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Everything posted by Thomas988

  1. One time I found a brown dwarf so dim it looked like a gas giant, which I thought it was until I looked at the system browser! The brown dwarf also has its own dwarf planets and even a mini asteroid belt consisting of only a handful of asteroids (no more than ten!). All of these dwarf planets and asteroids had an orbital period of at most four days, so the system was extremely small. Also, because of this smallness, everything was hot. The dwarf planets were all over 3000 degrees Fahrenheit, one peaking at around 5000 degrees, and all of the asteroids actually melting.
  2. 'Ey! You're online! Really, I'm so pumped for a KT StarSystems remake. I want to go interstellar with KSPI!
  3. Y'know, now that the OP has mentioned it, I suppose having to start your gravity turn really early could be really fun! Climbing up and doing nothing for a while is really unrealistic and quite the boring gameplay experience.
  4. Boom, right on the money! Gotta have it look good, right?
  5. Dres is a very small potato. It was the first potato considered to be a potato. Its orbit is hilariously irregular and, together with its smell, it took a long time to discover since half the time it was not where kindergartners expected to find a foodstuff. Due to its nature of frequenting the bad parts of space. This dwarf planet was officially labeled as Not to be eaten by the scientific community. EDIT: Ninja'd!
  6. IKR?! I'm so sad we will not get a stock Delta-V readout, too. C'mon, that's all I needed to start going interplanetary!
  7. Mmmmmeuuuuughhh... ...not really that good, to be honest. I'm not a good aircraft-builder in the first place, so usually I need SAS to keep my planes from flipping and flopping all over the place.
  8. I like games that make you "think," and although KSP is a great example of this, I would love to see more complexity. Space Engine is another game that makes me "think." Over the months of playing Space Engine, I've learned every classification of planets and moon that's possible, the physics and interactions between celestial bodies, and even how to do anything in the extremely glitchy spaceflight mode. Really, I take information from the game and use that new knowledge to further infer other events in the game. Want to travel from one side of a distant solar system to the other, and then over there land on a tiny planet's moon? Here I will use everything I know about the spaceflight physics to infer the best path and method of travel. KSP already does this marvellously. With many parts being unique, you learn how each one of them acts and behaves with physics and gameplay. Much like the previous example, I will what I have learned to build the most steady, flyable, effective, and practical rocket. I love learning how games work and using that to my advantage because it is such a more rich experience, especially in a game such as KSP where the knowledge you gain is actually useful in real life. Of course, real life spaceflight is more complex than what is possible in KSP. So a more complex KSP (given the complexity would be in the direction of realism, which is what I would like) would provide all the more to learn about real life spaceflight. Did this essay make sense, guys? I'm not too sure if this is the most well-written thing I've ever jotted down.
  9. Wow, that actually looks real! Gg, Gregrox!
  10. 6/10 I've seen you quite a bit. I've also heard of ContractConfigurator and Waypoint Manager plenty, too.
  11. The week after you go crazy from waiting. In all seriousness, no one knows. Squad probably doesn't even know themselves! EDIT: Ninja'd!
  12. This is definitely an interesting idea, but I still think Mars is better. Getting colonists to Ganymede rather than Mars will take a ridiculous amount of money, technology, and time. Are we even technologically capable of landing on Ganymede yet? Plus we know much more about Mars than Ganymede.
  13. I wholeheartedly agree. I have heard that those who attend the big gaming conventions, the ones where gaming companies reveal their new games, get very angry if they get some fancy cinematic, rather than a look at the actual gameplay. However, space is one of those things I feel you cannot overlook without pointing out the beauty. Perhaps the trailer could have parts where a player is seen building a rocket. Then a cinematic part could carry out that rocket's mission. That way, the point tat KSP is all about rocket building and flying should be pretty clear.
  14. Woooah! This is Space Engine...but with a game in it! Thank you so much for sharing this, I just downloaded the prototype and I'm going to give it a go but there's no download.
  15. I barely use RCS now. I can easily dock with 20 to 30 units of monopropellant, even. Other than that, I have no real use for it.
  16. The launch is what totally turned me away from that game and EA entirely. SimCity 4 Deluxe, however, is a classic!
  17. True, true. But that moment of harsh surprise plenty of us felt was pretty bad. People like RAINCRAFTER even said they're on the verge of quitting the forums because of that instance. Not too good for Squad's public relations. No, technically that doesn't count as "getting hurt," but still I believe some of us shouldn't be scared by that post like we were, no matter how gullible we are.
  18. Yeah, it's those friendly, innocent pranks I'm fine with. But stuff like this which totally gets out of hand and hurts many people is what I find extremely insulting to me, being part of a nation that celebrates this.
  19. 3/10 I feel I've seen you before. Heck, I may have remembered your old avatar, if you ever changed it. Maybe we've never met and I'm delusional!
  20. Hey! Welcome to our humble abode! I hope you enjoy making spacecraft and sharing them with us! Also, as a quick side note: DO NOT BELIEVE THE "FORUM UPDATE" THREAD! It's a cruel joke played by Squad, and it gave me a heart attack!
  21. You've been working with Squad?! Omg, yes! I am loving these modder-developer collabs My word, those are amazing! I'm getting pumped!
  22. April Fool's Day is just dumb. Really, what sick culture dedicates a whole day to making fun of others and making them look bad?
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