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Everything posted by horndgmium

  1. A few weeks back I said it would be a good idea and I think he said it was planned... but whether or not he's working on it I figured rather than bothering him again with that I'd try to learn something (for the future!).
  2. As well all know, p-Wings and stretchy fuel tanks are excellent mods. But p-Wings can't have fuel in them right now (which would be quite ideal) and stretchy tanks don't give your plane lift. So... has anyone any ideas for allowing p-Wings to have procedural fuel capacity that stretchy tanks gives?
  3. I have an updated version with infernal robotics used to rotate lateral engines, if anyone is interested.
  4. By first, I mean first good one that doesn't crash immediately. Name, as above, is the JSF-2v Vidrascu. You don't want to see the 1v! Capable of Vertical take-off and vertical landing (if you're cupcake), short take-off, short landing, or full horizontal take-off and landing. Usually for vertical landing you can toggle action group 2 for short periods and pull back quickly (it's got a sharp pitch to it due to maxed control surfaces) to dull your forward motion. Action groups: 1. Lateral Vertical TurboJets 2. Medial Vertical Jets 3. Rear Horizontal Turbojets Mods Needed: 1. LLL 2. B9 3. p-Wings I removed the Kethane scanners for you bros who don't want it. They normally go above the upside-down radial attachment points. Flown exclusively in FAR. Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ae1xmuic7mz1idk/Vtol%20Dropship%201.craft Enjoy! I could probably use robotics to transfer the lateral turbojets to horizontal from vertical...
  5. Here's a craft that took a bit to make. I went through and tweaked EVERYTHING multiple times trying to get first of all, the ability to send a single stage rocket up, and second of all, to be able to send 6 Kerbals up to my 250km space station. I ended up tweaking it so much that I managed to land six Kerbals on Duna with the same time (to be fair, I had 182 dV in my rocket right before aerobraking though). Oh also... you need to turn off the large engine as soon as you feel comfortable/the bordome of waiting doesn't keep it on. I usually turn it off permanently as I coast to my orbital burn. I took half of the fuel out of the Dragon command pod (which is gorgeous by the way) both to give the draft more dV and for lightness. Launch profile (since I only took before and after screenshots) was controlled entirely by MechJeb. 0.5km g-turn start at 85 degrees with 89km finish (which was too high) to a 250km orbit. Used the Mun for escape. I aerobraked on Duna at 9km trajectory which put my less than a couple hundred meters from a mountain . But my favorite part about the whole thing was that I made it to Duna in one stage (if you count the decoupling of the launcher as a second stage then I guess after landing it was two stages). Oh and... if you use it you'll probably want either another battery or some more solar panels. Landing in the dark had... complications. I didn't put any on because I liked the look of having over 6000 dV. Mods Used: MechJeb KW Rocketry Dragon Command Pod Craft File: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yv6egdh3g4isjp8/CTS-1%20Dragon.craft
  6. Also, is there a way to save action groups to welded parts? If you start a new ship with a welded part.
  7. I've been having a bug where ships with welded parts don't have an icon while flying from the map view. As in, I can see my trajectory but not where I am in it. Not really too distraught about this, but if anyone knows a fix that'd be cool, and if it needs fixing, that'd be cool too.
  8. Yeah, unfortunately due to the lack of a giant Gatling gun, the mass up front wasnt enough to put nose-wheel tricycle gear. I think the wings ended up like that as well due to an improper CoM to CoL spread when I replicated exactly, so by all means if you can improve the design, do so!
