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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. Sorry, pal, just isn't your day. General Rarity?
  2. I've seen October Sky, and I love the idea of this! An even sillier space game? Count me in! If Squad does ever make a full-blown sequel to KSP I would die to have it be on an interstellar level. Of course the devs have the experience of the four years it took to make KSP under their belts, so I'm sure they could be capable of such a massive game. KSP/Space Engine collab, anyone?
  3. Thomas988


    Gotta admit, that's totally true. That's why I don't even plays games that much; only play games I know are good, because if the creator knows what they're doing I should be able to tell the quality of the game just from looking at the title and thumbnails. Unfortunately, that's where false advertising destroys and rips apart everything fun about Roblox. Good rule of thumb? Just assume all games on the front page are terrible.
  4. Yup! It's awesome! Here's the link: http://code.google.com/p/gimp-normalmap/ And just so you don't stress over how to install this plugin like I did, here's a tutorial on the plugin that shows how to install it at the beginning. It also shows how to use it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Jdo3ZmtPWk
  5. I hate to criticize such a new release, but I recommend using KopernicusTech whenever stars work with it. Obviously that isn't right now, so you're fine for the moment, it's just that PlanetFactory CE is quite glitchy from what I've heard and isn't being supported. Nevertheless, this sounds pretty awesome!
  6. It's...ummmmm...the thumbnail of a Roblox video I was in for my friend years ago.
  7. Technically, no. But I'm bad at riddles, so...
  8. Np! Sorry about the wait, I've just been really "out of it" lately. Luckily I seem to be getting the planet-making spirit reinvigorated in me.
  9. I just like to fantasize over the idea of a crossover between Space Engine and KSP. KSP2, anyone?
  10. Lately I haven't even been exporting planets in KT. I take the exported Space Engine height map, open it in Gimp, use the normalmap plugin and set the scale really high (like 11). Then I set the opacity of the new normalmap to fifty and throw it into KT. Works like a charm! Of course, exporting could be a better option, but my method hasn't failed me yet. I'm even planning to use it in my Odysseus pack.
  11. For along time I used to obsess about deleting all debris in the Tracking Station, but lately I really have not cared at all. For me being hit by debris is pretty much impossible (famous last words, amirite?), so I don't sweat it. Of course that doesn't mean I'm against deleting debris, I just don't do it often anymore.
  12. Wisconsin is TERRIBLE right now! I heard it was -20 degrees Fahrenheit not too long ago, and apparently it's been around there ever since. Really guys, it's cold.
  13. Wow! That's awesome! I've really lost my touch at building crafts.
  14. Everyone: I will work on a Kopernicustech port once the weekend starts. I cannot make progress during school.
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