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Everything posted by sjwt

  1. If its not already named, I would like to name the crater on the trailing edge of the Mun that is right on the orbit as \'Targuete\', from the middle French origin of target, as in bulls eye! 0`12\'24' North 136`54\'37' East
  2. Damn it, all this time I have just amused that the 10g limit was something in the game, I don\'t normally hit more than 3gs in a flight, and I though you would get a warning if you hit it
  3. Any word on the fuel draining way to slow with tanks that also link to another stack that has an engine on it? Its a physics braking bug that causes you to get massive amounts of free fuel, and all I am after is an acknowledgement that someone has seen this bug and it will one day get fixed.. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=12973.msg199957#msg199957
  4. Thanks for kicking us off sal_vager! I have added the following, trbinsc - Minimus Apotheosist - Mun basbr greghorst - Minimus khyron42 - Mun sal_vager - Minimus You are not locked into your requested flight if you have issues, its to get a bit of order into the flighs, but it is currently only one craft per turn. I\'m heading off to work now, so will start mine when I get back!
  5. Done, first up, start a new persistence file and go! I shall request the second slot!
  6. I have put in a Stock thread, I didn\'t hear back from khyron42 so I have just started it, any issues, I will happily move on.
  7. Stock Community Bases 3.0 Welcome to the community base thread for stock craft!The previous version only had Mun bases, but with the addition of Minmus and aircraft engines, it makes sense to have bases on all three landable bodies. I expect us to lose the occasional ship to the terrain tearing issue on Minmus, but we\'ll take that risk I guess. I\'ve made a few changes to the rules to try and make things more fun and limit the delays between turns, please take a look at them and make sure you\'re clear on them. I think it will help overall, but please suggest changes if there\'s anything that would be fairer without being a nightmare to keep track of! sal_vager - StarSpark II SSTO - Abandoned Launch Facility(1) - Kerbin sjwt - Star01 - Targuete(1) - Mun trbinsc - Minimus - Eceron Station(1) Apotheosist - Mun - Targuete(2) basbr - Mun - Targuete(3) khyron42 - Mun - Targuete(4) sal_vager - Minimus - Eceron Station(2) Newt0570 - Minimus - Eceron Station(3) Salda007 - Minimus - Eceron Station(4) Apotheosist - Minimus - Eceron Station(5) khyron42 - Kerbin - Abandoned Launch Facility(2) Tim_Barrett - Minimus - Eceron Station(6) Salda007 - Abandoned Launch Facility(3) zekes - Abandoned Launch Facility(4) In Progress: Apotheosist - not chosen yet.. *new bases accepted at Kerbin Mun Minimus Upcoming Flights: Stogas - Minimus - Eceron Station(6) Nutt007 - Mun - Targuete(5) Salda007 - Mun - not chosen yet If you are defining a new landing site on your turn, after landing I recommend that you submit it as a place name to the Kerbin Geographic Society thread over in General Discussion. 1. All flights must be flown with the latest KSP build, Presently KSP 0.15, no mods 2. All flights must be requested in advance, to be added to the upcoming flight List. You need to specify additional details: - If you plan to add to a craft one of the existing bases, specify which base your flight is planned for. - If there is no base yet on your target planet/moon, or if the existing base already has at least 5 craft landed there, you can specify 'new <planet/moon> base.' Land at a location of your choice, and provide the name for the new base when you post your save. Exceptions to the 5 craft rule can be made if a landing site is too hard or too laggy before there 5 craft there. - Instead of launching a new craft you can plan to move one of your existing ones from one base to another. Specify '<base name> to <base name> transfer' on your flight request. 3. I\'ll send you a PM and post in the thread when it\'s your turn to go. If you see that the person before you in the queue has posted their save file and I haven\'t gotten the notice out to you yet, definitely go ahead and start your mission! 4. At the end of your flight please post your persistent.sfs file as well a picture of the base. 5. If you do not post a file within 48 hours, you get bumped down one spot on the list. If you do this twice, you are removed from the list and must request a new entry. 6. If you screw up, you can try again in the same turn, but cannot get an extension on the 48 hours. If you\'re unable to fly and notify me ahead of the 48 hours it will help keep things moving along for everyone else, but rule 5\'s 'two reschedules deletes you from the list' will still apply. 8. Have Fun!
  8. If we build a craft, and it performs multiple missions that would all be 1st round missions, do we get the highest paying rewards and all the applicable 1st\'s Bonuses?
  9. I *hate* planes... This weeks challenge is challenging At lest to some one who cant get a plane to take off .. oh well time to expand my horizons. ***EDIT*** Can we use the new ZO2 parts?
  10. Happy to baby sit the stranded base if you send info
  11. Damm it, anyone know if that was an ok amount? I put a lot of time into that
  12. It might be good to get a Mod and Original thread, rather thank lumping them together.
  13. I spent pretty much everything, I could of done it really cheep, but tf\'s statement that it was \'first to the Mun to win\' had me worried he was going on time, so I go their in 1:32.. 22 tanks, 6 large engines, 1 small and 1 ZO2 panel + odds and ends
  14. HEADLINE: SKRAM Places Kerbals on Mun! What will they think of next? Sorry it took so long, my 0.14 has become half corrupted, and 0.15 was giving me bad fuel lines bugs with tones of free fuel!!
  15. They slowly fall away IIRC.. I had another design, but with 3 engines, but I was 5K over budget, then, I could only get two Sats to the mun, then I realised I was costing a few things twice.. My head nearly exploded..
  16. More than happy to share.. I did think 18K for three to KSO seemed amazing!
  17. Well unless tech level 6 got droped in cost a lot, no one will be buying rovers, and their is still not a link on the first post to the rover So manned/unmanned it is!
  18. HEADLINE: SKRAM sees the North pole and makes 25680m, competition is heating up!
  19. You know I didn\'t realise how much more complex this would become with the design changeling... I would suggest that the entry fee increases each turn, along with the payouts. This is becoming complex! I love it.
  20. HEADLINE: SKRAM ready to launch three powersats to the Mun before accountant kills mission! Today, SKRAM fires one of its lead engineers who had come up with a design to take 3 powersats to the Mun, after it was noticed by an accountant as the ship was on the launch pad that it would of put SKRAM $5K into the red.. a very hasty and quick redesign had leed to 2 powersatss being put into orbit around the Mun! A press relese from John Kerman (Lead Production and Design Coordinator at SKRAM) states as follows 'We would never ever try and launch a ship that would put us into the red, unless of course we though we could get away with it!' *** True story! Email has been sent Togfox! *** In a truly pythonesque event, those responsible for the sackings have been sacked!
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