  9. Threw together one of my favorite planes using only B9 and p-wings (AFAIK). I present: the A-10 Warthog! (Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uxlpw0vu4wi4jku/A-10%20Warthog.craft) Using the same two mods I manage to make an EXTREMELY fast Local Kerbal transport (my LKT series). The LKT platform is very versatile, and using it I was able to make a variety of different planes, the Zippo, the Hippo, and the Doppelganger. There are significantly more possibilities though! LKT-1 Zippo (Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fruhu97n03cyo0g/LKT-1%20Zippo.craft). I'll upload the others ASP today. The Zippo is capable of flight at 30000 m easily, as well as, how Jeb puts it: "it goes around the world really fast". I hit 2400 m/s before I burned up with DRE. PS: Alternis Kerbal looks amazing! PSPS: these fly, and were designed with FAR
  10. If you're using B9 landing gear you're definitely going to want to do two things: 1. Keep the wheels perfectly perpendicular to the ground 2. Make sure you have the Firespitter, Resgen, and ExurgentEngineering in your gamedata folder as well Also, pulling up before you reach lift off speeds can cause you to yaw left or right on the runway, which causes lots of problems. You also may need to increase the structural integrity of the plane as a whole, because if your wings are not firmly anchored to the plane and you start to yaw even a LITTLE bit on the runway you'll topple over.
  11. I have to say... planting a flag with your plane rolling away has to be the most kerbal ending ever.
  12. Here's a SSTO I made using LLL and B9 mods. Took it and landed on laythe with 5k dV left (not even counting the jet engines). I also made a second version with Kethane compatibility, so it's probable returnable from anywhere in the system that either has: gravity less than or equal to Kerbin's, or an atmosphere. But anyway, here is my 10 Kerbal transporter (+2 pilots), called the KT-2 'Cutie'. Enjoy the album! Mods: B9, LLL (I took mechjeb and KW RCS blocks off to share it) Craft Files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/msll5rlta0gzcx2/RPBTYYfUwb PS: It flies amazingly, albeit a little sluggish.
  13. Well yeah, if they didn't I wouldn't have made this post... This isn't about opinion or right or wrong though. It's stubbornness.
  14. Absolutely. Asking for features opens up the devs to that they exist as well as that they are good. Many mods (IMO) SHOULD be implemented into the game, so I understand when people ask for such features (FAR for example. It maybe drives me a little crazy that mass is part of drag/lift). But in the meantime, why not just use FAR? However, take the new RAPIER. This idea came from a mod part, the SABRE engine. It's now incorporated into the stock game, but does that make it any less of a mod? Even the spaceplane hangar was a mod! Does that mean all spaceplanes are mod craft? It just kills me that people would rather be stubborn and wait until what they want gets (if ever) implemented into stock, rather than taking advantage of the ingenuity that comes from the community.
  15. I want this to be distinct from features that would be awesome to have in the game. While playing stock is definitely a huge thing, and I have no problem with that at ALL, I'm focusing here on players that refuse to stray from stock to grab a feature they want. I on;y made this because I kept seeing it happen. Sal, stock is great for challenges though, you're right, because of the incompatibility and how everyone must use the same things to achieve a goal. But for the same reason, I don't play that way and don't participate much. I just don't want people to try to remain devotedly stock when something they want is available now.
  16. First of all, I very much understand the desire for new features/parts/functions in the game. It is in development, so we cannot expect everything we want now. Which is fine with me, because many mods fill in these gaps. Some just add fun. I also understand that people often request these things implemented into the game. I do it too. However, as we know, some features will not be implemented into the game, others are planned, and even more haven't been thought of by the devs yet. And yes, while many people play stock, that is not for me, because of said mods. Take mechjeb and kethane. Kethane gives me a way to make it home from a mission in different ways (say, without orbital rendezvous) and mechjeb lets me launch a rocket (that I've launched manually a thousand times before) without being there, so I can do whatever else I fancy at the given moment. This brings me to my concern: stock players seem to abhor the idea of getting handy little mods to do the things they want, and hope the devs implement these things into the game, or ask for them. Is there something that we aren't seeing that you do from way up there on your horse? The things you want, for the most part ALREADY EXIST. Why would you ask for them? Especially parts. Have you not seen the hundreds of part packs that fill any deficiency you could possible imagine in the game? Get one before you complain the game is missing something. Plugin you think should be in the game? Maybe you should GET IT rather than asking the devs to put it in the game. And yes, somethings might not have mods. But, mods can be created much more quickly than the devs can respond to your deepest wishes. So how could you see something wrong with mods? They make up for deficiencies NOW rather than waiting and complaining. They add functions that may or may not even ever make it into the game. They give you new options for gameplay, and you don't even need to add any extra parts. Some just do handy little tricks like show you a landing prediction, or add faster time warp. The mods, in my opinion, ARE the game, and I have found that after playing without, I do not enjoy the game nearly as much as with mods. There isn't even a satisfaction for me from carrying out rarely successful missions for anyone with only stock parts. Limiting yourself because someone else has it that way is naive and senseless. If mods do what you want, and you play stock, you have no real complaint. You are only limiting yourself, waiting for things that may never happen to the stock game, and in the process annoying the hell out of everyone who has ever used or created a mod that does exactly what you want.
