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Everything posted by Landwalker

  1. A couple of recommendations: Don't use Astronomer's Interstellar Pack, use Edge of Oblivion (slightly different, not as high-quality, but much less demanding system-wise). OR Depending on how many other mods you're using, you might be able to run Interstellar straight-up. It might help to force-run the program in DirectX 11, though (that's what I do). OR There are other visual packs out there that aren't bad. KSPRC is a good one. Vanilla EVE isn't bad, although the cloud coverage is a little heavy for me and I like having a bit of atmospheric scattering. You might be able to shenanigan your way into getting Better Atmospheres to run, although I've never bothered trying.
  2. Ah, great! I ran the .ckan to see what all was in there, and managed to pick up a few that I didn't have yet (CapCom, KAC, DPAI, Stage Recovery, and the Space Station Contracts). Okay, seriously though, now I'm going to stop adding new mods to my game. This is it. For real this time.
  3. Out of curiosity, what are the "info" and "comfort" mods/packs that are part of the SETI-ModPack Basic version? (Not that I'm going to use it, just curious.)
  4. I was actually wondering this morning if redirecting Gilly would even be possible. My assumption is that "established celestial objects" (like Gilly) have different behaviors when it comes to things like that than asteroids do, but I don't know that for sure.
  5. Overheating shenanigans with service bay contents is, unfortunately, a known issue (at least, I think it is. People seem to know about it. ). Not much you can do other than try, try again. If there's a way around it, I'm not familiar with it.
  6. Sounds like you need this config. Recall that KSC in stock is located on the equator... I don't think it's random chance that your Red-Dot communications point is also on the equator. That's probably where KSC "would be" in RSS, rather than at Cape Canaveral, and so that's where it's getting slapped now without the config to reposition it to Florida. Edit: Hmm, looks like that's a dead link. In any case, if you go to the RemoteTech original post and look under "Optional Configs", you'll see that RemoteTech does need a config to be compatible with RSS. I just don't know where that config currently is hiding.
  7. Could you post a picture of an example plane you're struggling with? If I had to guess, I'd guess that you're missing control surfaces and are reduced to trying to steer using only the reaction wheels in the cockpit/probe core...
  8. Yeah, this is basically what it boils down to. I've found that placing the parts "Bay-first" helps make sure that the probe core gets attached to the right spot, instead of ending up in some sort of weird arrangement. But at the end of the day, the problem is "something's somehow attached wrong, plz fix."
  9. I've run into a similar "detachment" situation from time to time, but I've had some luck avoiding it with a particular part-placement-sequence. Place the service bay first. In fact, if I'm launching a probe that's going to have its core inside a service bay (which is most probes, for me), the very first part I place is the service bay. Put the core in second (I usually attach it to the inside of the "roof" of the service bay rather than the inside of the "floor" of the service bay) Do not put anything on the service bay before you put the probe core in it (just precautionary) Build rest of rocket as normal. When I've gone this route, I seem to mostly have success in all of the parts staying attached the way they're supposed to be. No promises, but something to try. Definitely try the "service bay first" approach.
  10. Duh. Thank you, gentlemen. An answer so obviously right in front of me that I never would have noticed it or thought of it.
  11. Hmm. Might just have been bad luck on my part so far, then, as I could swear I've put a satellite into orbit (uncertain on an actual kerbal). I'll have to forge ahead and see what turns up. Thanks for the tip. Do you happen to know where in the game files I might be able to find confirmation of that?
  12. I've tried looking at the game files, but either I can't read them right, or I'm not looking in the right place. So: What is the "trigger step" that unlocks the Rescue Kerbal contracts? By which I mean, what do I have to accomplish in a career before these contracts start showing up in Mission Control?
  13. Ah, that makes sense. I suspected as much, but figured I'd throw it out there anyway. Ah-hah. Thanks for enlightening me. I didn't realize the Mk3-9 had any special fancy-pants features, either. Entirely possibleâ€â€my "pre-game" runs haven't made it very far, but for some reason I was expecting to see the rescue missions. It might just be that I haven't done whatever needs to be done to unlock them. I'll have to dig into the SQUAD contract files and see what the critical step is. Good to know in advance that it isn't anything on this end.---------Edit--------- What I suspect happened is that when I reached the point where it was time for me to start putting kerbals into orbit, I was running KCT simulations when it happened... and then tinkering with a bunch of mods and starting the whole thing over again before I made it much further than that. Will conduct further experiments to confirm.
  14. Question: I wasn't able to find anything in the original posts, but I've noticed lately that I don't seem to be getting any of the "rescue mission" contracts anymore. Did SETI turn these off, or increase the "requirements" to qualify for them? (If the latter, it's entirely possible I haven't gotten far enough to qualify for them yet...)
  15. My last allotted question, and then I'll get back to what I'm supposed to be doing (Going to space!)... Is there any sort of .bat or similar I can run that will "hide" all the stock clutter wing parts so that I can just deal with the B9 Procedural Parts, rather than having dozens of throw-aways I'm not going to ever use or need?
  16. As a similar question, I'm specifically curious whether or not it requires FAR, or whether it can be used successfully without FAR.
