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Everything posted by Kerbal007

  1. How cool is this profile pic made by the team for me :) Thanks Squad

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  2. Was worth my time checking this thread, @FruitGoose has made a really neat mod I would likely have overlooked or didn't know I needed
  3. Its ok, just buttons extra buttons really. I think that 6dof mouse (cant recall its name) would actually be better for control. Personally id rather build my own control for buttons etc
  4. Just curious if KOS integrates with probe control room at all ? Cheers
  5. Afternoon all, I am fairly damn new to coding and have been getting my feet wet with C# I finally had an idea to have a crack at making a windows forms app that "simply" calculates dV. I set to and took some inspiration from http://www.strout.net/info/science/delta-v/ The plan was to recreate what was happening on that site. Now I know there are many situations where this does not work such as space (or anywhere off Kerbin for that matter) and there are already exsiting tools that do this but the point for me was to make something related to kerbal, and extend its functionality as I learn whilst also keeping it fun. Source is here if you care to look: https://github.com/Kerbal007/dvcalc Thanks to those in the community that have assisted with answering my questions etc already much appreciated. http://imgur.com/a/wcUKdqh
  6. Hello new adopter here, I was wondering if it was the tree or a mod (im using restock) I saw tanks in, if I recall correct the aerodynamic tree?
  7. Ok I removed RCS Build Aid, reloaded the game, and just loaded a vessel and its working Appreciate your help, it got my troubleshooting brain working
  8. The launch button is for lack of a better word, locked/inactive. I have Jeb in the stock pod, construction time is not increasing with parts either its says 0
  9. I must be doing something wrong, its throwing no log errors in the console , the tech tree is working as it should. In the VAB I have a saved ship I load, open building plans and construction menu, and have two large buttons - Add to building plans & Build, neither of which are working
  10. Hi all, is this working in 1.9? I have all dependencies up to date, but when it comes to building, I cannot add my vessel to the list, I click the buttons and nothing happens :s
  11. I tried to build an ISS inspired Station, the girders are a bit off tho https://imgur.com/gallery/9ohfSQR
  12. Thank you!!!! I have been tearing my hair out for the past hr with this xx
  13. If anyone is interested, I pulled apart my farming sim controller from logitec to see if there was anything special about it etc and to learn a bit. Unfortnatley it did not reveal much and the micro controller is rare if anything. The markers are "MP01006B, DFJ115, 1810". The axis controller, is essentially two pots and maybe a hall effect sensor ? and some wiring for the buttons. https://imgur.com/gallery/3ss3tEu
  14. I have just used Stockalike Station Parts for the first time in my 1600+hrs and it was a spiritual moment. I went IVA when launching the core up and when the shroud came off and that sunlight came beaming through and then lighting everything up, and the shadows! I mean for Kerbness sake, it was beautiful, not cramped, soo immersive how can I buy you a beer/coffee?
  15. Thanks @c4ooo let me digest this there are a few things I need to dive into now, macros, but this is what I was after, once the macro concept is understood it will be clearer. Ill go do my research now. Cheers mate !
  16. Can someone point me to a source where i can understand why we #define vs const in the sketch please?
  17. Oh, thanks for the feedback. I know my arduino does not like keyboard.h but its nothing special, I picked it up at jaycar in a starter kit XC3902. Now that I have some "essential functions" im going to dive into how the mod works :).
  18. Hi all and a big hug to @zitronen I have been mucking around with this and struggling enjoyably and read that on windows 10 input was no longer accepted yet my pot is working! Is this because it is analog as opposed to digital? I have not wired a button up yet #noob #learningcode EDIT 2: I got it! this is the best day ever
  19. Ok, I have a viable solution albiet not as slim as i was aiming for but the issues is with closing the fairing on the stack separator, so instead at the top is structural tube that is shielded with fairing to eliminate drag, then the stack separator on top which detaches aswell, leaving a nice opening for the payload
  20. Hi all, I am really strugling to figure this issue out, and if what I am trying is even possible. I have used interstage nodes to create a "tube" if you will, with a stack separator at the top. I do not wish to stage the fairing but instead have a probe be released via a clamp at the bottom. The stack separator stays attached to my fairing though and blocks the probe from release? Is there a correct way to do this or a mod to have a cargo bay? I tried structural tube but they are causing drag
  21. Yep this one I agree with too, it ruins the immersion, next to that would be clipping fuel tanks without draining a lil fuel at lest (I really should practice what I preach haha)
  22. For me it is seeing a program thru to completion. I have these grand ideas of starting off with first rocket, probe, satt, manned landing etc then I look at how none of my fleet is resuable or based on a payload /series type and its a patchwork quilt so I quit and start over and then For me it is seeing a program thru to completion. I have these grand ideas of starting off with first rocket, probe, satt, manned landing etc then I look at how none of my fleet is resuable or based on a payload /series type and its a patchwork quilt so I quit and start overFor me it is seeing a program thru to completion. I have these grand ideas of starting off with first rocket, probe, satt, manned landing etc then I look at how none of my fleet is resuable or based on a payload /series type and its a patchwork quilt so I quit and start over.....
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