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Everything posted by godarklight

  1. @Albrat Welcome to the fourms! DMPUpdater cannot run twice, there's no jump back method. Have you just got it in a script twice perhaps? @Steven Mading/Everyone: I decided to hunt down that bug that causes the hang on connect (and it looks like it could affect in-game too), it should be fixed in the development version. There's a few things I want to get around to before pushing a (lag killer + bits-that-break-off-controlled-craft-to-avoid-duplicates remover). @Soundwave__007: DMP does not update other players active crafts - so what you're actually doing by shooting it is creating debris that is synced back to the server, which they will then see, even though their plane is still completely fine. There's no clear solution to sync this due to the time paradox, apart from taking the easy way out and deleting parts that fall off controlled vessels. There may be a way to do "battle" mode as an option in the future, but expect even more bugs @John FX: Yeap, as Redneck said, just connect with a different player name on the second instance. @Redneck: <sarcasm>Bugs?, I have no idea what you are talking about</sarcasm> @Dilin: Nope, DMP doesn't mess with parts. I also do have a bug tracker here, but I haven't been paying attention to it lately, I know what I need to do to improve DMP (Dupe bug is critical, lag killer is highly important). @paulcdb: That's already possible (although having to sync might be annoying), but I suspect that stand alone map viewer is probably more what you need.
  2. @Soundwave__007: It's the way DMP stores data - You can't use certain letters / characters in the player name. @goldenpsp: Keep ticking while offline is the default, it's a side effect of how subspaces are locked and synced. Subspaces lock to the server system clock, which obviously keeps ticking even when the server isn't even running. It will only look like the universe has been simulated, I can't tell for sure how mining mods or MKS would work, you'll just have to try it out Life support mods have generally been quite troublesome with DMP's subspace and sync feature.
  3. @Megalodon 720: DMP doesn't really do anything in the SPH screen, and it definitely doesn't mess around with the parts or loading. Are you running with other mods installed?, or perhaps it's a windows-64 bug. Either way I'd need KSP_folder/KSP_Data/output_log.txt in order to tell. Generally full crashes generally don't give me good information about what went wrong though @goldenpsp/Talavar: I'll be happy when the official multiplayer comes out, It means I don't have to work on DMP and I can still play multiplayer . However, I have no idea when this is going to happen, nor can I see it happening all that soon - it's certainly going to be a large feature for squad, and unlike DMP, they've got to get it perfect for release. <speculation>There hasn't appeared to be any clear step towards multiplayer with KSP 0.24, I didn't find anything too revealing in the KSP assembly apart from possibly starting to index kerbals by name instead of number (which definitely makes things easier). Contracts felt like a tiny step backwards. I guess they'll keep the MP stuff out until it's stable, but there should still be telltale signs of the future showing through</speculation> I believe squad is going to announce the feature list for 0.25 today - but I'd be very surprised if multiplayer was on that list. I do know that Spaceplane plus is getting integrated, and they are adding the normal markers to the navball EDIT: Proof EDIT2: Welcome to the forums Soundwave__007! Windows does not allow you to type certain characters in filenames, and DMP uses the file name as the player name. I know that a colon ':' won't work on windows but will work on a linux server. I'll see if I can make that message more friendly
