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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. The Kerbal Space Program community: where we take My Little Pony fan-art and proceed to analyze rocket science. I love you guys.
  2. I love this guy! I watched another one of these videos a couple days ago, but I'm not sure if it's appropriate for the forums.
  3. A little something? That is amazing, great job!
  4. I really enjoy ISRU because it finally gives purpose to building bases and space stations outside of Kerbin. Getting the ISRU converter itself is an immense challenge, so I think it perfectly balances out any chance it could be "too OP." Now if only I could find a nice way to throw it on one of my Mun rovers and get it landed on my Mun Base that would be fantastic.
  5. Lava Hot Melt Like snow Snow Water Evaporation Water vapor Vapor is gas Gas Gas giant Jupiter Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system The first Galilean moon of Jupiter is Io The first letter of Io is I I Eye LAVACAKE IS LOOMINARTY
  6. Is that Space Engine?! H- How? - - - Updated - - - As for my actual reply, I would install every single graphical improvement mod ever created and install all the planet packs. Oh god...the want!
  7. Best: KSP, Seed of Andromeda, Space Engine, and Outerra, Euro Truck Simulator, and FNaF 1-3 (don't judge, okay?). Worst: Jetfighter 2015, Roblox, SimCity (5), and Minecraft (I only find it to be enjoyable with friends. Singleplayer is such a bore!).
  8. Woooooah! Don't let it sit, put it to work! Great find!
  9. Yes, this should be stock! We love our organization mods.
  10. I think that would be really cool! Since KSP doesn't have n-body physics, the intercepts of Kerbin and the 2002Ve68 analogue would be regular.
  11. Now if only Minmus has those water jets.
  12. Nathan Bullock ELA, 6th Hour
  13. That is really nice! The spacecraft looks gorgeous.
  14. I paid twenty-ish bucks for KSP, I would buy it again if I could. Seriously, because of KSP I got myself into the best hobby ever and made a ton of fellow space-loving friends.
  15. I like go-karts. There's one place on the other side of town that has them, and sometimes I'll get with my friends and do a couple races around it. As for watching, I hate any racing. I just find it too boring for me.
  16. Was it a Hot Wheels game? I have some still from my childhood, and they seem to fit your description.
  17. I absolutely hate the ads, the wait times, and the "premium" access. I know, they're just minor inconveniences, but it just lacks the KSP community spirit.
  18. The only version I have saved is 0.90 (that's when it hit me i should be saving my versions ). Sometimes I'll use that copy to mess about with mods that don't support 1.0.x yet.
  19. WHY IS YOUR LIFE SO MUCH MORE INTERESTING THAN MINE?! That is awesome! +10 respect to your grandfather.
  20. I do think KSP has an element of addiction to it. The amount of stuff you can do it limitless, and if you can think of it chances are you can build and fly it. It's this versatility that got me into KSP in the first place!
  21. Water and milk. The masterrace.
  22. Okay, thanks for the advice. I'll just wait until finals are over and I'll look into an update.
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