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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. That's great! Pretty much sums up KSP in two images!
  2. For me, when to start a gravity turn is not based on when a rocket reaches a certain altitude, but rather when a rocket a reaches a certain velocity. I've found if you're 10 kilometers up and start turning, but travelling only 10 meters a second, your rocket is going to fall right out of the sky. Here you should wait until you reach a speed where you vertical speed will not deteriorate as you turn. In another instance if you're 10 kilometers up and travelling 3,000 meters a second, you are going to be leaving Kerbin entirely. Here you should have started turning ages ago! I start turning once a rocket reaches ~300 meters a second.
  3. i joined the proud KSP community in 0.20 only a couple weeks before 0.21, just enough to witness the old KSC!
  4. Now that you mention it, it does seem to be on the rse. Heck, even space seems to be ever-increasing in popularity now. The amount of space games recently has been crazy!
  5. Happens to the best of us! I've once stranded a crew of three around the mun after a mission went wrong, as well as two others on my first Mun and Minmus mission. No one but Bob, the first Kerbal on the Mun, died.
  6. Back in my younger years I liked being on the backstage crew for plays. However, I don't do theater anymore. So...no.
  7. I never did have a problem in the first place. I just made the request that the Ranger would produce lift the way a lifting body does. However, you corrected me by saying it already does produce lift, which meant that I simply hadn't noticed it. Then I thanked you letting me know.
  8. Welcome! It makes me glad to know you're enjoy KSP and the community very much! 431 hours in KSP? Nice! Signing up for the forums is a great decision; I have yet to regret it!
  9. Oh, it does? I'm using stock aerodynamics, and I guess I didn't notice! Thanks for the clarification!
  10. To be fully honest, I more excited for the game Space Engine will be made into once the developer reaches $8,000.
  11. Something I'd like to see is aerodynamic lift for the small Ranger. The Ranger is a lifting body, and I've been simply dying to fly around in the atmosphere with it.
  12. I also have a LEGO space shuttle and a moon rover, FishInferno. I also got a poster years ago of the solar system but it was so big it didn't fit anywhere in my room.
  13. Ooooh, that's nice! Definitely surprises me how big/small some celestial bodies are as compared to what we usually assume.
  14. I go crazy with giving out rep. I like to give new members rep to show them how nice our community is, as well as to others' posts whom I either agree with or really enjoy.
  15. Land the spacecraft on its helmet! What would Jeb do if someone ate all the snacks in the universe?
  16. If Frank farms on intense freaking dirt, Dan sighs. fdgdfgf
  17. My school has a Minecraft Club, and despite being quite bored of that game I do attend every Thursday session and play with my best friend. We sometimes even play together as an entire group (a dozen or so of us), and it gets pretty wild.
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