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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. What else can I say than this? Pretty much 99.99% of why I got so upset.
  2. Exactly, and I even stated that as a point in my first message to him.
  3. Alright guys, I have some news. I PM'ed Kasper telling him what we thought about his thread. He responded a couple minutes ago, and he says he never expected the joke to get so out of hand, as demonstrated here. Really, the joke was prodding humor at other gaming companies who have given in to solely money. Squad, of course, will never do such a thing. We'll never allow it! I also asked him to remove of edit the thread. We'll see how that turns out.
  4. Listen to this man, guys! None of us want a flamewar, right?
  5. Definitely. I smell the kindling birch wood of a birthing flame war.
  6. Preach it, Upsilon. Glad to see we're on the same boat. God dang...I've never hated Squad so much in my life, if ever!
  7. You do not prank someone several days in advance to the day that prank is supposed to be in spirit of. What if twelve days in advance to Halloween I stood right next to someone's bed and screamed in their face immediately as they woke up. Saying "Happy Halloween!" will not lessen the damage.
  8. How am I supposed to a see an April Fool's day joke a week in advance?! I may be gullible, but seriously, with so many trustworthy companies going bad nowadays I don't know who to believe is the good guy.
  9. I know this is a joke, guys, but serously... ...THIS IS PLAIN CRUEL. I am not laughing here. I was extremely worried reading that post. The first thing I did? Come to this forum to complain! I'm sorry, but shame on you Squad. Never have I been so concerned about this community than when I read that post.
  10. A tiny mug borrowed with Jedediah, the Nintendo-64 shows a tiny gable of haze in a spiteful rainbow refrigerated container. According to poplar myths, the N64 is absolutely waffle flavored and should defiantly be played. Ninja'd
  11. I was just about to post the exact same thing. Gosh the terrain in KSP is boring! Duna is just...terrible. Nothing but random hills! Probably the best we have right now is the Mun and Minmus. Plus, I would kill to have a new atmospheric visual system. So many softwares, many completely free and ridiculously simple (Space Engine, Outerra, Celestia, just some examples off the top of my head), have better results than KSP.
  12. Am I the only one who sees a heavenly light splitting the clouds? Why have I not thought of this?!
  13. The tiniest tank stolen from Jebediah, the Thermos-64 throws a tiny amount of rage in a spiteful rainbow refrigerated container. According to popular myths, the Thermos-64 is absolutely waffle flavored and should definitely be tasted.
  14. Squad has said that they will not add any more planets or moons until the current ones are just as good as Kerbin. Unfortunately I can't find the quote. :/
  15. I myself always answer legitimately. Really, even having a random option in a poll and then everyone choosing it really distracts the main point of a thread.
  16. Nonsense! All praise and glory be to Jebediah, our holy lord and savior of the true light and dark of the cosmos.
  17. Good Gary sold Danny into real peace. jkasdhf
  18. Why not just make the entire loading screen modable? I know some Minecraft mods and resource packs entirely change the loading screen to fit the style of that mod. Now think of that in KSP. Just installed KSPI? Maybe a new loading screen could popup with some cool fan art or something. This would include custom tips of course, but I think the possibilities are far greater than that.
  19. Yeah...2D can't possibly exist in our universe. Even lead on paper (excuse me, graphite) has a thickness, although extremely small.
  20. I am going to buy that house, one way or another!
  21. I still have the save I started KSP with back from 0.20 I really never got okay with building massive space stations, colonies, and spacecraft and then just deleting them for a new update.
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