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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. Ummm...did I break the KSP community or something? Is everyone obsessed with talking about FNaF now? Like megatiger said, you better bring something new to the gaming community or no one will take the time to look at your game. I know it's harsh, but that's the reality of the industry. Put a spin on current lore, make players think, avoid making the mistakes that turned so many people away form the original FNaF games.
  2. Well My thread has gained a lot of attention Thanks? Honestly, at first I was off-the-walls hyped, but it didn't take me long to realize that this movie will be absolutely terrible. But hey, whatever. I'll see it when it comes out, I just won't expect anything to be good.
  3. I hope they do all three games. The plot on just the first game is pretty bare bones compared to what happens in the rest of the trilogy. C'mon, if this movie is going to be terrible then let is be terrible with all the animatronics! Especially Springtrap. Good god he's creepy.
  4. My expectations are low for this film. Heck, it could be the worst film ever! I'm just curious whether it's going to be FNaF4 but made into a film or just a summarization of the entire FNaF plot so far. Really, the second option sounds a billion times better. Warner Bros. making a whole new storyline just looks like they didn't do any research at all on the actual lore of the games.
  5. I didn't even do that! I just went into my Steam directory and pinned the .exe file to my taskbar and start window. To date I have only logged 12 hours of KSP, says Steam.
  6. I have no idea why that happens, Brethern. A lot of the FNaF praise I've heard of (and all of the praise I'm giving) is because of the dark lore, and how secretive it was in the games. FNaF3 was so insane to me because it brought so many new concepts to the conspiracy table, many of which blew my mind and totally changed what I thought about the deeper story. Now could this story be retold in a movie and in the same way? Really, I have no clue. I tried FNaF for myself, and I did get scared quite a few times. FNaF is the only horror I can stand, and there's no denying there are many more scary games out there in the world.
  7. 96 kilometers/second? Can the ol' Hypetrain handle such a speed?
  8. Ha ha! I get the reference! +Respect for you, son! Honestly, this movie does look like a quick cash grab to me, too. Hopefully Scott Cawthorne will be in close touch with the film-makers so this doesn't turn out awful. The potential is huge! Please don't blow it, Warner Bros.!
  9. Guys, I'm sorry. I really am! I've tried to keep my Five Nights at Freddy's obsession to a minimum here on the KSP forums, but today I've just lost it and cannot help but explode with fandom. There is going to be a FNAF movie. *screams with utter joy and dies* But seriously, how do you guys feel about this? FNaF is a very mixed game when it comes to its reviews, and while I think it is a masterpiece it is also easy to argue it is the worst game ever.
  10. There's no single way to make the maps. Most people, including myself, get their textures from a software called Space Engine. However, those more invested and talented with their maps (such as the developers of Outer Planets) may make their maps by hand or use more advanced softwares. In end, you just need a grayscale height map, a color map, and a normal map.
  11. #bringbacktheboulder C'mon Squad, you got this! Make us happy!
  12. I've almost never have used the report button, but I've mentioned edgy threads to the mods a couple times. My most rule-breaking era was right when I joined and had no idea how online forums even worked, since this was the first one I ever have been devoted to. I think a few of my threads were locked and others simply not taken too well. I've even gotten two rule infringements over the years, and trust me getting a letter from the mods is worse than failing a semester final.
  13. Ununoctium in the highest density imaginable.
  14. 53 rep until my fifth bar?! A lot of this rep has come from my friend CG_Kerbin and Starwhip. Thank you guys, you're awesome!
  15. But wait! Eeloominate has 11 letters Minate has 6 letters A minute has 60 seconds Eeloominate has 6 vowels Half Life 6 confirmed!!111!1!!!1
  16. I'm keeping everything! I've been putting off my career mode save for a couple updates just for the right time, and 1.0 is definitely what I've been waiting for. Also, in my sandbox save, resources will make a nice addition to my Mun base!
  17. Of course I'm at school right now and still have six hours to go until the day's over. I'm excited to test this out!
  18. Just Kerbal Space Program. Seriously, nothing else sounds good to me!
  19. I have gotten that bug too many times. I'm afraid I don't know exactly what causes this (although I'm betting is may have something to do with Kittopia, since it handles the terrain), but the best solution I can give you is just to rewrite your configs.
  20. Welcome, n9udt! Trust me, buying KSP is the best investment you'll ever make. KSP rekindled my dying interest in astronomy and rocketry and to this day since has kept that raging adoration going strong. I've learned a lot, become a new person, and fallen in love with all you guys at the forum! Don't be scared of KSP, it's your friend!
  21. Plot twist: that rocket isn't exploding! What you're seeing is a really, really, really bad attempt at creating a dramatic lens flare of the sun in front of a spacecraft sitting on top of the launchpad. I would update my avatar, but it's grown on me too much!
  22. Yup! I had the same seizure when I first saw them!
  23. What? Are you implying this is a bad thing? My gosh, this is brilliant! Squad, this needs to be stock!
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