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Everything posted by sjwt

  1. Nice, I am currently trying to deal with \'Lags from the VAB\' to \'half way to the Mun\' I get 1/4 FPS until about 200kms..
  2. Now that is sweet, sorry to bring up an old topic, but dang! Now THAT is Kerbal!
  3. Nice, love the staging, even if this dose seem to fall apart a lot on load maybe I should try the safe version, but that doesnt sound very Kerbal to me!
  4. Yerh, the m/kms thing keeps messing with my head to, Though I am sure you mean 16,500m, for mission 1.
  5. I present MELLISSA, SKRAM\'s Advanced Super Heavy Lifter. [sTOCK no Mods] Capable of getting 121 Full fuel tanks out to 200,000m @ 27% efficiency by weight. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10468.0
  6. I am happy to help with a \'No Kerbal left behind\' policy, at lest for anyone not shooting @ the same target as me ;D
  7. Dang, I was hoping no one else would go for that. I guess we can share the payout..
  8. I saw a post that suggests this can happen with the detail turned down too low. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10483.msg159151#msg159151
  9. Its an old bug that is back, effecting mostly larger rockets, you have plenty of thrust, but the craft is stuck to the launch pad.. If you put stacked decouplers under the engines and activate them, then the craft takes off no issues.. It can effect smaller builds to. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=4355.msg49281#msg49281 http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=3979.msg44572#msg44572
  10. Playing around with the Zo2 for the fun of it, and I have noticed You get time in-between deaths, should we run at different penalty levels depending on how many die?
  11. awww stupid sticky rocket bugs.. oh well its a good thing I\'ve spent weeks trying to work around them so far..
  12. New issue, do we get free Decouplers for stick rockets? or do we have to design around it?
  13. As per the tech rules, I am announcing my greediness, I will take Tech level 1 and 2, for $3000
  14. I would limit salvage at between $100 and $200 per module, I think this would be *way* too easy otherwise.
  15. Just as it says, its a Advanced Super Heavy Lifter! It can take 60 tanks of *full* fuel to the mun!
  16. I\'d call it very Kerbal, for the amount of mass it lifts, I woudl say its about as efficient as you can get with the Launch pad being the size it is.. It gets 27% of its mass to 200ks.. that\'s pretty good!
  17. Love your work, a very efficiently made design, I appreciated stock rockets and also anyone that is willing to lift a true payload. I present for your viewing pleasure/horror my Advanced Super Heavy Lifter, that can take 115 tanks out to 200kms @ 26% efficiency by weight(I added engines and RCS to 6 of the 121 tanks to give it the ability to go into an orbit). I hope you will bring forth more true lifters into the game for all to enjoy! http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=10468.0
  18. Getting into orbit, that\'s not Kerbal.. Exploding into orbit, now that\'s Kerbal.
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