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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. I saw it. It was...forced...to say the least. I didn't find it too interesting, either. Just the cliche "get confused at what capsule to use, throw stuff on it, find symmetry glitch, abuse it, etc." No offense to new players, of course, but it was quite a disappointing video.
  2. I LOVE THESE GUYS! uncaps
  3. Plus, you could make an alternate account and give yourself infinite rep.
  4. This game is definitely a masterpiece, and I still think it's underrated! All I feel the game lacks in is rich exploration, fantastic graphics (sorry), and good terrain. It's still #1 in my books, but some other indie games I'm following has a slight chance of passing it up in the future.
  5. The person who types that probably lives in the UK.
  6. I like Apple, but only for iPod and iPhones. If I want a computer, I turn to Windows. The reason I'm not a big fan of Android is because I never got the chance to use it, and I would rather use an operating system I'm familiar with rather than learning whole new one.
  7. Wait, the giant dishes at the Tracking Station aren't giant space lasers?
  8. I use the computer with the lights on, and when wearing my glasses are on I usually sit straight up in my chair,a foot and a half or so from the screen. I almost never get headaches, but they may be to due to the fact I've been using computers as long as I can remember. If my eyes do starting hurting, though, I just like to get up a drink a glass or two of water. Sometimes I also forget to stay hydrated during long computer sessions, and a drink can really help sometimes.
  9. Mine haven't even begun. *crosses arms and puts on pouty face*
  10. My god, you're making me so angry! Do you even like space...at all? If not, what are you doing here?! This game is not made for the Average Joe, simply because it takes time, effort, determination, and skill to take in everything this game has to offer. You appear to be giving up, which is totally against the spirit of the game. Here my challenge to you: fire up the game just one more time and actually use the resources this thread alone has provided to thrive in kerbal universe. It's harsh and challenging, but that is exactly what this game is about. Period. I am done. Goodnight.
  11. If you haven't done so already, report K3RBAL KOL4. I've already reported him to the mods three times today, which is a record in my entire time here on the forums. Just...AGH. I HATE TROLLS. AGSAGHDAGHSDAGHSD!!!
  12. Amazing! The only thing I find a bit creepy are those eyelids around the eyes (which Gregrox already pointed out). Otherwise, awesome!
  13. I've thought of this before, too! Kerbal has such a huge potential of being an awesome franchise. In a game such as this, Kerbin could get proper cities, high-definition terrain, or even perhaps better graphics since an aeronautics program wouldn't need an entire solar system. I'm sure the devs have learned a lot over the course of KSP, and with Unity 5 now out I'm sure they could totally pull it off.
  14. I'm sorry, you really have to speak for yourself here. I love the new aero, seriously. I have never built such advanced planes in my nearly two years of playing. In my opinion, flying feels much more responsive and real than ever before. Yes, rockets are difficult to fly now, but KSP is about challenge and overcoming tremendous obstacles. Rockets won't stop flipping? Then find the problem, tweak your design, and trying again. If need be, watch tutorials and get help here on the forums. Whining about it won't change anything. This game is not for the impatient nor the easy angered. Everyone here has poured hours into some mission only to have it destroyed in a blinding flash. If you can't stand trial and error, then this game is not for you.
  15. The longest I've gone without playing KSP was during 0.90. I don't know what it was, but the game just felt suspended between being an early-access and a full-release game. Knowing 1.0 would pretty much break everything in older saves, I didn't invest much of my time into the game. I haven't played much 1.0 either, though. I don't want to say I'm done with KSP, but perhaps just moving on to other things. Of course, there's no denying KSP is a masterpiece.
  16. Another complaining thread? God dang...
  17. Back in the day, I probably would have used one of the jet engines or the LV-N due to their fuel efficiency. Of course, these parts were really modified in 1.0 and beyond, so I'm not too sure how they'll play with water. EDIT: Ninja'd!
  18. With Hyperedit and while messing around, I've been to every celestial body (well, maybe not Pol or Bop, but what's it to ya?). Playing legitimately, I've been to Eve, Duna, Jool, and even Laythe. Getting back, however, has yet to be accomplished.
  19. How am I still in second? C'mon guys, let's get this goin'!
  20. I last time I used multiple maneuver nodes at once when I was going to Minmus and timewarped to far. Otherwise, since I haven't done anything serious interpretation, I usually only use one maneuver node to get t the Mun and Minmus.
  21. You could always just right-click the tank and drain the oxidizer, but I'm not sure if that's exactly what you're looking for. I could've sworn there was a mod for this (ex. Procedural Parts) but I either forgot the name or it just doesn't do what I thought it did.
  22. I'm having troubles loading my crafts in Blender 2.74. I want to see what they look like in Cycles, but I keep getting an error.
  23. Yes, in the sense that every time you hear it all you think of is YouTube As stated earlier, "Darude - Sandstorm" is the new anthem.
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