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Everything posted by Floppster

  1. Well what I really meant was that in order to unlock a new tech node, you have to wait something like 3 days for every SCIENCE!!! point it costs, implying that Wernher and his guys doesn't "pump out new parts like a broken fire hydrant". Because really, who can invent ion propulsion in two seconds? But I like your idea too, misunderstandings aren't always a bad thing I checked, uninstalled KCT and MCE still gave me free ships.
  2. May I suggest an idea for expanding on this wonderful mod? Research time. A lot of the more role-playing guys over at mission reports go by the rule of three days per science point or something along the lines of that. Wouldn't that be pretty easy to implement?
  3. So I just installed MCE .65 and started a new save, but none of my ships seem to drain the budget? I checked the ships built log and it's still empty, even after trying a bunch of stuff. I checked the faq but this doesn't seem like something that has been brought up, what am I doing wrong?
  4. Hey magico, I'm having some problems with MCE, my budget never goes down. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but all my ships so far have been free, MCE never recognises a launch it seems. I just started a new save with the latest KCT and MCE, but it just doesnt seem to work. Any help for this? On another note, great mod! I've always been a little sceptic about the efficiency of kerbal industries Edit: Seems to be a problem with MCE, not KCT
  5. I set up both a scout craft and a four satellite comms network for moho and eve, the transfers were almost at the same time so i figured what the heck. Although, the moho sat package kinda missed and had to correct, losing fuel doing so. It ended with me using the built in thruster in three of the sats to put them in orbit. Turned out pretty great. Might edit in some pics when I get home.
  6. Sal, I don't think that was the point, that it rather was that you wouldn't need to lift it into orbit seeing as he said you could have hacked gravity.
  7. First of all, no pics no clicks go for challenges too, as stated above. Second, you don't really know how to use percents do you? 600% of 100 is 600 15% of 100 is 15 Third, docking on the ground is a lot harder than docking in space, easy mode would be hyperedit to orbit.
  8. I know, I was joking. My lifters tend to be quite minimalistic
  9. Damn. Of course your RL should be respected and is, but still. This had so much potential, and I hope your project works out and that you find time for this somewhere in the future. Remember that there will be people waiting for you
  10. I don't know if anyone has said it before, but beside being horribly inefficient and stupid, flinging heavy elements into the sun isn't a very good idea. Anything heavier than iron takes more energy to fuse than it gives away and by tossing tons of nuclear waste into it, the lifetime of our sun would drastically change.
  11. I never plan my fuel levels on big projects Several kerbals have seen their end forever orbiting the sun... Is there another way? I deorbited a space station by accident through this... Since then I make sure that all engines are OFF when docking.
  12. The thing isn't that it's overused, the thing is that it is used incorrectly. It was made by microsoft to be the "voice" of a cartoon character, not to provide information about spacecraft or hospital equipment. And yes, I have, with my own eyes, seen comic sans describing hospital equipment. In a hospital.
  13. Clever idea! Today i developed a reusable probe lander for the Mun and Minmus using NFPP engines.
  14. yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes Nertea, you're making me impatient by showing off all your wip pics Have you done anything for the itinerant so far or is that still in planning? I have to say that i love your ideas for battery slots, both in the itinerant and the battery packs.
  15. Okay, hi. I just can't stand the stupid in this thread. 1: Heavy water The formula for heavy water is as you said D2O, but not 2HO2, H2O2 or 2H2O. 2H2O is simply water, just that you've specified two molecules of it, 2 x H20. Heavy water is called heavy because of the deuterium, D. Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen containing one proton, one neutron and one electron, as opposed to regular hydrogen that contains one proton and one electron. The added neutron makes it pretty much twice as heavy as regular hydrogen. 2: Fuel cells Following the video posted, you're wrong. Really, you posted "proof" for your side and didn't even follow it. In a fuel cell, hydrogen is passed through the cathode, splitting it into electrons and protons. these later rejoin and bond with oxygen, forming water. 3: Electrolysis To get the hydrogen and oxygen separated before feeding it into the fuel cell, you have to use electrolysis. This is done by applying a current through water, turning it into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. Performing electrolysis of heavy water simply creates heavy hydrogen gas, deuterium, and oxygen gas.
  16. I think you forgot that he also sometimes destroy Kerbin.
  17. Thanks albert and blackheart for this awesome pack, rep to you both Might we get a no-mft version of the tanks as well?
  18. I finished up my Olympus Outpost currently housing Bill, Bob and Jeb for maintenance. They'll stay there for a couple of days to make sure that everything is working correctly before returning to Kerbin in the crew shuttle.
  19. So I've had an idea since the ARM release about the FTmN 280 since there are two 2.5 m engines, why not rescale it, change thrust and isp to make it for 3.75 m parts? I played around a little with the config, gave it a mass of 11.2, a thrust of 480 and a vacuum isp of 835 but this is of course just my first thoughts.
  20. I added another satellite to my communications network around Kerbin in my new .23.5 save. The only thing left for full coverage is to either replace or upgrade Comsat Kerbin 1, the first to be sent up. Oh, and Jeb lost grip of a ship on reentry because he forgot to collect the data from the disposable Goo containers earlier.
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