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Everything posted by biohazard15

  1. 10-ton generator that burns fuel and outputs 15Ec\sec? Thanks, but no thanks - I'll just use NFPP nuclear reactors.
  2. I love your parts! Had some fun with the drill yesterday: Landing gears act as jacks (the drill hatch hits the ground without them and jerks the vehicle. As it turned out, this wasn't a big problem on Minmus.)
  3. Bug report... There is a typo in part.cfg for Magnetometer: dataIsCollectible instead of dataIsCollectable. This prevents EVA sample retrieval.
  4. Nice little craft, I'll definitely make some use of it. However, the install itself is QUITE messy. There is 7 folders for one mod, and there is many "trash" files (example crafts, flags, etc) that should be removed from install. Also, it might be a good idea to put it all in one folder, or updating it will be a pain in the @ss.
  5. Those models and descriptions are brilliant! Can't wait for this mod.
  6. Current tech tree balance is over-simplified even with stock-only setup. But when Squad implement missions and money - those extra experiments could be very helpful. You'll want to put as much experiments as possible in your Mun lander to get money for your future Jool mega-explorer or fancy space station.
  7. So... this is a completely new, custom surface scanner, and not a robotic sampler? COOL! BTW, some ideas for the next instrument(s): 1) Stardust (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stardust_(spacecraft)) - Stardust Sample Collector, in particular. OK, we don't have comets in KSP yet, so I suggest using this for atmospheric dust collection (it would be kinda fun to fly SSC to Jool and return it back to Kerbin). 0% transmit value (so it could be used only in sample return missions) 2) Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_Magnetic_Spectrometer) - big, heavy part intended as station module
  8. Actually, MJ is not that bad with docking. The main trick: don't keep docking autopilot enabled all the time, it can (and will) waste all your monopropellant. Enable it, wait until it starts to move toward target, disable it. If it starts "moving towards correct side", enable it for a short time when you reach correct side to correct course. Wait until the target is near (10-20m), enable it again.
  9. Can this shuttle fly with MJ without any user imput (except recommended RCS)? Looks like it can't execute any auto-maneuver at all - it makes HUGE (several km) mistakes when I order anything via MJ maneuver planner. Loaded, non-loaded - all the same. Primary engines are off, I'm using orbit maneuvering system.
  10. It would be easier to take Space Engine and make a mod with all features of KSP Please, once you do that, report about your results. The only thing that bugs my fun with PF is its problems with science. Also, you may wish to look at Custom Biomes plugin.
  11. Sadly, Science Archives still broken Makes me wonder, is it possible at all to edit Archives' code? BTW, the option to disable UltraWarp (Ctrl-U) doesn't work (UltraWarp itself does)
  12. Science Archives still broken Makes me wonder: is there a way to make PF and PF-derived mods to work with Archives at all?
  13. So this means these new planets does not break Science Archives, and all that needs to be done is some custom biomes?
  14. Nice planets! One small question though: does this still break Science Archives?
  15. Anyone tried to make part configs for small parts in mods like AIES, KW, science parts like TarsierSpaceTech, DMagic, KDEX, PandaJager? I want to make such mod myself (and try and learn to mod KSP in process since I'm a completely new to KSP modding), but I don't want to repeat something already done
  16. Nice, especially 3,75m station hub and girders. What about 5m parts, especially bi\tri\quad adapters?
  17. Encountered some weird thing with 3,75-2,5 m docking port. Obviously, you see what I mean. This is my Mun science\refuel station with all kinds of docking ports. There was a vessel with 2,5m stock port docked to 3.75m port - it was OK. I've undocked it, docked current vessel (3,75m port) - it was OK until I loaded this particular station again. It's just a visual bug, the port itself is working fine. Mods list: AIES Texture Compressor DMagic science parts KAS Procedural Fairings Kerbal Joint Reinforcement KSPX KW Rocketry LTech science parts Kerbal Dust Experiment MechJeb Near Future Propulsion Pack Octagon Corp parts NovaPunch PandaJager science parts PorkWorks Habitat Pack RLA Stockalike Romfarer's Lazor SCANSat ScoopOMatic science parts TAC Fuel Balancer TarsierSpaceTech science parts (yeah, I love mods that add new ways to do science) All mods is updated to latest versions.
  18. Both your CPU and RAM are quite inadequate for KSP (as it's very CPU-dependent and RAM-hogging game). So, you need to save your resources, as much as you can. - Try Active Texture Management plugin (aggressive version) - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59005-0-23-Release-2-10-Active-Texture-Management-Save-RAM-without-reduction-packs! - Try to disable HyperThreading on your CPU (I don't quite remember if 3.06\533FSB Northwood has it; 3.0\800FSB does), it can help to squeeze some FPS since HT usually performs badly in games - Don't leave any software (antivirus, browser, etc) in background when playing KSP
  19. I've decided to try FAR today - just out of interest. I'm designing my rockets to be "as realistic as possible" - which means vertical design, fairings, debris reduction systems (OK, that's not a real feature... yet) etc. This mod is AMAZING. This is my Vanguard II heavy launcher, designed as "100-100" rocket (which means 100 tons to 100 km orbit). Two-and-half stage asparagus, somewhat like Falcon 9 Heavy. Here it shown with a 80-ton refuel vessel payload (second stage is used for rendezvous maneuvers). It was built for stock aerodynamics, without FAR in mind. 1nd stage: 3x 4900 kN engines (1x after boosters separation) (KW Griffon XX) 2nd stage: 1x 1800 kN engine (NP Little Mother) Without FAR, this rocket ends at 100km with about 1\4 LF\O left in second stage. With FAR, this rocket flies BETTER than in stock (completely stable, that is) and ends at 100 km with 85% of its 2nd stage LF\O. I feel myself as a cheater now BTW, don't look at dV stats - it's completely messed up due to some bug in MJ (my best guess is that MJ doesn't like it when you build rocket "from bottom to top" - and this is how I build my rockets. Weight and TWR is correct for 3rd and 4th stage, though)
  20. Sadly, right now the purpose of the boom is to attach a looooong stick on your craft. In other words: you can use magnetometer and RPWS without extending them.
  21. Awesome! Bug report: - when you're looking at Sun, you get two identical science reports instead of one (at least from LKO, I didn't send telescope to another planet or heliocentric orbit yet) - sometimes, servos doesn't work after launch - save-load fixes that Pro Tip: if you still having troubles with camera control: - Lock at your target, adjust zoom (keep SAS on all the time) - Activate 5x warp for a second (this will disable physics and camera wobbling) - Deactivate warp, now camera should be stable at least for several seconds. Adjust zoom and lock (use servos, don't touch WASD) - Repeat until you get a good picture Using this method, you can easily look at anything.
  22. If your rover doesn't have a command pod or probe core, it is categorized as debris by game logic. If your Max Persistent Debris slider is set to 0 (or you have too many debris in your save), debris will be deleted from the game. To avoid this, always strap a probe core to your rovers (especially those which is supposed to be driven from command seat).
  23. Looks cool. I guess there is a HUGE performance hit with SO MANY planets?
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