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Everything posted by tuckjohn

  1. KSP: 0.25 Windows 32bit Problem: KSP refuses to launch. It fully loads on the "painting with yellow bar" screen, goes to the "grey loading with planets" screen, freezes for ~15 seconds, then crashes. Mods installed: Contract Window V 2.0 Engineer Redux 6.2.11 EVE (Environmental Visual Enhancements) (With the "expansion" pack edge of oblivion) Final Frontier FTT(Flight Transport Technologies? I just have all the zips from download so I am getting the mods from the zips) Kerbinside, but then uninstalled it as troubleshooting MKS(Modual kerbal System)(Adds base parts) Modual manager, latest version Near Future Solar NEAR Panoptican hi-visibility cockpits Procedural Fairings Raster Prop Real Chute SPO (ties in with MKS, the is the space station version) Stage recovery Tal cargo solutions Trajectories (calculates atmospheric drag in map view) Active RAM reduction Packs Chatter Log: output_log.txt: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BysYRRlnomt6ejZjUFI2dzVydWc/view?usp=sharing error.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BysYRRlnomt6UDRjdHY0QXcyeE0/view?usp=sharing Any help would be greatly apreciated!
  2. Hey Devs, Could you consider improving the fuel transfer system? Thanks! ... ... ... Oh you want to know how you can do that? Here is an easy way you can do that: Multi-tank Transfers Lets say that you have tanks X, Y, and Z. You want to fill you center tank of your rocket(Y) from your two side tanks(X and Z) with manual transfer because you forgot to add fuel lines You cannot do this currently and have balanced tanks in the current version. But with this improvement, clicking "in" on tank Y while you have your other 2 tanks "alt(or mod, as the KSP wiki calls it) clicked" will take equal percentages (or amount, you devs can decide because of the fact that larger tanks drain more fuel, faster) from X and Z and put them into Y. Thanks for the consideration of this idea, and good luck developing the game everyone is watching!! (no pressure )
  3. I agree- a favorite parts tab for new players would be awesome (Ive played KSP for a total of at least 150 hours, so I know where all the parts are. But i would agree with you that there are a few parts that are slightly miscatoigorized)
  4. Thanks for the reply SlimeCrusher! 1. Squad Has mentioned that once they get more of the core game down, they will add many more parts. the parts we have now are more "Hey this Version works! This is what it does! Come play early access!" (Which I love, don't get that wrong). this is because the head dev (his name currently escapes my mind) does not want to have to scroll through hundreds (possibly even a thousand) part config's to change one value (this accelerates core game updates. Yay!). I want to put this idea out now so that squad could implement this not before they have a ton more parts. [Also, I recently played with b9, and its weird that the fuselages are in structural. Hence#2 (which i "stole/borrowed" from the b9 pack) 3. I was just thinking when I typed the post an i thought that that would be a good alternative to right clicking if right clicking doesn't work out for some reason
  5. I understand that this is considered to be on the "do not post" list, but this is not simply "change the order so that part X is before part Y and Z" 1. Currently fuel tanks and engines are grouped into one tab, propulsion. Also, the Jet fuselage and structural piece are in separate tab, which can become slightly confusing. I would recommend splitting up the engines and fuel tanks into two different tabs (something like propulsion and tanks, engines and containers, etc.) 2. In addition to this, you could right-click and select if you wanted the part to be a structural piece, LFO, etc. (much like the b9 mod does things)(http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/92630-0-24-2-B9-Aerospace-Release-5-2-1-(updated-07-09-14)) 3. Lastly, if you devs don't like the ideas mentioned above with right clicking to change the part, it you could have it so that when the "tweakable fuel sliders" are set to 0, the part turns into a structural piece that would be lighter then an empty fuel tank (but cant change fuel) Thanks your consideration, and good luck further developing the game!
  6. I have not seen this sugested, so I will sugest it here: A recently-posted livestream video by scott manley(who else?) Showed his developement of a hydroplane.(https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=D7JZU_2yOKy6yAHTuoDQBA&url=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D88l3Yinn8YE&cd=1&ved=0CC0QtwIwAA&usg=AFQjCNEVRVvVfvdx-T6P3xgp2niqDDGNsA&sig2=hjt1s_u8-x7vNACC2zok_Q) any chance we could see something like this on lathe?
  7. Could you do this Brotoro when you finally pull the plug on lathe? I think that could make an interesting series. Or you could go to eve.....but before then, may I recomend that you send a nifty hanger for your planes and rovers?
  8. Another incredible read! Keep up the great work and I can't wait to read part 28! I have a question though, have you considered adding in something to "celebrate" the 30th part in this series?
  9. Wow. Duna Direct is a great read and I thouoghly enjoyed it! I hope that you can come up with a newchapter soon though!
  10. I have an idea on how to earn money.... when you get science points you also get money. When you recover a ship, you can either sell the parts of the ship for (75%?) Of their original cost, or you can recover the parts for feuture missions
  11. Brotoro, have you ever given any thought to becomeing a "youtuber"? (Such as kurt j mac or even Scott Manley) I know that you aren't 100% percent 'playing' the game when you are rovering(you do other things), but you can easily do post-comentary. Your chanel would also have quite a few folowers because of your forum posts
  12. Brotoro, do you have any plans for a "series" where you do carrear mode? Or are you going to wait until it is mostly compleate?
  13. Brototo, how often do you back up your save file? What would you do if it got corrupted/deleated/etc?
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