  4. @FLAKBAT: Welcome to the forums . Definitely try to port forward first, you can test it with www.canyouseeme.org, the default port is 6702. @choninja21: In all seriousness though - DMP is basically trying to make a singleplayer game *look* like a multiplayer game, collisions are definitely not synced, and players can't update other active players crafts because it's possible to see players crash when they haven't (especially if there's a future / past paradox going on). Eventually the clone should be removed and the full vessel replaced, but I should likely keep track of the parts from a player and remove those parts if the controlling player didn't spawn the debris in. @Zach bath: Welcome to the forums! It's very similar to hosting a minecraft server. Download the zip, extract (Not in the KSP folder!), double click DMPServer.exe and set up port forwarding. If you want to change the server settings, stop the server, edit DMPServerSettings.txt and start the server again. DMPModControl.txt can be modified without stopping/starting/restarting the server. The mod file can be generated from your mods installed in KSP/GameData by opening KSP and hitting Options -> Generate DMPModControl.txt, just move it from your KSP folder to your DMPServer folder. @goldenpsp: Leave the sarcasm to me please
  5. I'm not quite sure how we got here, but perhaps we should get back on track? If the mod licence allows you to redistribute, then you can redistribute. If the mod licence allows edits, then you can edit, I'm not really seeing anything stopping you from doing so either way. I might be slightly biased here, but you're not the first to have this idea, and you won't be the first to implement such an idea. From a multiplayer perspective, having a mod pack for heavily-modded servers is a good thing. I'm near certain that nobody has joined AlzonoTG's server because of the crazy amount of mods that need to be acquired to play on it, but stock servers on the other hand are generally quite popular as you can join them with no effort. Some server admins have even saved some people the effort and maintain a pack, or at a bare minimum, a list of links to the forum thread for their users. But what you're intending is a little different, you're not trying to maintain a pack for a handful of users, but for the whole community. It would be a really good idea to get in contact with the mod devs for those mods you intend to distribute, and almost certainly required to get in touch with the mod devs for those mods you intend to edit. This may or may not work without co-operation, but if the KSP community can actually work together here, I'm sure that something good can come out of this . I also definitely understand ferram4's concerns. Modders have different amounts of patience with respect to dealing with players, ferram4 likely does not want to fix bugs or problems that simply do not exist.
  6. @dsonbill: Understandable, . (I never went anywhere with it, it's just a GUI version of DMPUpdater that can support multiple repos / mods, it's also my first attempt at GTK# which is why it looks so aweful).I just saw "rm -rf DMPServer" and knew someone would eventually get hit by it if I didn't point it out
  7. @TYRT: If there's anything special you did, it's definitely worth commenting on. Syncing bugs are generally easy to fix as it's DMP doing something (or not doing something), instead of KSP weirdness @APSmiler: So everything is good now? *crosses fingers* @thedogs: :-/. I'm starting to think DMP doesn't stop the game properly when you press disconnect. If you definitely know for sure of how to reproduce the bug, I'd love to hear the steps, I've never been too much of a fan of career though, so I haven't really been testing that side of DMP out too much (Hence the missing contracts from 0.1.5) @dsonbill: That looks like it would work, but I think most of the servers that I know of have run DMPServer from their home directory. If you run that script from home and DMPServer is in your home directory, .@rdswo: Welcome to the world of DMP bugs . I know about that one, when you have selected an active player's vessel and it gets a full update (happens every 30 seconds), the Kill/Replace messes up the tracking station, and I can't seem to find where KSP hides the selected vessel in the tracking station, nor can I find a way to deselect it (which would fix the bug). I've noticed it works fine switching from the map view while you're actually in flight though (where I can also change and set the target).
