it will be like in the dev chat, but on higher pressure the trail end would move inward? I wonder what parameters are available for the engine beside the length, direction and color.
  7. How do you split resources regarding bugfix vs feature development? It looks like that you shifted toward the feature development and less effort in bug fixing.
  8. I have a good news, I manage to setup the Joystick! Steps to configure it: Go to the settings and setup the pitch, yaw, roll for your Joystick Save your settings Navigate to c:\Users\<Username>\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Global\ Edit InputBindings.json Find every processors and add clamp(min=-1,max=0) and clamp(min=0,max=1) for each axes. Make sure you add the highlighted text between \" Save the file Load the game Navigate to the Settings and click on Input Do not modify any settings, otherwise the InputBindings.json will be overwritten and you have to start from 5. Load you campaign and enjoy the flight Background info: The reason it was not working, because when you configure your Joystick axes for the flight they add your axis two times (eg.: pitch up, pitch down like W, S). You can test it if you remove one of your Flight/Pitch the path value. Let's say we keep the Flight/Pitch up binding. If you load the game the same way as I described you will notice that no matter that you move your Joystick forward or backward the pitch will always go up. Joystick axes value moves in range -1 ... 1, but KSP2 internally transform this to absolute value. That's why no matter if you move it to -1 or 1 the end result will be always 1 and the pitch goes up. To solve the issue you can add clamp. This will remove the lower and upper part of your Joystick value range and it will not let the bindings go down in Pitch Up binding and up in Pitch Down binding. I hope it makes sense for you. KSP 2 uses the Input System package for Unity to handle input: https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem@1.7/manual/Processors.html#clamp Example: "{\"bindings\":[{\"action\":\"Flight/Pitch\",\"id\":\"27397e14-6a24-4bbf-8830-e3cc4ad3db69\",\"path\":\"<Joystick>/stick/y\",\"interactions\":\"\",\"processors\":\"clamp(min=0,max=1)\"},{\"action\":\"Flight/Pitch\",\"id\":\"1eff4572-25e9-4520-bd55-07a5f4415db3\",\"path\":\"<Joystick>/stick/y\",\"interactions\":\"\",\"processors\":\"clamp(min=-1,max=0)\"},{\"action\":\"Flight/Roll\",\"id\":\"d273a7bf-6efa-4915-acaa-dab56c2719a8\",\"path\":\"<Joystick>/stick/x\",\"interactions\":\"\",\"processors\":\"clamp(min=-1,max=0)\"},{\"action\":\"Flight/Roll\",\"id\":\"3627ecee-69c2-45ca-8f78-c0dad13257ef\",\"path\":\"<Joystick>/stick/x\",\"interactions\":\"\",\"processors\":\"clamp(min=0,max=1)\"},{\"action\":\"Flight/Yaw\",\"id\":\"fe5396d2-4c1d-4bf9-915b-1bdfd3d5cc39\",\"path\":\"<HID::Thrustmaster T.16000M>/rz\",\"interactions\":\"\",\"processors\":\"clamp(min=-1,max=0)\"},{\"action\":\"Flight/Yaw\",\"id\":\"ce110cb9-c1f9-43cd-a91a-0a02bfdae364\",\"path\":\"<HID::Thrustmaster T.16000M>/rz\",\"interactions\":\"\",\"processors\":\"clamp(min=0,max=1)\"}]}" I wish you the best!
  9. I think the the only time based science which makes sense is that to things on the dark side (so when the star does not shine the area of science for longer period (cool down). When the cool down is done, you would be able do run your experiment, if you have enough resource to do that (eg power).
  10. I would add complexity by kerbals for example or dependencies for science,so we would require build and deliver more and like what we really do (build + flight). Eg.: some science would require more kerbals to gather by dependency I mean we should find rocks: first a small dark one, then a gray bigger one and so on. In this case the "mini game" would be riding the rover. Bringing a heavy duty drill to dig deeper. Provide enough power, scientist and engineer to operate it. Edit: Limited time based science, you have to do science on the dark side (so when the star does not shine the place of science for longer period (so the instrument must cool down too and/or have to stay cool (termal management)). When the cool down is done, you would be able do run your experiment, if you have enough resource to do that (eg power).
  11. Re-watching the video I noticed something. The object or more like the air in front of the object should be bright? Only the trail? Basically there is nothing bright in the front where the compression and the plasma is created. This plasma then goes around the body and shows as a trail, but I think there should be in the front too, isn't it?
  12. I made a video where I added sonic boom under KSP2 footage. I tried to do the doppler effect too, but it was hard (probably because of the already high pitch engine (it is much lower in real world)). Turbine itself is high pitch (when no throttle applied), but the flame is a flame, so the sound should be similar to rocket flame. or this, but unfortunately non of these amateuer fotages records the deep sounds, only the high frequencies:
  13. I think this is because of the planned multiplayer. That's why every object in the game is handled in the game the same way. Currently the game they act like a client server (as it is a multiplayer game), even if you play it as a single player. At least this is my experience with developing multiplayer games. You have to design everything in mind of being multiplayer ready. It is not something you can add later easy. Probably this one one of the main reasons to start KSP 2 from scratch. It also correlates why it is fast to switch between tracking station/vessels/space station. I'm not sure what they want/can do regarding optimization, before the multiplayer comes online. Because then "distant" would be relative. Some simplification would definitely needed but it will have many parameters for a feature complete KSP2.
  14. I was able to reproduce it too. I also noticed that when you pause the game during loading it does not load the game as it is show in the video. When you unpause (1x) then pause again, the game loads the craft and it looks that the terrain is loaded later, because I get this fancy water splash. The second craft in the background was my earlier craft. It has the same splash effect. I think this causes the disintegration.
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