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Everything posted by NoPanShabuShabu

  1. UT! Hit a reef at the land crossing up north and broke off the engine. Still would need more gas anyway.
  2. I also saw this effect on Eve. I think it's because of mismatch between the terrain collision mesh and the rendered surface and how the wheels react to these. I believe it's the same effect as what can make your rover wheels get stuck in nothing, break them, make your rover go flying, kill everybody, etc.
  3. Attempting now, going about 70 m/s at 4x... I'm pretty sure I'm going to run out of gas... Whatever, I've got all night.
  4. Sorry... I may be a bad person... 3 LV-45 1 LV-30 7 Tanks 1 Tricoupler 1 Decoupler 1 Pod 14 parts.
  5. I dropped by to see if anybody had beaten 16 parts. People! Never give up! 4 LV-30 8 Tanks 1 Tricoupler 1 Decoupler 1 Pod 15 parts. This was the 3rd try. First time I succeeded, but didn't take sufficient pictures, 2nd try I broke the engine off on the Mun.
  6. Got the Eve Science Rover to the return ship. This return ship looks small compared to the rover. Launch went smoothly and was just like the Suicide Simulator. Nearly made orbit with the central main booster. Things went to hell, here the boys have rendezvoused with the main ship, but Bill and Jeb have gotten knocked out. They're stuck in their seats, but are supposedly also on free EVA, so here Bob tries to knock them out of their seats, which doesn't work. I resorted to editing the quicksave file to put them back in their seats, which the first 2 tries resulted in them exploding when they left the seat. 3rd time, I got them out alive, but they went flying a good way away. Well, we got everybody back home with 370 experiments, 12673.0 Science returned. Total for Surface Landed and Splashed from Eve was 23199.74. Also, drove the rover over 7000 km, which I tell you got pretty old by the end.
  7. Launched the Eve return ship to get Jeb, Bob, and Bill back home. Also included an interplanetary driver which should be re-usable for future missions. Bartrey Kerman brought up the crew section for the return trip to Kerbin. We're using the science lab to bring back multiple returns of the same experiments, no real reason, but why not? Game has gone very buggy today, here on the second stage of the Eve burn everything went to hell. During this time, I had to get Cornie Kerman home at last. This took some save scumming since the game was still being buggy. Ok, got the lander to it's approach, just noticed the struts were pointing where-ever they wanted to. There's something different here than the simulator since this took a lot more effort on my part to keep the nose pointed in the right direction. Got it down safely, very near to the original landing site for the rover, and Bob's Island. Now to drive the boys down here and get them home.
  8. The day before yesterday the boys boated to the island for science: Then yesterday and today I worked on an Eve return ship in the Suicide Simulator. FAR makes Eve so much easier, this thing flew out of the sea and made orbit with over 2k delta-v left:
  9. Bob was instructed to drive the Eve Science Rover to a point on the east side of the Eastern Sea and await further instructions. Then this ridiculous contraption was landed on the island 40 km offshore from them. The boys will be overjoyed to learn that the ion powered boat (on the front) will be dispatched to bring 2 of them to the island to collect the experimental data and take it back to the rover.
  10. I've a got Mr. Bob Kerman here who'd like to have a word with you.
  11. Got the Eve Science Rover back to where it started and reviewed the science. Stats for the mission: Over 6000 km driven Science Transmitted: 9,885 points Science Stored: 9,443 points That's with Custom Biomes, we hit 8 out of 9 biomes (skipped "Islands" for now, for reasons) and somehow missed one of the Surface Samples from the Poles.
