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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. Oh man, this is awesome! Honestly I thought 1.0 would take longer to make though. I gueds Squad is just that good.
  2. Choooo, choo! I hear the train coming over the horizon now! 1.0, we're coming!
  3. Incredible! This mod is just amazing! Also, just a quick question: what is your standpoint on adding the mini Rangers? Sorry if this has been answered already, but this thread is really lengthy.
  4. I've barely seen it at all, also.
  5. That's a federal penalty here on the KSP forums. You don't know Upsilon? That thirty demerits!
  6. Plus, I think these sounds should play in-flight when you're around KSC or on Kerbin.
  7. Do not crash two Magic Boulders into each other.
  8. Banned for attempting a landing on Europa.
  9. Sure thing! But in comic sans! I wish for KSP 2.0.
  10. The bloody flip is this Oooooh
  11. yo mawma heuheheuheheuheheuheheuhe Gg, Robotengineer, gg.
  12. 11/10 Better graphics than Space Engine "I can't stop!" The Queen of England Voted for US federal judge 9375 years in a row!
  13. I was many years younger when I went on my first flight. The plane was your typical commercial jet, and I went out west to Colorado to meet my aunt and uncle who used to live out there. Personally, my favorite part of the flight is when you're either just taking off and the engines are speeding up or when the plane lands. It's really fun to pretend I'm on a spaceplane and I'm going to space. Also, I've always been really freaked out when the plane flies inside a cloud and everything outside is just white. It's like reallife.exe just stopped running.
  14. The reason you all still have your accounts is because I'm nice enough to not delete them from the database.
  15. I seriously thought I was prepared for this year's April Fools' Day. Then this happened. It always hits home! EDIT: Master Tao, no! My eyes are burning!
  16. Greg, also?! What is this world coming too?!
  17. Using that plugin, no. But Squad announced a collaboration with Eucled to allow you to submit your craft, and if the correct guidelines are followed your craft will be printed, albeit at around $100-$200.
  18. Guys, I thought it was a joke one person was pulling Then it was two, then three, then four! My god, now everyone making their avatars something straight out of MS Paint and using comic sans! What kind of sick, sick, joke is this?! I hate you April Fools' Day!
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