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Everything posted by Floppster

  1. I don't think I have anything interfering with the fairing module, the only thing i can think of would be Tweakable Everything as mentioned above. The top part decouples fine, but the fairing never separates and they seem to have a hitbox as the decoupled part rests on top.
  2. Wait, what? The ponies? Wasn't killing bad?
  3. If you don't have it, you should get TweakableEverything. With it, you should be able to toggle the fairings. Also, I'm not getting any panel separation at all ever. What's up with that? Running 64 bit on Linux, haven't tried it in a vanilla install though.
  4. Banned for not telling me which SOI I should stick around in.
  5. Oh come on Elsa, I hardly see you anymore!
  6. Banned for assuming others have the patience to do it.
  7. Banned because that's the rule for this thread. Am I doing it right?
  8. Fishes. Wasn't that beluga plane from airbus something or am I helt ute och cyklar?
  9. Sphincter. We're supposed to say the first we think of, right?
  10. Send a rag-tag team of oil drillers through astronaut training and hope for the best. How to prepare your body for puns?
  11. By using measuring tape and a calculator. Why is Eve angry?
  12. Removing radialLiquidEngine1-2 and ven.cfg seems to fix the issue.
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