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Everything posted by Floppster

  1. Banned because Sun isn't referencing the astronomical object but the brand of dishwasher tablets.
  2. Granted, you can now only surf classy, good sites. I wish for more bronies. (Muahahaha, you have to corrupt it...)
  3. Granted, but you can't remember any of it. I wish I don't miss the .25 hypetrain like I did last time.
  4. Banned because we are closing in on post 10k. Layout schmayout.
  5. Granted, but because of homonyms, you get a 50-50 blend of artificial wind devices and groupies. I wish I knew why I can't give rep to posts within the forum games.
  6. Banned because we are closing in on page 1k.
  7. Banning y'all for fontism. All fonts are equal, except Webdings.
  8. Absolutely wonderful, great looking crafts and really cool drawings of them. As mentioned above, love the modular feel.
  9. Banned for bamming. Reserved for Margera.
  10. Banned for not using the default setup.
  11. You gain 5 points for starting a new game. However, dealing out points in multiples of 5 is againts the rules, so I end up at -2 points. Sun = 5 pts Floppster = -2 pts 1: "Normal" laws, at least as normal as it gets in the KSP forums. 2: No weird physics, only Newtonian. 3: Awarding points in multiples of 5 results in a 2 point penalty.
  12. I sent Bart Simpson to saw off the head of the statue. My sandstone head.
  13. Baned in advance for making me miss page 1k.
  14. Was going to be granted, but the guys down in wish manufacturing are pretty stressed so you get the previous wish instead. I wish for omniscience.
  15. Banned for making me use Google Translate.
  16. Banned for having a new avatar and sig.
  17. Banned because it feels like I haven't been here in a while.
  18. Granted, but you get so absorbed by the sig that you no longer read the posts. I wish for a wish that can't be corrupted, without any loopholes.
  19. I actually liked the first one more, it seemed to fit more with the other parts. Both in model and texture.
  20. Granted, but now the cops are after you. I wish I could tell colours apart.
  21. This looks ridiculously cool, have some rep!
  22. Since it's CC-BY-SA, will someone adopt this orphaned but oh so awesome baby?
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