  8. @Audon: Thanks for getting me on IRC @Ultraflight: That feature is most definitely in, it's enabled by default and runs every half hour (set in DMPServerSettings.txt). Also, there's another one that isn't enabled by default but still may be helpful, /nukeksc and it's automatic variant in DMPServerSettings.txt - It deletes everything landed at the KSC. It helps on some servers because the runway can very quickly fill up with crashed command pods
  9. @PFC Strange: I'll double check the asteroids - Not only should they save and remember, they should also get instantly tracked for players in the present / future. @dsonbill: That script will certainly work, but it might be worth checking http://godarklight.info.tm/dmp/data/ (develtag or releasetag) before running that script, or if you're really bored, implementing the update thing from http://godarklight.info.tm/dmp/updater/ (The objects are stored as SHA256Sums) I originally did host KMP on rsync, but due to how insanely hard it is to set up on windows (You either have to install cygwin or strip rsync out of DeltaCopy), I scrapped that and made KMPUpdater, which was eventually turned into DMPUpdater. Also, The DMPUpdater source is available if you're interested in how it works EDIT: @teag2: Welcome to the forums! (Your posts won't be moderated after 5, that's why I missed it earlier) The DMP client has a built-in DMPModControl.txt generator, just hit Options -> Generate Blacklist DMPModControl.txt
  10. It's not doing anything funky - The server list is automated and scrapes the servers for the player list. If the server isn't online they drop off the list, so anything on the server list is guaranteed to be online. The bit that might have confused you is that the scraper contacts the HTTP port and not the game port, I should probably add a message to the add server box . The game port doesn't need to be entered because it's in the json info. For an example, see http://kerbal.eva.hk:8081/ (I can't access your DMPServer's json port)
  11. @oarum: Same way as Linux/Windows, Drag DarkMultiPlayer into the GameData folder (Not DMPClient). Also, I borked, make sure to use
  12. @seedbee: Is it possible for me to check out the DMP universe? - If there's a dodgy vessel I'd like to be able to defend against that. But it's probably worth checking things like firewalls first. As far as running a server goes, just double click DMPServer and you should be good. You can change DMPModControl.txt on the fly, The easiest way is to open KSP and hit Options -> Generate blacklist DMPModControl.txt. It will make a file tailored for your current GameData, just move it from your KSP folder to your server folder. @For everyone who is bored and is wondering what DMP development looks like, I recorded myself adding the disclaimer window and then pushing a release. And oh yeah, is available. EDIT: is available, I really must test my releases properly . There was a serious bug that prevented DMP from working on new installs (Due to a missing saves/DarkMultiPlayer folder).
  13. @Libre: It's completely automated, just make sure you typed in DMPServers http port, it's set in DMPServerSettings.txt (it's disabled by default as it needs admin on windows) @Methlon: I forget what it's called exactly, but it's something like Options -> Generate DMP Universe. It generates a universe from a singleplayer save, but it puts it in your KSP folder, you'll need to move it Copying just the vessels is fine too.
  14. @PFC Strange: "vessel permissions are planned for a future version but how do things work currently" - If the vessel you are trying to fly isn't controlled by another player, you get control. When vessel permissions make it into 0.1.6, Things will be pretty much the same as they are now (default public), but you can make your vessel private which will prevent other players from interacting with it. You'll be able to share vessels with both individual players, and player groups. In order to take over a vessel at the moment, the piloting player needs to leave the vessel (eg, go back to the space center), and if they come back, they'll be the spectator. "how will things work when we build a space station together? / Can we each dock our own spacecraft/modules to the station?": I think I'll point you to . *Squeal*."Who gets control if this happens?": The first player that sees the docking should get control, but DMP should sort it out if both happens at the same time. "Can resources be transferred between different player's vessels?": Yes, but only the pilot can transfer the resources and you won't see them until the full vessel update. @Roaken Corporation: Any mod that bumps the load distance is supported in DMP, It makes atmo-spawning work a bit better at the cost of more lag. @Edex5: Might need you to pop into IRC / Upload a log file - That error should only happen when the handshake message changes, which hasn't happened for quite a few versions now. @APSmiler: You'll preferably need to port forward, but it should work through the tunnel. If you are port forwarding, www.canyouseeme.org is a good test, port 6702. @Blipman17: DMP uses 10-30kb/s per client, but the server needs to relay the messages, so basically players^2 * 10-30kb/s. It should run on the 'L' part of a lamp server . You'll just need to install mono, which is provided by the mono-complete package on debian and ubuntu, Just run it with 'mono DMPServer.exe'.
