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Everything posted by Crzyrndm

  1. This is probably the elevator controller being a bit too aggressively tuned again. Hit the toggle marked as "C" (Show Control Surfaces) at the top of the window and a second/third pitch controller will appear. Increase the scalar on that up to 1.5-2.0 will probably sort this out. If it doesn't, a link to the .craft file would be helpful so I can take a look. 1) No idea, never really looked into it because I don't use RPM 2) Not at this stage. I don't see the point when I can already hit them from 1/3 the way around Kerbin without adjustments
  2. Addon like that was probably AGX, I don't recall any plugin that allows you to edit stock keybindings in flight.
  3. In this case, my understanding of the situation is that the ball is entirely in Unity's hands. If they change KSP will, if they don't KSP won't.
  4. At first glance the icon used for this is quite difficult to tell apart from the one above it. (rounded vs. straight lines). The difference may be more obvious if it was rotated 45 degrees so the nodules don't align?
  5. It will remain 3.5 from what I've read, atleast initially.
  6. Looks like I misread the KIS subcategory conditions. I will get that fixed (E: or apparently KIS just went and changed the filtering method entirely...)
  7. Remove this section from the KIS.cfg at FilterExtensions/Configs/Patches to keep them in Utility @SUBCATEGORY[Utility]:FOR[FilterExtension] { @FILTER,0 { CHECK { type = moduleName value = ModuleKISItem invert = true } } } The missing parts should be showing up in the category KIS creates even without changing this
  8. Could I get a copy of your MM cache file and log please. Some other mod appears to be interfering.
  9. No problem. I've also added some protection against slower vessels trying to go vertical for future versions.
  10. It's the maximum output in the altitude controller you want. It defaults to a climb rate of 50m/s, but your craft appears to be travelling somewhat slower than that. Angle of Attack is the pitch angle between the nose of your vessel and the velocity vector. If it gets too high you get a lot of drag and (in FAR, stock is a bit too forgiving in this respect) can stall the plane. Since your velocity vector moves with you, it won't prevent this sort of occurence
  11. The only reason they would get blocked was if they were set to "category = none" in their respective part configs. Block them from the subcategory if you don't want them to display instead of changing the part category.
  12. The math/existing auto tuning appears to be sound (if I had to criticise one thing, it'd be only using MOI/torque as a global modifier when it could be used on individual axes). What I couldn't understand at the time was why it insisted on running manually input factors through the same calculations (which means the Kp you get is based on the Kp AND Kd you enter. Ki being even worse, depending on all three factors).
  13. Tech tree limitations must be a part of the associated plugin. Module manager only takes action while files are being loaded
  14. Under "Filter by Manufacturer" there will be an automatically created tab for every GameData folder. The additional categories for the larger mods have to be manually added like this. Change the highlighted line to be "value = yourModFolderName" (list multiple values separated by commas) and add to a *.cfg file somewhere in GameData. PS You can also select a manufacturer, and then right click on Filter by function and select another filter to apply to get a similar effect (stock feature/bug ).
  15. You don't have to bother. It's not the windows build but the KSP build that is checked. KSP for windows is now exclusively distributed as a 32 bit program and all mods will work regardless of your windows version. If you are on linux using the 64 bit KSP version, no mods were ever locked out there so there is still no issue.
  16. Might take a bit of tweaking depending on just how unstable it is but it's certainly possible. The main issue will be that it won't leverage the advantages of a craft built like that particularly well (ie. no stunts).
  17. Tried reducing the deflection %'s for Dynamic Deflection further? Mouse over any control surface, press 'K', reduce the numbers in the second column. (It sounds like the root cause of your issue is a small plane with significantly above average control authority so the defaults will probably be a little too light)
  18. Saturatable RW updated to v1.9.3 Available torque readouts default to being hidden from the right click menu, can be reenabled via the settings file Fixed some window formatting issues Right clicking on a reaction wheel in the window will toggle it's state. Active RW's are now indicated by green buttons It's additional fields that display similar data (flux is unique, showing the total of the 4(?) sources of flux visible in the debug menu). Temperature and thermal mass are duplicates of the debug menu. Does stock also reset the mode just by tapping SAS hold (F by default)? If so, I should probably remove it. (E: Seems like it does, so that's one gone)
  19. That's just stock SAS being itself. You have a couple of options to get around it: 1) Reduce maximum control surface deflection 2) Use a PID tuner (regex has one, there's one in Pilot Assistant) 3) Dynamic Deflection does #1 a bit smarter
  20. Version 1.9.2 Toolbar mod support Improvements to Radar Altitude control mode Fixed size of drag sections not being saved correctly NOTE: Toolbar has to be manually enabled in the settings file at PilotAssistant/PluginData/PilotAssistant/config.xml NOTE: Toolbar has the option to have a button for each control system and one for the menu (4 total). They all default to using the same icon but the paths are configurable in the settings file.
  21. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v1-0-2-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v1-0-2d-2-14-May-15%29?p=1948590&viewfull=1#post1948590 Sounds like this originates with one of Claws fixes. They are already? Can do
  22. It was either that or they wouldn't be assigned to any profile. In this case I feel that placing them incorrectly and having the errors be noticed is the better choice than just hiding the afflicted parts (I believe stock does something similar)
  23. Version 2.1.2 More mod and resource icons from KaiserSoze Fixed nullref in profile check (if no profile is defined by a part, it defaults to srf type) If you don't have the "value = replace" line, new categories just get appended to the stock ones. The downside there is that there is no control over the order that things turn up
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