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One-Way Films

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    Kerb-Cam Drone
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    Film making, film observing, designing rockets, drawing rockets, filming rockets, drawing, jotting down interests... etc

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  1. Had to jump back on the Forums when I saw that the OG Hypetrain Conductor himself was at the controls. I'm getting serious "the gang's coming back together" vibes from KSP2 and its' trailer! This could be a new gold age for Kerbal Space Exploration and I can barely contain myself!
  2. o7 Godspeed, Kasper! We'll miss you and it'll be hard to see someone else fill your position. Best of luck in the future!
  3. So this idea has been bounding around the inside of my cranium for god knows how long. I haven't made any progress on realizing any of it, so maybe someone else could if they're interested In career mode, I've lost interest in "researching" engines and unlocking them in the tech tree without any effort. I don't think I'm alone when I don't see the correlation between gathering samples of dirt from Duna and the new breakthrough in engine technology xDD Not that it harms anyone. It's a game first and simulator second. But I thought of a way to fix it. Actually researching engine configurations with a low ram-impact. The Point: So here's the idea. Model 3 sets of parts for each engine module. Each part has different stats and a different function. You can only attach them to a parent part. A diagram explains it better. The different modules are: Fuel pump and Engine Bell (to keep it simple. For stuff like Realism Overhaul, you could go in-depth and add more Module Variety) The Catch: You'd have to test different configurations of engines. Different modules could be switched out. You might need more gimbal-range, so you might switch out an engine bell. You might need more DeltaV so you switch out the fuel pump for a more efficient fuel pump. Also, you wouldn't be given engine stats in the VAB for different configurations. You'd need to actually go out on the launchpad with it and do a test burn (or you could wing it and hope for the best with an untested rocket xD ) It could add so much more depth to rocket development! You could call your engine configuration yours! Of course, you'd only start out with just 18 configurations, but think of what Real Fuels could do to change that! If it's able to be modded, then you could have so many undiscovered configurations that fit your requirements perfectly... but you need to find it and test it first. Few last words: When it comes to selection, you could have a procedural parts kinda setup where you start with a base-plate and switch the modules like textures. Or physical parts that you drop onto attachments only available for that part. Idk xD And whoever stumbles upon this and wants to give it a go, I'm not telling you how to develop it. I wish you the best of luck! :DD Thank you for listening :}}
  4. My first piece of Kerbal art with a graphics tablet. It took 3 hours but I think it was worth it :DD Also proud of the sick, pro art sig xD
  5. @BahamutoD I could kiss you right now!!! Thank you for single-handedly saving the Cinematic/Film making community!
  6. If this dies, the cinematic community dies with it until a fully-fledged replacement is developed. It's as simple as that. You can't just get by with Camera Tools unfortunately.
  7. A mysterious jeep appeared along side the hype-train. The driver dropped a brick on the pedal and set the steering wheel straight before attempting to climb onto the roof of the vehicle. The wind nearly knocks the desperate gamer off of the 4x4, but he pushes on. The teen carefully got onto his feet and waved his hands over his head to grasp the attention of the conductor. "Help me get on board sir!" the pc player begged. The conductor, knowing full well that the hype train was now accelerating faster and faster, decided to throw the mysterious jeep-rider a bone. Seconds later, the conductor found himself on the roof of the hype-locomotive. He put out his hand and told the gamer to jump. Without hesitating, the gamer leaped forward in the direction of the conductor. The helping hand caught the gamers' wrist before pulling him aboard the train. The pc gamer caught his breath while glancing back at the now tumbling metal wreck that used to be the jeep. It rolled, lost velocity and disappeared into the fog surrounding the hype-rail. "One first class ticket please" asked the player. The conductor reached into his pouch and placed the ticket in the gamers' hand. "Welcome aboard" the conductor chuckled before escorting the new passenger into the safety of the carriage. Hope I'm not too late to board. One 1st class ticket please
  8. ...ah xD whoops had two open at the same time
  9. I slap a One-Way Space Industries (OWSI) sticker on the sides of my rockets. Well, I used to. Then I made a One-Way Films (OWF) flag and loved the design so I stuck with that.
  10. fruits/foods. I created the Watermelon Heavy and that lifted numerous vehicles to the Mun and beyond
  11. I'm just going to leave this here... Name: Voyager. Director: Nick "Nassault" Gillin Take a look at the Cinematic Enthusiasts Thread created by Hatbat. Hatbat, Zero-Films and a variety of other filmmakers (including me ) post their KSP short films there. I'd strongly recommend viewing all of Nassaults Cinematics before taking a look at Hatbat and Abathedude. (And if you're cool with it, I'm just going to advertise my channel/cinematics xD my youtube channel, One-Way Films) Enjoy!
  12. There'd be a lot less mistakes factually if the movie was a bit more true to the book. Film/Book spoiler below
  13. The career mode does help a bunch. You start small and work your way up. Answering your question about learning the game through the in-game tutorials, yes. You can learn the basics without looking at a single video online. A friend of mine (who I've gotten to look at KSP) is using the tutorials and she's really improving as a result. As far as I know, she hasn't looked at a tutorial on youtube at all.
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