Cool, thanks for the info. On another note, I saw that the Soy-Juice has built in solid rockets, the soft landing Landertron business. I never really used them, landed just by parachutes so I figured I could repurpose them. I deleted the Landertron plugin and rewrote part of the cfg to use them as a launch escape system and it worked perfectly. Then I got more ambitious ideas, checked the IVA view and said "Yeah, they fan have some cans of oxidiser under their feet". So now my Soy-Juice is a mix between a Soyuz and Spacex' Dragon, with a hybrid rocket burning solid fuel and oxidizer. Right now I'm learning and writing a MM patch for this, I'll post it here if i get it right and if anyone wants it. I just have to get the ISP and fx to change and then it's done.