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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. Pretty cool. I think they should've been big asteroids, perhaps kilometers wide (for variety's sake).
  2. ...shoot. Discussion over, I guess. Also, while on the subject on Dresteroids, what's the difference between them and normal asteroids? Are they bigger, smaller, rarer?
  3. I haven't done too much in the post-1.0 aerodynamics, but I think I prefer 1.0 slightly. Flying just felt a lot smoother than what it does snow.
  4. In the last devnote before 1.0, Roverdude said this: "Lastly, we’re taking bets on how long before the community discovers the resources easter egg we snuck in for you (I’m betting two months post launch). One hint: .It’s a pretty large easter egg." I still have not heard anything about what it could be. What do you guys think?
  5. I have one female friend, and we talk online. Plus she lives in Poland. Shoot.
  6. What, already?! Show me to the aggressor, they shall pay for staining the reputation of this community!
  7. W-What?! It's about time, Squad! First Scatterer + EVE compatibility, now this?! My god, this is the best day ever!
  8. There is a setting in the pause-game settings where you can set the transparency up or down. I myself see the navball fine, but of course that it different for others as proven on this thread.
  9. I believe so. It's complicated, but I think some people have done it. You should go ask this on the Kopernicus thread here. EDIT: Ninja'd!
  10. I will watch this man's channel from here on out! Give Macey a Nobel Peace Prize! The KSP community can finally rejubilate!
  11. I just...don't. Dres just doesn't interest me.
  12. It didn't work with 0.90, so I doubt it works in 1.0.2.
  13. I currently have a probe out to the Mun to scan for resources. My fingers are crossed that my already-landed Mun base is located on a good ore patch. It's not too special, but getting back into KSP is fun.
  14. ¡Hola! KSP is amazing by any standards, and I have done a lot so far. Some good advice? Well, don't be afraid to build huge rockets; I know I was at your time. The Kerbodyne tanks and engines, if you have them, are amazing in every way possible. Also, in 1.0 a new "Engineer's Report" button was added to the VAB and SPH in the bottom right-hand corner. Trust me, this thing works wonders, and after fixing all the problems on your craft you will fly safe. Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy it here!
  15. Wooooooo! Keep it up, Kyasarinn! I'm still amazed at the Kerbal you made for me!
  16. Right now, nonexistent. For some reason I can't get her to appear in my pre-1.0 saves.
  17. 8/10 You have tons more rep than me, yet I've never met you. How does that wo- Wait! You're the guy to got millions of rep in one month! *falls on knees and worships* I remember you now!
  18. I was just thinking of something like this yesterday. I totally agree!
  19. I don't believe in using MechJeb, just because I have way more fun doing everything manually than automated, not because it could be seen as cheating. Technically, you can't cheat in a single player game. If a person enjoys have things done for them, then that's how they should play it.
  20. YOU GOT DUN DIDDLY DENIED, SON Xannari Ferrows, you there?
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