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Everything posted by Boomerang

  1. Awesome little command pod, even better than it looked in the preview pictures. Really wish there weren't the dependencies on the community resources and all that, I'm too drunk to figure out why the little AES engines don't seem to want to draw IntakeAtm or why that should even be a requirement, but I really only wanted the pod anyway. Awesome models
  2. Yeah, I have that happen occasionally too, as if you're attaching to the bottom decoupler node, rather than the top. Though in my experience that's not what happens, it's just what the behavior is like. End up just reverting to the VAB, reconnecting the decoupler, and it's fine. Don't think I've had it happen outside of that 1.25m one.
  3. Standard shut down LFO engines, do not decouple SRBs, decouple pod, activate homemade escape tower (that doesn't burn out in half a second) all assigned to ABORT for rocket launches. I use the VNG ejection system mod on all of my planes, and that automatically assigns itself to ABORT, so I generally don't have to do much in that vein. Though I'll include a fuel-dumping part for planes that ferry monoprop and such to orbit, in case I need to abort the mission. Edit: I run TAC:LS and DRE, so wherever my kerbals end up, they need to have a sure way back home. With some redundancy, if possible, like an extra return pod/ship at a busy station.
  4. Yup. Think about what you're putting together. Several 2.5m segments which are fairly heavy and you've got narrow 1.25m docking ports connecting them. The ports are rigid enough when used in conjunction with crafts of a reasonable mass. They'll never be as rigid as connections between parts made in the VAB though. You really need the 2.5m docking ports to join those pieces and even then, it's awfully long. If you really can't condense that design any, then take turning very slowly with the help of RCS. And for things that are so long and with flex to them, you're better off having your drive section *pulling* the craft. If the CoM is behind the CoT, it dampens the oscillations that occur during burns. The reverse situation tends to amply the flexing and you risk being thrown off your node/breaking your ship apart. Edit: Also, there's something to be said of transferring components of ships like that individually to their destinations and assembling them on site. So if that whole ship is bound for Duna, send each part separately and dock them in Duna orbit, rather than around Kerbin. Not always the best option, but if you've got huge pieces that you actually need to be huge, sometimes it's more practical to assemble them on the other end.
  5. Well, nuts. Because when rotated that way, they span Tal's Cargo Bay parts really nicely. Eh, I'll fiddle around with them. And thanks for letting me know the reason why, I wasn't aware of that particular limitation.
  6. I've noticed a problem with some of the nodes on these pieces, the ones on the long sides of the pallets. You can't attach them via those nodes to anything, it's really odd. It'll snap into place like it should work normally, but after clicking the part into place, it doesn't actually attach, like when parts refuse to attach because of clipping problems. Doesn't worth with part clipping enabled either. I imagine it's a quick fix, but you should know. It'd be nice to be able to attach them landscape style rather than portrait. Edit: None of the nodes on the perpendicular pallet work except for the one on the adapter.
  7. Just going to throw out some random observation ideas, feel free to use or ignore them as you like. "Mystery Goo Observation from Launchpad: Charred green debris litters the ground. You're tempted to add it to the pizza." "Mystery Goo Observation while in space over xyz: It appears only the yellow rubber keeps the pizza intact here." "Mystery Goo Observation near Duna: The pizza seems to quiver with excitement." "Mystery Goo Observation while landed at Duna: The pepperoni leaps from the pizza to join it's red brethren!" "Mystery Goo Observation near Kerbin's poles: You can't tell if it's the environment or the freezer settings, but this pizza is frostburnt!"
  8. Yeah, I just enjoy having the parts. I suppose it feels a bit more justified that being able to magically dump fuel. The TAC mods are awesome though, I can't play without Life Support and Self Destruct. The latter of which sometimes plays into emergency procedures too!
  9. I used to build all of my planes with cockpits that could be decouples, pushed away with separatrons and later deploy parachutes, which of course came in handy while testing and such. But for a while now I've just been using the VNG ejection seat part. Saves big time on part count and the pilots can parachute to the ground on their own. I've also got a version of my standard cargo spaceplane that just carries huge quantities of MP for it's size. There isn't a whole lot of room for error on ascent with it and if I should have to abort docking to a station and unloading the MP, it's too heavy by the nose to land with a full MP load and dry fuel tanks. So I've been playing recently with the Klockheed Martian Smart Parts pack. Deleted everything but the two fuel dump parts, so that in the case I laid out above, I can vent the MP from the cargo bay, which allows for an easy deadstick landing.
