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Everything posted by Floppster

  1. Cool, thanks for the info. On another note, I saw that the Soy-Juice has built in solid rockets, the soft landing Landertron business. I never really used them, landed just by parachutes so I figured I could repurpose them. I deleted the Landertron plugin and rewrote part of the cfg to use them as a launch escape system and it worked perfectly. Then I got more ambitious ideas, checked the IVA view and said "Yeah, they fan have some cans of oxidiser under their feet". So now my Soy-Juice is a mix between a Soyuz and Spacex' Dragon, with a hybrid rocket burning solid fuel and oxidizer. Right now I'm learning and writing a MM patch for this, I'll post it here if i get it right and if anyone wants it. I just have to get the ISP and fx to change and then it's done.
  2. Lost my first astronaut during a test of an automated one-man transfer/rescue craft.
  3. Oh right, forgot about it, was thinking more about the stock, flat, cores. How would the engine cover behave if that was deleted? Because I really like the look of it, it's just a little fiddly.
  4. Started a new save as racking up on mods while being mid-game isn't that fun. While testing out Gamma 1, Bill and Mitbald made an unauthorised landing on the Mun because the guys over at mission control couldn't tell them what to do due to a lack of radio systems. Sad though, thay can't really talk about it since Wernher would get them fired for abusing hist test crafts.
  5. Orion, great pack! Really wondering why the beta isn't the full release, these parts are just super. Love the small details and the overall look of your stuff. Congrats for introducing a whole new diameter by yourself, all that is left now would be SAS, batteries and a probe core? The only thing wrong with the beta would be as posted just above, the Edamame's engine is very buggy and hard to start.
  6. Added a slightly modified version of HGR beta to my mod list, there's nothing more satisfying than stockalike parts filling gaps. Built another crew transport vehicle and fooled around a little.
  7. Granted, but the increased strain on your rockets joints welcome the Kraken to a party. I wish for even more stockalike mods!
  8. Banned for assuming the obvious when there could be greater messages hidden beneath.
  9. Banned because of simultaneous posting.
  10. Banned because I missed the 900th page.
  11. First of all, great looking, functional parts. Instant download Second, is there a way to toggle the aeroshell of the spica in the VAB? It looks really cool in the middle of a ship but is also beautiful by it self.
  12. Found out that RemoteTech has been updated -Got really excited -Updated and checked in on my satellites Tried KSP on Linux Mint 17 -Yay 64 bit -Got a little bit irritated before i learned that the mod key was displaced to right shift -Tested my Mint laptop by flying a 300+ part ship a little, approved. Cleaned up my mod list -Am now down to around 40 folders with many of them being single part stuff or gameplay/environment enhancements -Found out what a horder I am... Found and tested new mods/part packs -All modders deserve an applause or a free hotdog Also, that 300+ part ship mainly consisted of 1.25 m probes in 6-way symmetry, looked like an octopus. 10/10, would build tentacles again.
  13. Banned because we are getting close to the 900th page and there shouldn't be any mudkips or ponies there.
  14. Banned for overused ban reason.
  15. Banned for being terrified of the mods. It's me you should fear!
  16. Granted, you never dream again and go insane. I wish for aögsdllllllllllllllllllllll
  17. Banned for having exactly 100 posts. Also, gz.
  18. Sure, mind sending me a PM or something about it when it happens?
  19. Really? How far along are you? If you want, I could test it for you
  20. Great simple solution Loxtail, but the generator module would produce 1 unit of life support every second. It should be 1 unit every 24 hours, meaning it would be 1/86400 = 0.000011574 every second.
  21. Banned for inviting people to PM you.
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