  15. @janiekh: I wouldn't love me if it failed to connect . Which server are you trying to connect to, if I can recreate the bug I should be able to fix those ones easily. @sreventon: Planning that for 0.1.6, I want to give other mods the ability to take over little parts of DMP in order to let them expand DMP in a way they want. The only thing stopping weapon mods is quite small - DMP doesn't send updates for other players crafts (Imagine if they saw you crash but you didn't due to lag - things like that are the reasoning behind that choice).
  16. @kittensfurdays: Running DMPServer shouldn't be too tricky, just extract the zip and run DMPServer.exe. The computer running the server should connect to, not the public IP address. As for mods, the easiest way to set this up would be to open KSP, and hit options -> Generate blacklist DMPModControl.txt, it makes a mod control file specifically for your mod setup. Move the file from KSP_Folder/ into DMPServer/. Also note: DMPServer/Plugins is for server side plugins only, and there aren't many of those around. I mainly use it to test optional changes - But eventually any network-related mod glue could use DMPServer's plugin system. @Talavar: I'd recommend getting port forwarding working before using DMZ mainly for security reasons. DMZ forwards everything to a computer, which isn't exactly what you want. You only need TCP port 6702. EDIT: http://canyouseeme.org/ is the ultimate test for this, if that says success, then the server is running and your port forwarding is correct.
  17. @mr_grr2: Broken vessel.txt files would be interesting - If you can track down the issue, it's definitely worth hopping on IRC / posting here about reproduction steps. Some bugs can be easy, some bugs can be a pain . @Talavar: Generally dev should only contain bugfixes - I'll release a before we move onto 0.1.6. Also the git log is definitely the way to keep up to date with changes. @Everyone: I uploaded a video explaining the lack of updates. TL;DW: DMP's going to have to wait for love, I've started working again, and there's a pesky bug with KillVessel that's still causing grief with docking / quickloading.
  18. @Preliator: Getting a malformed handshake was possible during handshake protocol changes, but that hasn't happened for a *very* long time. Just make sure the server and client versions are the same and you should be right. @comatosed: That VPS sounds decent - I've only ever looked at linode but I've never used it. @Justinjah91: Generally caused by NullReferenceExceptions thrown by KSP, I'd need to get a hold of output_log.txt to know for sure, but this is more than an educated guess now . @Malouxe: Welcome to the forums, There's a few addresses you can use to connect to, there's your local address (, people in your network would connect to your network address (usually 192.168.0.x), and people outside of your network would connect to your public ip (found on a site like canyouseeme.org). canyouseeme can also check your port forwarding to make sure everything is correct @kaladek51: The vessel replacements have gotten much more unreliable in 0.24.2, I suspect I've got a way to improve them to avoid the explosions @X.C.M: Shared science / co-op mod play was possible under JoshBlake's branch - I've got to poke at that an integrate it into 0.1.6. @PringleMan: That requires me to finish my group-system branch, and that's exactly the idea - To share only within a group. @admiral9347: It might be an idea uploading KSP_Data/output_log.txt to pastebin and attaching it here, Hopefully that contains the info I need. @crunch: I used to run an australian server a very long time ago, before I started getting capped out every month . None of the current servers in the list are tagged AUS :-/
  19. @Cooly568: DMP syncs the scenario module data (most mods like kethane use scenario modules, science and career data are also scenario modules) every 30 seconds if they have changed. They are player-local though. The reason why the reputation went negative is likely a result of DMP replacing the vessel for part updates, it does this by killing the vessel and putting a new copy down. So that's another career bug I'll have to fix @KerbinUser: As I live in australia, timezones can be a bit of a problem . @Talavar: There was a very rare race-condition bug that was easy to fix, so I thought I might tackle that bug - It was possible to crash the server. I'm also calling the garbage collector periodically (something I don't have to do), but DMPServer doesn't need to keep 2gb of useless messages around. New ram usage should be in the 5mb - 15mb range, not the 5mb - (insert system ram limit here) range. @thedogs: DMPServer runs on the .NET framework, and it will run under linux/mac with mono installed. The CPU/Ram requirements should be next to nothing (z0n's servers run on a raspberry pi), but the bandwidth is nearly an exponential scaling thing as more players join. I'd first recommend running it locally before you commit to a remote server, there's a fair share of hickups that need to be addressed before I call DMP 'release' quality