  10. So whatever goes wrong with vessels that use this part, it'll always be the engine's fault?
  11. Neither. I've tried both at various points but they didn't do much for me. I'm well aware of the lack of realism with the stock aerodynamic model, but I"m used to it. From an aesthetic standpoint, I've got no use for needing to strut up my wings. Through between the two of them, I'd go with FAR. Even if it requires learning a bit of aero-speak, the predictive modeling numbers mean you don't need to flight test every small modification you make to a design.
  12. Just when I start thinking that the literalism around here can't take itself anymore seriously...
  13. *scoffs* You insult the re-seasoning process that converts Mystery Goo into Pizza-Like Goo!
  14. I think we've been missing the actual worse thing, which is the off-set hatch on the Mk 1-2 Command Pod. At least with the 3m tanks, a simple 5º turn lines up the stripes. With the Mk 1-2, you can rotate the pod until the hatch faces one of the four walls of the VAB, but then if you undo any actions or do anything else to reset that part, it'll rotate back to it's initial position. Plus all the other little annoying symmetry issues it causes. Far, far worse than the big tanks and anyone who disagrees obviously doesn't play the game right. teeny tiny disclaimer of sarcasm above due to dangerous levels of seriousness around these parts
  15. I've loved this mod since I found it ages ago and I've always grandfathered it from save to save, so it's great seeing it getting some love again. I was also wonderfully pleased to find that it didn't break all my crafts using the RTG in the old 'RLA_PowerGeneration' folder when I deleted that. And while I might not have tons of uses for them, I love having the .625m SRBs just because tiny parts are awesome.
  16. Wow, this is basically the best thing ever. I've forever been frustrated with the parts list organization and I always wanted something just like this. I've resorted to retitling folder names and such to help order parts how I want. And the other mods that help edit the parts list just don't have this functionality. Automatically one of my 'must haves' now.
  17. Good luck with getting your PC sorted, looking forward to these parts. If they're half as awesome as they look, it'll be one of those rare packs that I make room for in my already crowded, memory-pushing part list.
  18. Nah, that's why a specified to the west. You're right about the runway being perfectly level while the planet curves and all that, but that causes wheeled objects to roll towards the east from where they're spawned. This was a box that clipped a few inches into the runway that began to creep rather crab-like and generally to the west from where it spawned.
  19. I've got serious sorts of missions that I ought to dealing with, but I can't stop playing with these parts. They look great and the functionality is fabulous, which is a bit of a rare combination. Two ideas I've had, the first one being more practical/doable than the other: Maybe in future releases we could be able to store the internal modules and/or the hatch on the outside nodes of the frame, where the panels currently attach to? Only because it's difficult for a single kerbal to remove/move around modules without leaving pieces (floating away) everywhere. So let's say you're going to roleplay a maintenance mission on a BoxSat, if one of the sides of the frame isn't covered by a solar panel or something else, the kerbal could store the hatch on that free side while working on the inner modules. I realize that might pose problems when you want to 'store' the hatch back in it's natural position, but it's an idea. Maybe make another slim part that attaches to the outside of the frame that hatches and modules can be attached specifically too. My other idea is a bit more far-fetched, but I'd love it if there were eventually TAC Life Support converter modules. Be able to build a frame to the side of a station/base with water filters or CO2 scrubbers built in. Adjusted to work for a smaller number of kerbals than the original TAC parts. Might be totally outside the scope of what you want to do, but I at least would use the heck out of such a thing.
  20. Just use them the way you'd use stock docking rings. Treat it like a bunch of fuel tanks chained together. And make sure the docking part of the docking ring is facing the correct way. You want: [Docking Ring] [Cargo] [Docking Ring] [Docking Ring] [Cargo] [Docking Ring] ... Repeating as needed
  21. Didn't save it, but I'll see about reproducing it. I'll post the file if I can. Edit: Here you go. Nothing but BoxSat parts. Turning on SAS doesn't stop the creep, but time warping does. My save is fairly heavily modded though, so it's entirely possible that it's a conflict. http://textuploader.com/oah2
  22. You can also put them on the outside of your SRBs, towards the bottom, facing down. Keeps the SRB more upright after detachment, rather than spinning about, and no exhaust near the parent craft.
  23. Parts look and function great. The only very minor problem I've noticed is that if you build a BoxSat in the SPH and launch it to the runway, some phantom force is generated that makes it creep towards the west on the runway surface. Doesn't happen on the launchpad or if it's attached to something larger. Don't know if it's significant enough to affect it's flight path in orbit. And if you're taking suggestions for more parts, perhaps a mounting rack for the cube frame, similar to the mounting point for KAS containers?
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