  17. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64804-0-23-WarpUnlocker-v1-(faster-time-warp-no-altitude-restrictions) I hope this does what you need?
  18. I absolutely love the idea of quests for science. It could even have a use: if you determine the gravity/temperature on some planet, you would bring the proper amount of fuel to get off it, or bring the right kind of space suit for the environment (hotter on planets like Eve). Instead of having all of the information about the planets from the start, you have to go figure it out yourself by going to the planets, running experiments, and making a database. A quest idea: The science foundation asks that you visit Duna in order to map the topology. Needs equipment, like an orbital telescope. You get science for mapping Duna, and credits. But by doing this you also can visualize in more detail where you want to land, so you don't make it to Duna just to crash on a mountain. You are also able to see an in-depth map whenever from the science archives.
  19. To address your points: 1. I don't see a reason why each should only give half value. In the rest of the solar system (especially planets with no atmosphere) the night and day are nearly entirely different biomes. 2. That is true, and while I think long term monitoring should be implemented into the game, night and daytime biomes vary drastically (think Mercury. Even Earth changes 15C sometimes overnight). This just allows you to get more science if you take the time to do experiments under different conditions in the same locations. 3. I want to say yes to seasons, but we don't have axial tilt so that's pretty much out of the question (currently). It certainly does make sense to use a new type of experiment at night, that way it wouldn't be senseless grinding (literally day and night) to get all the science value from a spot, you'd have to bring more equipment. However, some experiments would make sense using the same equipment (thermometer, barometer, seismometer, etc.) because these experiments can be done to see changes that occured from the day to the night, and don't require monitoring. I'm all for a more intuitive system of science, where rather than just looking at something and saying science, you have to actually have some sort of experimental process (maybe simplified to comparison) along with bringing back science samples. Right now, you just go and click a button, and boom science. It's just too bring because it is way too easy. We've already figured out how to get to other planets, doing an actual experiment or two might be nice. Squad seems to be afraid to make the game too hard.
  20. I figure there would be no better place to ask than this... could pwings ever be modified to hold a proportional amount of jet fuel (or LOX) to their size? I find it very annoying that I cannot place fuel in wings, where it actually goes. I feel like this would work quite handily with modular fuels, but alas, I have no coding skill whatsoever.
  21. Since everything in the universe is different when the sun is not shining on it, we should be able to do two experiments at every location that can be shielded from the sun. One with sunlight, one without, at night.
  22. The landing guidance tab has an option you can enable that shows predicted landing spot (which is quite useful for me). You have to account for planetary rotation and atmosphere yourself though.
  23. I like that. Perfectly simple, and quite useful.
  24. Is there ever going to be a way to transfer all of my resource(s) of one kind from one ship to another while docked? Currently I have to click on each tank, which can get pretty annoying quite quickly since I sometimes have a bunch of smaller tanks. I'm thinking of Kethane for this, obviously because it involves fuel transfer, but I'd use it for really any orbital meet up. Clicking on each tank is way too obnoxious.
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