  20. @Vanguard-01: Does your friend have any weird characters in the name? - It could also be caused by an enter inside the text box. If you're on windows, it should be in the foreground on the startbar somewhere, if you're on linux and you have screen'ed it, 'screen -rS screenname'. I'm unsure if it's possible for DMPServer to partially shutdown on windows, but it's always safe to kill with alt+ctrl+delete. DMPAdmins.txt does absolutely nothing at the moment, but it will eventually - I intend to basically hook the server console up to one of the chat gui's for admins. GUID is the global unique identifier, it's just a random character string that looks like the file names in the Universe/Vessels/ folder. They are used to both authenticate players (their token), or reference vessels. As for compiling DMP (if you really want to), clone my github, copy KSP_Folder/KSP_Data/Managed/UnityEngine.dll, Assembly-CSharp.dll, and Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into the git folder you cloned, then open the DarkMultiPlayer.sln file with monodevelop or visual studio and hit compile. The files should end up in (Client|Server)/bin/Debug/
  21. @Woutch - If you're using linux or mac, Is it possible mono-complete (or equivalent) isn't installed?, The only other thing I can think of is an ancient version of mono is installed (DMPServer requires some .NET 4 features). "mono --version" should tell you which version you have installed, That's certainly an odd error though... @Rovertoo: Glad you're enjoying it, but DMP certainly has some weirdness around . The first thing that comes to mind is one of those unsolveable timey-whimey issues - DMP uses lat/long/alt positioning below 10km, which can show them in an incorrect spot for your timeframe, but a correct spot in their time frame because that's where they actually are. Over 10km, DMP uses the orbital parameters to do positioning, which show them in the correct spot in your timeframe (wound back or forwards long the orbital rails), but the incorrect spot in their timeframe. This is the situation where you will see people fastly spinning around their rails while doing burns from the past, or when they appear to crash into a planet and spawn back. If you're both synced up, you shouldn't get these issues, but KSP still likes to kill things as they get close to the surface, so it could also be that. They should spawn back as soon as they touch the ground. The other thing I can think of is sometimes DMP (or a different mod) will do something KSP doesn't like, and make KSPthrow a heap of errors in the log, which stops DMP from syncing. This generally happens with an absolutely horrible framerate, you can check in alt+f12 if there are a whole heap of red NullReferenceExceptions Think of DMP as a remote persistent.sfs save that syncs vessels & kerbal data in real time, saves your science peroidically, and makes KSP's universe clock match up with a subspace (it really does drift like crazy) - So it's not really possible to join 2 worlds together, but there is a singleplayer to multiplayer save converter in the options menu . @KerbinUser/Everyone who wants to visit - we don't bite : You can jump on the IRC channel by going to my build server in my forum sig below, or you can click on the IRC link and hope it opens in something (Firefox tries to open it online with mibbit, most people I know on windows use something like xchat). @KerbinUser: The thing is that log showed they started KSP and (I think) loaded or started a singleplayer game. They definitely didn't connect to a DMP server. I'm just curious exactly how DMP was capable of this - It doesn't even look at other saves unless you touch the SP->MP universe creator, and even then should only read it into a game object without actually starting it. Do the persistent.sfs files get damaged, or does the load game menu just not work? You could try with just DMP installed, or test them one by one, but as you said it worked after removing DMP let them play their saved games, something weird is going on... @Krubert: This is probably my fault with a lack of documentation, TL;DR, Don't put client side mods in the server's plugin folder, it's for server plugins only. Longer answer: DMPServer (or KMPServer for that matter) have never, ever loaded client side mods like mechjeb or kethane (etc). The mods are completely set up by DMPModControl.txt, which can be generated from Options -> Generate