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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. Eh. If you asked me perhaps a year ago, you could bet ten bucks I would do something extremely special for Val and get twenty back. Now I've almost become desensitized to the elite Kerbals and love all of my Kerbonauts equally!
  2. Is it possible to oblate cloud layers in EVE? I want to create a cloud layer that is shaped like a round pancake, but right now all I can get are spheres.
  3. How about a whole new game? What about Kerbal Space Program on an interstellar scale? Warp drives! Colony modules! Solar sails! Kilometer-long spacecraft! It's crazy of course, but I think something like that is one of the few things that could be better than the current KSP.
  4. I heard somewhere that when someone reports a thread/post, every single moderator receives the report instantly. I don't know where that was, though. EDIT: Woah! Double ninja!
  5. Clouds also sound really good to me, but I'm concerned about the memory usage when such a feature would be implemented. when running EVE, I can't run many other mods at the same time. Of course, Squad wouldn't directly implement EVE and 1.0 has some good memory optimizations.
  6. 4/10 I've seen you just a bit, mostly here on the off-topic forums. Did you change you avatar? I could've sworn it was different before!
  7. Yeah, I totally agree. Anyone outside of the KSP community wouldn't get the running joke of giving updates silly names.
  8. Hi Kervelopment! You excited for 1.0? You've certainly joined our forums at an exciting time!
  9. I can send some! My computer can run Space Engine easily, and export textures at 10K resolution. Thing is, though, I don't know how to send them to you in the first place.
  10. *raises glass of water* Cheers, Squad, and to KSP!
  11. PLEASE be the the Boulder! It was removed before I even bought KSP!
  12. Unfortunately, I don't think my parents will fancy the idea of me skipping a whole day of school just for 1.0, even though the occasion is totally worth it.
  13. Never had buying a game for 23 bucks been so worth it. I've been on a quite the break from KSP lately to focus more on life, but nevertheless hanging on to this magnificent community we have here has been just as fun and rewarding as it was from the very beginning! When I bought Kerbal Space Program on July 4, 2013, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I was young and inexperienced in the world of gaming, but being swept into the Kerbal universe I found myself simply craving more of what there was to be offered. I joined the forums, read the dev notes, and became good friends with fellow Kerbal Space Program players. This all has changed my way of life, overall attitude, and ideas in a way nothing else could. This game taught me mistakes aren't just great teachers, they're the only teachers that matter! I mess up bad every now and then, but I put on a smile, find out what I did wrong, and grow from those experiences. Reading these developer notes every week for countless months now have made me realize the tremendous efforts that go into games such as these, as well a the people behind the process. I used to see people online as avatars and usernames, and the emotional acknowledgement of there existing a living, breathing, thinking, human being behind those screens had never clicked in my mind. You all changed that! Finally, Kerbal Space Program has made me a person I couldn't be any more happy to be. The effects Kerbal Space Program and its community has had on me has sculpted who I am into someone who thinks and cares about others, someone who accepts failure, and someone who pursues their passion. What if I told you that before my time with KSP I was not interested in space? That hobby had died years earlier, and even during then I was not very into the subject. Now its back! Loving space and space travel has had the same life-improving, character-building experience, and it too has its roots in discovering Kerbal Space Program one slow summer afternoon. Yes, this is a very deep post, but only because Kerbal Space Program has been such an emotional experience that stretches far, far beyond just being an ordinary video game. Squad, you are a blessing to me, all throughout the good times and the bad times. Thank you so, so, so much for committing four years of your lives to such a wonderful project! I love you all! ~Nathan (Thomas988)
  14. Oooo, gimme! I would totally but that! Let's just hope it's not too expensive, okay?
  15. I'm noticing in the VertexColorMap mod your texture located in a folder called YourPlanetPack, while the texture for the PQSMod_VertexHeightMap mod is in a folder called Kopernicus. Have you noticed this?
  16. Can someone catch me up to speed on what has been going on in this thread? I've been trying to follow but I have been pretty busy lately to do so.
  17. Oh crap! I thought this was the suggestion forums, so sorry! I really ought to pay attention next time.
  18. But what about stock players? I would hate it if the render distance was 100 meters in my single player saves. EDIT: I didn't notice this was the add-ons forum, not the suggestions forum. Sorry, everyone!
  19. I think they should make another space-exploration game set in the Kerbal universe, except on an interstellar scale. Being a separate game, Squad would have no limits on taking a few steps into the theoretical neighborhood. Honestly, Kerbals a century or two later with all sorts of futuristic tech would be mind-blowing to me.
  20. Same here too, Starwhip. I liked doing super serious sandbox and career saves back in the day, but I got out of that in about a year. Now I've been playing other games, like Space Engine or Seed of Andromeda, while sticking around here on the KSP forums.
  21. "Seed of Andromeda is stupid!" says my friend. My god, I think a voxel game with round flipping planets deserves some attention!
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