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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. get the lazor mod for achievements, no steam achievements are happening and yes I can confirm that the save file does record if you have done a fly by on what bodies and landed on what bodies, orbited etc. though these probably will not be used for achievements but for career mode contracts and reputation..
  2. When we get multiplayer, there should be a Kerbal text-to-speach
  3. mk1, well the basic rocket fuel tanks are already here... mk2, only use it for spaceplanes anyways, maybe.. mk3, We definetely need oxidizer, its meant to be spaceshuttle (which used rockets) anyways..
  4. I'l try and fly my krazy thing tomorrow... btw : where's whackjob ? hes bound to have the biggest most successful thing of anybody.. edit : wont actually, but I did make lko, not going to submit.. my skills are not great enough
  5. That's my version of sepatrons to orbit.. until now I thought I was the only one to try it.. oh well I did manage something more impressive, although it was using something not so impressive
  6. I'm all for colonies which so far aren't the easiest thing to set up, but there's no plan for terraforming. Not sure if its meant to be generic, or just "change the height of the ground"....
  7. I suggested not too long ago an ai that could, even with timewarp drive your rover to another biome to do an experiment, not to many people read it due to me naming it something people didn't recognize... But this is another good thing, only thing I could think of that would need tweeking would be farm exploits that are possible with this system.. as in people clicking the rename vessel and selecting rover, adding a single wheel part, so that any wheel detector would say "yes this is a rover" and landing, all to increase the amount of science they can get in a single launch. Otherwise Great idea.
  8. Undoubtedly yes, but, as its not on the ol'what not to suggest or already suggested lists, its still open for discussion in the suggestions
  9. That's why they have dedicated mods (guess who's considered one) as their eyes and ears on the forum.. If you guessed sal_vager, or the Komunity manager you won !!! Would Nova-Siliko be considered our second best after the official eyes n ears of the devs, as he was a dev at one point.. he does seem a little more open/active as to what the devs were planning, at least before he left for reasons unknown to me..
  10. I agree, working with laptops isnt very nice when combined with KSP (laggg)
  11. 5/10 its the person with an mlp avatar and starts most of the fun forum games
  12. With the exception of the (current) lack of multi-threading in the unity engine, its probably the best one for the following reasons : active community on unity answers very tiny builds, this enables it to easily do 3d for smartphones and keep the memory of KSP down. Heavily documented scripting most time saving features of any game engine, if you think squad is slow with their updates with unity, then it would be twice as long without it. Indie version for free, this is probably the biggest thing that got squad which is indie to use unity, it also means we have much better mods out there. ----- You would be surprised what games have been made with unity, anyways SQUAD INDICATED THAT THEY WILL NOT SWITCH ENGINES NO SIR, and I personally think they never will, imagine the rage from everyone who has their save broken, every mod on Kerbal space port and the forums dies, unless you pay $500 for one of these other engines you can't make another from scratch, infact squad would have to build the game, models aside from scratch... I'm sure everybody wants to go back to pre v7.6 ....
  13. banned for having more than 342 posts !!!
  14. Okay, enough with what I said about what not to suggest, this is a discussion.... I'm ok at making vehicles as a whole with blender, maybe by taking more snapshots of the trailer I could get basic front-side views and further learn how a mod is made... For now, i'd say my biggest problem with rovers is that I build them in the space plane hangar, then I have to isolate the base part and rearange the rover around it, make the rover a sub-assembly then figure out a way to properly attach the rover in the closest (never close) way i'd like it... This lengthy process just gets extremely annoying, just to launch 1, just 1 small thing which I don't end up using too much anyways...
  15. Idk maybe another system could be something like speed * angle * SA of the rocket (projection from side that is leaning) * 0.25 Don't know how FAR works, but its awesome and in my opinion much easier to use than stock KSP.. + more realistic
  16. Banned for only joining last month !!
  17. Ugh, how could you, I find landing on any body other than minmus or kerbin a real pain.... Of course thats the difference between 5 months of KSP vs who knows how long
  18. Aparently, they were testing an ellipsoid moon of gas planet 2.. at least when Nova Siliko was a dev (why isnt he right now anyways) and aparently it was working quite well.... Don't know maybe for gas planet 2 we could have "Seerik" or something ?
  19. false, I got the game in .21 right before .22 came out, and before that it was the demo.... The person below me replied at least 10 hours after my post... oh yes and my previous guess was refering to this forum game and not KSP
  20. 0/10 Never seen one of your posts before :| unless you changed your profile pic today....
  21. They said it would cost money to repair them after a rocket crash... I'm guessing that it would be pretty expensive....
  22. If you can make the parts underneath overheat, then it is possible (infact easy with solid-fuel booster). In real life though you would have a ka-boom as the exaust and flame wouldnt have anywhere to go. However I currently don't have any ideas...
  23. They plan to implement building damage, I guess maybe there could be damage to the runway if there's a big launch, (then you have to repair it)
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