Blacklist/Whitelist DMPModControl.txt. As the project went on, I had some requests or features that I don't think exactly belong in DMP (The idea of DMP is to basically do what stock does, but with your normal expectations of a KSP multiplayer game), like JohannesMP's "Single kerbal mode" idea (which I do find interesting), or some type of capture the planet / battle setup that require server mods. At first I directly copied the idea of KSP/GameData to DMPServer/Plugins as it would be familiar to modders, as time went on we decided to drop the KSP way of loading mods (Look for an attribute, save any events it finds) to something that made more sense and was cleaner (Inherit a plugin class and overload the events you need to). @Preliator: You're running something else on port 6702, likely another DMPServer Also as soon as you connect to the server, the nickname is protected with a player token and nobody else can connect as you. I do admit the whitelist is vulnerable until the player connects though. @Everyone: The player token is very important - If you lose it you can't access any server you have connected to with that name ever again, which is why DMP backs it up in the saves/DarkMultiPlayer folder as well . When you reinstall KSP, make sure you copy either saves, or place the token back in GameData/DarkMultiPlayer/Plugins/Data/
  22. @KerbinUser: IRC is basically old-school chatroom technology (It's actually one year older than I am!), but it's convenient. I've had a look through those log files - DMP is installed in the correct location and that was the first install (It backed up the player token and servers.xml under saves/DarkMultiPlayer/), but you didn't actually start a DMP session . Also, it looks like 'protractor' mod chucked a hissy fit and then the UI started bugging out in that case. You're pretty much spot on with the actual errors, Protocol mismatch means version mismatch (I've been tempted to rename that for a while although that's not exactly true, it would make more sense), Unhandled error while syncing is a general error that could be caused by anything (Eg, using on 0.24.x). Failed to connect / Remote host rejected connection are server portforward/firewall problems, and Aborted by software in your host machine means there's a crazy client-side firewall that has incorrectly terminated the connection. @Woutch: You need to enable the HTTP server in DMPServerSettings.txt - I've changed the entry to 8081 in the database. The DMPServer list gets all the info it needs from the http status port, including the game port That error is the scraper failing to contact your server, which is why it's not showing as online. @Vanguard-01: This is actually an easy one, On linux you can have pretty much any character you like in a file name, but on windows there are certain restrictions - For example, a ':' in the playername would cause that error (Hinted at by: System.ArgumentException: Illegal characters in path) @Cooly568: It works with science/career - Although there's been reports of missing science again, and KAS is definitely bugged, but most other part adding mods or gameplay mods should work fine (Kethane, MJ, B9, FAR, DE all should work fine). KAS has troubles with the way it connects vessels together - I haven't played with KAS personally yet though. @aftokinito: KerbTown shouldn't really be affecting DMP, DMP is only concerned with vessels/kerbals/scenario modules (science/kethane/other mod data etc).
  23. @Preliator: To appear on the server list, the HTTP status port must be enabled and reachable (if you're behind a router, you need to port forward). By default it is off, you can enable it by opening DMPServerSettings.txt and changing: "httpport,0" to "httpport,8081" @KerbinUser: That's the first time I've heard of this (apart from an earlier version that clobbered the last save on a failed connection), and that's an insanely serious bug if DMP really does cause this. If possible, can you upload an KSP_folder/KSP_Data/output_log.txt of this happening to a site like pastebin, along with any other information like reproduction steps? - I'll also recommend trying to catch me on IRC for something this serious.
  24. @UAL002: I guess it's a common affliction with us multiplayer devs @Preliator: Google translator isn't the best, but I get the gist of what google is trying to tell me. It does provide instructions, and warping whenever is fine due to subspace. DMP *isn't* very stable for 0.24 yet however To get the server to appear online in the list, you'll need to open up your HTTP port and port forward that / enter that in the database. Also, I've just realised my new scraper has one hell of a bug, so I'm restoring my serverlist backup...
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