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Everything posted by Floppster

  1. Granted, but you went too deep and you're now stuck in wish limbo. I wish for stockalike mods.
  2. Banned for having lost kerbals to Kerbol, Moho, Eve, Gilly, Kerbin, Mun, Minmus, Duna, Ike, Dres, Jool and Laythe.
  3. Great pack! Really pretty tanks, the only thing would be that (imho) the larger spheres seem too big for a 1.25 m node and would look better with a 2.5 m base. One thing about the great looking fuselages, is it possible to get an end point adapter to .625 or 1.25 m nodes? They look so good, but I can't really find a use for them as fuel won't flow without ducts, as discussed above.
  4. Granted, the chair or other thing you're sitting in now has extremely sharp edges and is really blocky. I wish for 0.24
  5. gentle Someone once told me Minmus wasn't made of ice cream....
  6. Banned for being a mod outside of Spaceport.
  7. Going insane after an hour or two alone seems a bit excessive, more so when accounting for the almost constant radio contact with KSC they would have. My limit for going "insane" would probably be something like an extended roundtrip to Minmus alone. Trips to the Mun would, according to me, not be too bad since you still have a great view of Kerbin and radio contact. Going to Minmus would mean something like 14-20 Kerbin days with limited view and contact.
  8. Banned for banning yourself...or the spy... I CAN'T DECIDE WHICH ONE TO BAN!
  9. I brought back seven green men from Minmus because my Alpha Base really messed up my game and lagged too much. Damn shame, I had planned that base for a long time Meanwhile, on a planet called Earth: I look up at the night sky, seeing the moon far above me. I think to myself..."Damn, missed the transfer, now its too far above the horizon."
  10. Banned because that's how you recycle the recovered crafts
  11. Banned for banning a space walrus. Don't you know that they're almost extinct?
  12. Banned because 512 posts is 2^9.
  13. Sal's got his stuff right, I got curious just now and checked with my ever so helpful measuring twig Each mark is 10 cm and each notch is 1 m. Last picture is to verify and convert non-believers.
  14. Novasilisko made a radial separator in like five minutes or so for a thread some time ago, I'll see if i can find it....not the original thread, but here it is.
  15. I never use separators, mostly to keep the debris levels down.
  16. And remember, son: no struts, no space.
  17. It is as long as you don't use its warp in the tracking center Other than that, I say it's a great mod.
  18. All unlocked nodes are stored in the persistent under Tech{} paragraphs, but I don't know how to find the sci points for locked nodes. Either way, if you get it working, I would be really grateful. If you don't, still some great work you've done here The science from builds seems like a solid idea, but imho it's a little cheap. Especially longer into the game, 1 sp/day doesn't really do anything when everything costs 550 and 1000 each. But then again, I don't know how long the build times are for end-game ships.
  19. It is, had the toolbar a long time before this. Everything works, it calculates ship cost, gives me missions and all that. The only thing it doesn't do is drain my budget.
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