  12. I'm thinking a birth of the space program quickly going to Mun and Minmus landing attempts. Set up tension between Bob and Jeb along the lines of: Bob: "I don't like you Jeb! You're too willing to take extravagant risks!" Jeb: "And you're a coward Bob!" Bill: "We're supposed to be a team!" Then we can have a segment along these lines. Bob has been sent on an easy mission to Minmus, since he's meticulous and safe. For no apparent reason, they also send Jeb to the Mun, because he's dangerous. Stuff goes all pear shaped for Jeb. Maybe something exciting happens like this: For some reason there just isn't enough dv to reach orbit, maybe because Jeb was reckless. Dramatic interactions with KSC, Jeb tries to push the pod to at least a Munar orbit with his jetpack. It isn't going to work. Jeb gives one last transmission saying he's going to go with just his suit. An exciting set piece of just skimming over the top of some mountains before finally getting an orbit. Marvel at space and the loneliness of it all, knowing he's going to die, and finally passing out some time later. Probably sees Minmus in the sky and says something along the lines of: "You were right Bob." Of course, Bob's transmitter has gone on the blink on Minmus, he can receive, but not transmit, so he knows everything that's gone wrong with Jeb's mission. KSC can see that he's still OK, but are shocked when they see he has suddenly taken off from Minmus and is going for a Mun orbit. Bill's in the command center and he's like: "My god, he's going to try to save him!" Bob flashes his lights in Morse code to the effect of "I have to try!" Bill: "Bob, if you can hear me, here's what you'll need to do..." Bill aside to Gene: "Even if Bob get's to him, they won't last..." Gene: "Failure is not an option." Bob takes extravagant risks to make it to the Mun and rendezvous with Jeb. Dramatic scene of Bob going EVA to grab Jeb, who looks dead, but wakes up to find Bob! The radio has completely broken down by now, so they're completely out of touch, and they share the dwindling resources of the Minmus pod until Bill shows up in the knick of time in the prototype 3 man pod. Bob learns that being safe isn't all there is to this job, and Jeb learns that being dangerous is dangerous. So now we have a lovely bromance and a solid team. Finally, we start the journey to Duna, which is all about the bigness and adventure of going to another planet, and we can end the movie with the beginning of the aerobrake at Duna. Maybe there will be portents of impending disaster. The audience will be anxiously awaiting the sequel. This should be all totally serious, but if someone were to make a parody, you could insert something like this in the Mission Control scene: Bill: "Bob, if you can hear me, here's what you'll need to do..." Bob's video screen: "Hullo! Scott Manley here..."
  13. With the Eve Science Rover nearing the completion of a circumnavigation of Eve, my thoughts turned to return vehicles. I can return these guys in my sleep, but I was thinking of how everybody hates to see the Kerbals sitting in seats on the ship during atmospheric flight. So, how about if I stick the guys in a fairing? Here's a test in the Suicide Simulator. Some were critical of the fact that their heads were sticking out of the fairing, but separating the fairings proved successful, despite the protests of the Bob simulacrum.
  14. Drove the Eve Science Rover a few hundred km, currently only 525 km from the start. On the way, Bill decided he needed to have a feature named for him, so he claimed this island.
  15. In my experience, with stock aero, if you come from a 100k circular orbit and set your periapsis at 80k, you will land almost exactly under the periapsis marker.
  16. Got the Eve Science Rover to the highest elevation.
  17. OK. Last one. This is similar to koshelenkovv's ship, but with 3 tank landing stage. 4 LV-30 9 Tanks 1 Tricoupler 1 Decoupler 1 Pod 16 parts. This was the second attempt. The first time I had a perfect upright landing, but pogoed the spashdown at Kerbin and killed everybody.
  18. Tried a 2 tank lander version. Mun and back. 3 LV-T30 11 tanks 1 Tricoupler 1 Decoupler 1 LV-45 1 Pod 18 parts
  19. OK! Mun and back. 3 LV-T30 12 tanks 1 Tricoupler 1 Decoupler 1 LV-T45 1 tank 1 pod 0 parachute 20 parts (This time I pretty much copied Space Viking's ship) Edit: There's a bonus image from the previous attempt which snuck it's way into this album.
  20. This is practically the same as Space Viking's. Minus 2 struts! Landing and return. S1: 3 x LV-T45 9 x fuel tank 1 Tricoupler 1 Decoupler S2: 1 LV-T30 2 x Fuel tank 1 Decoupler S3: 1 LV-T45 1 fuel tank 1 command pod 1 parachute 22 parts.
  21. Thanks. But why man? The embed link for the album from imgur used to always work, and viewing the source shows that Space Viking's links are exactly the same...
  22. I did this a little while ago: Initial success and descent into madness. A more rational approach. Since we landed on the Mun on the first try, counting the parts from the picture there are 37 parts: 4 liquid engines 10 fuel tanks 3 SRBs 3 SAS units 3 radial decouplers 1 tricoupler 2 stack decouplers 1 command pod 1 parachute 9 struts The one with the fully safe landing and return has way more than 10 more parts, so right now I'll go with 37 from the first attempt. Edit: Well, who the hell knows why those albums aren't showing properly?
  23. So, here's Eve's South Pole. Bob: "Well there it is, this ought to be close enough. Look at that Aurora Australis!" Jeb: "Cool. Now head to the top Bob." Bob: "Looks pretty dangerous, we can just drive around..." Bill: "No way man!" Jeb: "We have to go to the top, that's a real power spot." Bob: "Oh come on Jeb, not that 'power spot' thing..." Jeb: "POWER SPOT!!!" Bob: "Oh God." Bob was a little aggressive getting the rover as close as possible. This felt really stupid. Bob got out to plant the flag. Bob: "Holy crap guys I just fell like 10 meters down this cliff!" Jeb: "Dude, this is way too dangerous! Back it up." Bill: "Yeah!" Bob: "Chickens." So Bob planted the flag and backed the rover to a safer place so the trio could get out and take a selfie: Next goal is to go to Eve's highest point, should be somewhere North of here.
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