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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. Lately the planet-making community got a lot more exciting when the long-awaited 0.13 version of KopernicusTech was finally released. I've been craving to make a new planet pack, too, but I am at an absolute blank as to what the community would want in a planet pack. So, what planets do you all what to see in KSP that stock doesn't have already?
  2. They're unrealistic, yes, but what we have now is perfectly fine! Honestly, a red laythe with green oceans sounds like the worst color palette imaginable, no offense. Plus, I think Tylo provides enough challenge to land on. As others have pointed out, it is important KSP is a game, not a simulator.
  3. Failing a mission is impossible when you have revert! But when missions go horribly wrong? That's usually one out of five major missions.
  4. That's actually a really good idea. A game called Seed of Andromeda does this, and the terrain is very good. Currently there are some strange terrain visuals at times, but that will be fixed in the next update I hear.
  5. I second this. I've been here for a year and a half now and already have four bars.
  6. Sounds great! I can't wait to what this becomes, because the main idea here is really amazing.
  7. To be honest, KT was so difficult to get a hang of I'm just now starting the mess around with oceans.
  8. 1. Is there gravity in space? A. Yes 2. How high do you have to fly to reach space? B. 100 kilometers 3. Which is larger? B. The Sun 4. What is the primary cause of heating during reentry? B. Compression 5. Which of these was the name of the program to land a human on the Moon? D. Apollo 6. Who was the first human to go to space? A. Yuri Gagarin 7. Why did the Space Shuttle have wings? B. To land 8. What are Russian spaceflight personnel called? C. Cosmonauts 9. What is the name of the large, multinational, modular space station currently in orbit? C. The International Space Station 10. What year did humans first land on the Moon? A. 1969 11. What is the name of the largest object in the asteroid belt B. Ceres 12. How many moons does Mars have? C. Two 13. What was the name of the first animal to be sent into orbit? B. Laika 14. What is the closest star to Earth (not counting the Sun)? B. Alpha Centauri 15. What is the name of the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy? C. Sagittarius A* 16. How do stars produce heat and light? A. Fussion of hydrogen 17. Why do astronauts in orbit float? B. They're in freefall 18. What does NASA stand for? B. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 19. During Apollo 11, which astronaut stayed behind in Lunar orbit in the Command/Service Module while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the Moon? B. Michael Collins
  9. ...oh my...no. No. I will not think of that. No.
  10. Oh wow, that sounds awesome! The money aspect in Career mode only feels like a limit on how fancy of a rocket you can build, so having to handle cash with more care and with more oversight definitely looks good in my eye.
  11. Have no fear, Momo, we're all very nice here. A great place to learn about advanced gameplay tricks and skills would probably have to be the Gameplay Questions and Tutorials forum, where members can learn from others and ask questions of their own. Also, if you're in the mood for tutorials, YouTube user Scott Manley has some outstanding videos that cover a wide variety of spaceflight aspects. I hope you enjoy it here!
  12. Actually, quite a bit. Thomas P. posted an image showing a solely-KopernicusTech StarSystems port. Shortly after, one of the developers got his hands on the code and reports everything is looking really good. Currently it is confirmed we are able to change the size of stars, but not colors, so hopefully more features will be given in the future. Of course, this StarSystems fix has not been integrated into the core KopernicusTech mod, so I am still waiting for that to be released. Here is the Kopernicus thread and the KopernicusTech thread, if you're curious for further reading.
  13. Two of my pictures made it in! Honored to be part of such a beautiful video.
  14. Oh! Oh! I love that guy! He is one of the best KSP'ers out there, even though he uploads videos pretty rarely.
  15. Huh, never knew there was one! Guess I'm in the same boat as Starwhip.
  16. CG_Kerbin is right, that is awesome! Great work!
  17. Hey, welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy it here. SSTOs are very difficult. I mean, really difficult! I myself have built only two designs of SSTOs that actually can get int orbit, and one that could even get back to Kerbin. Some tips for making money? One technique I've been using is to keep the price of your rocket less than what you will gain the contract you are trying to accomplish. Of course, this isn't always easy, so think outside of the box for your designs! Career mode definitely forces me to use totally different parts and building techniques I would otherwise never use in Sandbox. It's a shame Kethane is no longer supported. Why must the best mods end so abruptly? Anyways, a very good alternative I have heard is Karbonite by RoverDude. As a matter of fact, Karbonite, or a variant of it, will be made stock in the next update! Welcome!
  18. Although I don't play KSP too too often, I prefer sandbox. Career still doesn't feel totally complete, which is one reason why I'm not sure if 1.0 is the right decision. KSP is just one of those games that just doesn't feel right to me when limits are put onto it. Otherwise you could just install a ton of mods.
  19. When did you last see this navigation page? I don't ever remember there being such a thing here, and I have been around for quite a while now.
  20. Oh man, my heart is actually beginning to race! I'M JUST SO EXCITED!
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