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Everything posted by NoPanShabuShabu

  1. This discussion is banal. I'm leaving. Back in 10 minutes.
  2. The reason that these things aren't being included is: They hate you.
  3. Thanks for making me waste a couple of hours getting to orbit in this!
  4. In .21 my Eve ascender got by with 6 LT-2 landing legs just fine. I threw together pretty much the same thing last night in the Suicide Simulator, and it took 24 LT-2 legs now in .22. With 12, they would break and the ship would come apart on the ground. Tried the I-beams a little while ago, and they are a lot better.
  5. For any other body than Eve, I wouldn't waste my time with the decouplers. When it comes to Eve though, every kilogram counts. Your kerbals aren't going to get killed because of the loss of DV caused by 0.025T per decoupler going to Eve, but getting off can be a lot tighter.
  6. Another thing you could try is putting your landing legs on radial decouplers and pop them off when the rockets are firing on full. This will also reduce the weight of the ship.
  7. Put a flag or probe core at the end/start of the runways (KSC and Island) to make for easier landing. Knowing that the runways are both exactly East-West, if the indicator for the target runway is at 90/180, then your lined up. You can also target them to get them on the navball, which is super handy, but stay in Surface mode. The day after I had this brainstorm I was thinking that I should sign up on the forum and tell the world about this great idea, and suddenly saw it all over the place.
  8. http://imgur.com/a/PkyCK#8 Done! 3.8% pack fuel left. Not bad for a first try, lost fuel and a lot of time getting an intercept, but what the heck.
  9. For most of my flights I start a turn around 8000m with my nose pointed a little past the edge of the prograde marker so that it gradually turns the ship. I try to get it so that I'm pointing about 60 degrees through 10000m, and try to keep the prograde not too far from 45 degrees till over 30000m, then try to pull my heading to the prograde marker when it switches over to "orbital", normally that's about 25-30 degrees. After that, just see how well I'm getting up to orbital speed and how the ap is progressing. Heavy, low TRW ships I turn later and slower.
  10. I was testing a simple 3 man pod with parachutes, some gas, and lander legs. Test was really just to make sure that the chutes wouldn't pop the pod off. Anyway came down successfully a little west of KSC, decently soft landing on chutes only, safe on the ground, cut the SAS, shutdown, all good. Looked over at Jeb, Bob, and Bill expecting to see them fist pumping and happy, and *ALL* 3 of them were completely freaking out!
  11. The other morning, my alarm clock was going off and in my head it was like this: OK, the orbital intercept to 4:30 AM is looking alright, got a pretty good closest approach, in a second I'm going to start fine tuning and killing my relative velocity to 4:30 AM... OK, coming in to 4:30 AM at about .2 m/s, ... Holy crap! What time is it?
  12. It's easy to say "Kerbin", but I don't think I actually aerobraked there first, more like re-entered. My first aerobrake maneuver was actually Jool. Jeb, Bob, and Bill were testing out using nuclear rockets for deep space voyaging and were going to orbit some and return. Anyway, it *didn't* end well. 2nd was at Duna. Also an orbit and return mission. It *didn't* end well either, although everyone survived. Rescue mission was exciting, and the rescue the rescue mission was even more exciting! 3rd was Eve... With a sweet return ship. It *didn't* end well... A pattern?
  13. As the thread title states, this is just another self introduction. Why? Well, why not? Anyway, I've been playing for about 4 months I guess, got started a few weeks before 0.21 update, and have followed the forum pretty much since then, but finally decided to join. I think that I'm pretty familiar with most of the personalities here, and I won't be responding to everything the way I do in my head now, which is a good thing. As for how "good" I am at the game, well, I think I can land and return from all the bodies (not Kerbol or Jool of course). Done Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike, and Eve (4 Kerbals ~800m). Anyway, let's all have fun.
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