  17. Just as a head's up for folks thinking about adding Space-Y to this: I noticed this morning that for some reason my RT-20 "Sickle" Booster isn't making any noise... I suspect some sort of conflict between Ven's Stock Revamp and Space-Y (not directly related to SETI, I don't think, but I know that Ven's Revamp is "Encouraged Content"). Fortunately, it's not a serious loss, since I hardly ever use the RT-20 anyway. Home Grown Rockets actually has three 2-kerbal podsâ€â€the HGR-57 Radish (traditional conical shape, compatible with both 1.25m and 1.875m bases), the 0N-2 Onion "orbital module", and the Type-45 Soy-Juice "descent module". All three of these are currently located in the Basic Command Modules tech. (Edit: I stand corrected. HGR also has three more two-kerbal arrangements in the Command Modules techâ€â€the HGR PMK-1N lander-can style, the Advanced 0N-2 Onion orbital module, and the 13-3k Leek orbital module.) I also have a two-kerbal Mk3-9 Orbital Command Pod, also in Basic Command Modules tech. I'm pretty sure that isn't stock, but I have no idea where it's actually from.
  18. I have since picked up RealChutes, Tweakscale (which surprised me with its handiness. I'm a fan already.), and RemoteTech. All looking like good stuff! You keep making it awfully hard for me to continue resisting Procedural Parts. The only things holding me back are 1) Visuals, and 2) Lack of clarity in how it plays with other parts mods. I'm hesitant to dump it into my current mod-monstrosity because of #2 in particularâ€â€having procedural fuel tanks is fine (as long as the visual quality is there), but I really like the differentiation among all my engine parts. It may just be that I don't really understand what Procedural Parts does, and should pop over to the thread for that mod and bother folks about it to see what the actual deal is. (On the other hand, if all B9 Procedural does is replace the wild clutter of stock wings parts, then sign me up. That stuff's ridiculous.) I'll have to investigate Mk3 MiniExpansion, SXT Mk3 Ramp Minipack (although it looks like this one isn't 1.0.x-Updated), Adjustable Landing Gear, and OSE Workshop (since I'm already using KIS). Maybe also CargoTransportationSolutions, although I'm already using RoverDude's Freight Transport Technologies.
  19. That definitely may be the case... I'm not a software engineer (or an anything engineer) (unless "tax accountant" counts as being a "tax engineer") (which I think it should), so I'm just in the "take stabs and see what happens" are when it comes to that stuff. For what it's worth, names of five total characters or less are determined on the remainder of the sum of the ASCII code values of each character in the name, divided by 3. So if a kerbal's name is "ccccc", then the sum is 500, and the remainder when divided by 3 is 2. So "ccccc" will be a Scientist (remainder of 1 is Engineer, remainder of zero is Pilot). Unfortunately, that breaks down beyond five characters. Strangely (to me, at least), every single six-character name I've tested has been an Engineer. After that, it becomes seemingly random. Thankfully I only spent about three or four hours of my life figuring this out before giving up.
  20. I'd actually recommend steering away from KW Rocketry at first, simply because the early KW engines (particularly the WildCat-V) are so good that you'll never have any reason to use the same-tier stock engines (poor LV-T30 Reliant...). Once you get going, though, feel free to add 'em in. Also consider Space-Y Heavy Liftersâ€â€I find it and Modular Rocket Systems a good substitute for KW Rocketry without outshining everything. One mod I forgot to mention that I am in love with is PreciseNode. It isn't essential by any means, but I'm just OCD enough that I want my maneuvers to be planned to perfection (and then executed wildly and erratically, but that's the pilots fault. ) ------- Edit ------- I have every single one of those. I know your pain... there are 81 folders in my GameData folder. Edit: There are now 84 folders in /GameData/...
  21. As Joonatan says, 32-bit unless you're on Linux (or willing to have an instability party). However, you can (sort of) get around 32-bit RAM disasters from over-modding by using either OpenGL or DirectX 11 (I use the latter and have had minimal issues, although some people haven't reported the same luck). I don't use CKAN and am not that familiar with it.
  22. Kerbal Engineer Redux, regardless of what play-mode you're using. Having that information at hand when rocket-building is, I find, invaluable (this is from someone who'd never used mods before, then came back to 1.0.x after having been away since 0.22).
  23. Just to be (marginally more) clear: The "Orange Four" have hard-coded names: Not only will Jebediah Kerman be a pilot, but he'll also be an orange-suit, and changing his name in any way will cause him to be a white-suit. I've spent some time trying to figure out the "formula" for Name => Profession. I've had... marginal success? The good news is that I can predict with 100% accuracy what the profession will be for a kerbal whose name is five characters or shorter (that's five total characters, and includes spaces, so "Bob Kerman" is a ten-character name). The bad news is that for names longer than five characters I'm basically shooting 33%, so something happens after the fifth character that throws me off. Unfortunately, I have no idea what that is or where to start digging, so unless I get hit by a flash of brilliance, we're pretty much stuck with "random trial-and-error".
  24. That map is hilarious, and the write-ups are outstanding. As a mod-hound myself, I always like looking at others' lists of mods. Yours has opened my eyes to the Field Research Contract Pack, so thank you. Out of curiosity, what are you using to get that "title stamp" on the very first image of Shumno Kriket I?
  25. Thanks for the recommendation on those three, BahamutZer00. I might give those (and Procedural Parts) a look, and drop KW Rocketry for now. @Yemo, I was always jealous of how sweet the old Advanced Jet example lookedâ€â€interesting to know those are HRBs under the wings! Maybe I'll look at Procedural Parts at long last, after all...
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