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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. I don't believe in using MechJeb, just because I have way more fun doing everything manually than automated, not because it could be seen as cheating. Technically, you can't cheat in a single player game. If a person enjoys have things done for them, then that's how they should play it.
  2. YOU GOT DUN DIDDLY DENIED, SON Xannari Ferrows, you there?
  3. In that case, I live in Wiskerbsin! Wisconsin? Get it?! It's stretch.
  4. ...Oh crap! I forgot about the easter egg the devs mentioned! Someone, go to Ike now!
  5. So long, Yukon! Thanks for being such an amazing community member. Hope to see you again soon.
  6. Trust me, joining the forums is well worth it. I've been hooked for a year and a half now! Welcome!
  7. I do have at least two other copies of 0.90 saved, but as far as my main playthrough is concerned I am in 1.0.2. I'm going to try to save my KSP versions from here on out, since I failed to do so since 0.20.
  8. I'd love to see this too, but I think I saw that a moderator said it would mess with the forums software. I'll try to find the link after I post this reply. EDIT: Okay, I didn't find exactly what I wanted, but at least I uncovered some more official words on skins. Actually, it may be possible. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80668-Dark-Skin-for-forum?highlight=skin
  9. I actually love realism. I wish the KSP planets were bigger and had better terrain, but I can't complain.
  10. Nice work, Squad! That's a beautiful site!
  11. Thomas988

    Hi all

    Hi, Li0n! Joining these forums was an excellent idea. Also, your English is amazing! I didn't even know it wasn't your native language! You mean like cross out text? If you do [.s][./s] (don't put in the periods, I just put them there so the forum doesn't delete them) and put your text in between them, a line should appear right though your message. Example: Testing!
  12. Woooo! KSP celebration!
  13. I really like this idea, and I think it should also warn if the launch clamps detach after engine burn.
  14. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if sending other people copies of KSP is legal.
  15. DO YOU REALIZE HOW AMAZING THIS IS?! Wow! Obviously the parade is in celebration of 1.0.
  16. Yeah, people move on. Even I have a hard time playing KSP actively.
  17. You'd try that? I would cry, praise, and thanks the gods above for a game like that! Squad, do it! KSP2, let's go!
  18. I seriously need to get over my fear of interplanetary missions. I've had KSP for a year and a half now, and i still haven't been to any other planet in my main save.
  19. Oh, that is so cool! Nice work! Gotta love the Mercury-Redstone. When I was younger I made model airplanes with my father, then I discovered the internet.
  20. The revolution begins.
  21. Huh, I'm pretty sure KSP doesn't need internet. I could be wrong, but just keep trying ksp.exe.
  22. Yup! I can't believe I made that mistake, since this is my third year taking the class.
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