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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. KSP excels in the constriction of spacecraft and managing its physics. However, it lacks in graphical beauty and realism. Space Engine is quite the opposite; it looks extremely good, is an incredible 1:1 scale representation of the universe, but has terrible spacecraft. Really, a merging of the two would make for an awe-inspiring game of endless exploration and sheer beauty.
  2. Ooooooh boy. I'm sure there would be riots and search parties in every nation on the planet! Scott is lyfe!
  3. Man, does this mod keep sounding better and better! If this ever gets a full blown release I'm sure Danny would do a video on it.
  4. That's where we perform the "scientific observations."
  5. Really, it is so sad you have to leave! I hope you return soon. What will we do without you? :(

  6. No, not Starwhip! You're an amazing guy, Starwhip! Seeing you rise up the ranks and becoming a beloved member of our community has been very amazing. Good luck in the future, we'll miss you!
  7. Same. I don't really like that sun flare, either. The one we have now is vastly better, in my opinion.
  8. What the game itself has taught me: Never settle for less. Heck, don't even settle for really good! Be exceptional! Mistakes truly are the best teachers. Use them, learn from them. Be okay with not being the best at something. Just keep getting better! It something fails twice, you sure as heck better change your method the third time. What this community has taught me: Respect is everything. Remember every person really is living, breathing, thinking, and imperfect. Different people make for better friends (I've made plenty here! ) I love you guys!
  9. Making a water planet it easy! It's the waves that's difficult.
  10. Yeah...I have no idea what we're even discussing here. There are no aliens in KSP whatsoever. Any claims otherwise are easily debunked by the "smoke appears ahead of craft" glitch.
  11. Great work, codefox! The automatic refueling is what really blew me away.
  12. I do NationStates. It's slow, easy, and can be pretty amusing at time
  13. I second Vaporo's movement. KopernicusTech is a lot of fun to mess around with once you get the gist of it.
  14. Is it okay that I bring this back? Please? PLEASE?!
  15. Hey, I've got a bit of a problem here. I finally got this mod to work for me (it's awesome!), but I'm a total newbie at Blender. You see, I got this render down pat, but how to I make it not so dark? EDIT: Okay, I just solved my previous question. However, I have a new one: how do I increase the render distance? If I move the camera too far the spacecraft I'm trying to get a picture of just vanishes.
  16. Same here, Nicho. I want to know what's been going on!
  17. The game sounds great, but even getting to a moon could take days (even longer if it's in a real-life sized universe). Otherwise, I'm on board!
  18. I got some more, this time of a Duna rover I did a while ago!
  19. Squad, could you PLEASE remove lag from KSP? PLEASE?!
  20. I've built one mothership/big interplanetary craft in my entire time in KSP, named Dunar 1. It was supposed to go to Duna, but I built it so big the framerate became impossible to work with. Plus I had no idea about Delta-V or the Trust-to-Weight ratio back then, so I doubt it could even get to Duna in the first place. What's on it are three probe landers, three rovers, a manned lander, as well as a huge interplanetary transfer stage with four nuclear engines. Hey, I knew nothing back then! (I'll post a pic of it once I get home. At school right now!)
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