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Everything posted by hakan

  1. Now *this* guy is my new desktop and lock screen background
  2. And right when I need to build rovers to increase my science but don't want to pollute the current save with non-steampunky-looking crafts
  3. No need for further work on this from your side, honorable sir! I went ahead and provided the necessary config to the CKAN team. Now all I need to launch barrels and ships from the most Excellent Vertical Propulsion Emporium is: Q:\Kerbal Space Program>ckan update ... ... Q:\Kerbal Space Program>ckan install Kerb-fu ... ... Q:\Kerbal Space Program>ksp All that is necesary from your side is to upload to kerbalstuff.com
  4. Wow, I have to print that schematic out on a huge-sized paper sheet and study it closely Two days ago, I ordered a cheap USB keyboard and an Arduino MEGA 2560. The MEGA is meant to drive lots of LEDs and maybe a few switches for toggles like "Light", "SAS", "RCS" and so on. And the keyboard was meant to be sacrificied to the greater glory of Kerbalhood by having its controller ripped out and pushbottons soldered to it instead of the "normal" keys. Cool, I was thinking as well that my project would take me well into the beginning of next year... As soon as I have something hello-world-worthy, I will start up my own thread so we can steal.... ah, *adapt* ... ideas from each other.
  5. Talking about urgently having to leave and update my KSP installation... Did you notice the CKAN effort to automate intallations? I would love the have your Emporium manageable thereby as well, so if you want, I could create a .ckan file... Aaaaaand, if you do want me to do so, what would you like your mod to be called? How about the following: Author: Kerb-Fu Mod-Name: VerticalPropulsionEmporium
  6. Don't torture us, give us its preeciouuuuuus name Actually, I was thinking of using one I-PAC mame encoders, but I already need my Arduino for all the little LEDs on the panel...
  7. STOP MAKING US SALIVATE, JUST RELEASE IT MAN Ah, seriously, take as much time as you require, but be aware that you are torturing some of us
  8. @Camacha, I just sent you a pull request on github for MiniAVC support. Would be nice if you could integrate it
  9. Already much nicer, but still overlaps with DevHelper on the top left. Would it be possible to detect the existence of DevHelper and then put the toolbar a few pixels below it? I am not sure which would be less work for you, this hardcoded way or somehow make your toolbar movable and remember its last location between restarts?
  10. Thanks for the pictures, a wonderful source of inspiration My attempt is only at its "Let me display apoapsis and periapsis with 7-segment-displays" phase, but I will need some input elements soon... I really have to look into expander boards to get the amazingly insane amount of inputs your board has
  11. This sounds already very cool. All I need (at the moment ) is a hint that I should go and check the Mission Control, instead of randomly clicking at it every now and then...
  12. Yes, I am using the DevHelper plugin to arrive to auto-load my save game. I have set it up to go to the main screen now to avoid loading / initialization issues.
  13. One improvement idea: Could automatic alarms be added when a contract is due to expire? I know I can add an alarm manually, but having a one-click item would make it easier to know when it is time to check back at the building for new contracts offered
  14. Another NullReferenceException, I just installed the ContractsWindow, but cannot get any GUI: [ERR 11:09:57.472] [Toolbar] [ERROR] error while handling click event: ContractsWindow.ContractManager [EXC 11:09:57.478] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ContractsWindow.contractToolbar+<>c__DisplayClass2.<.ctor>b__0 (Toolbar.ClickEvent e) Toolbar.Command.click () UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) Toolbar.Log:log(LogLevel, Exception, String, Object[]) Toolbar.Log:error(Exception, String, Object[]) Toolbar.Command:click() Toolbar.Button:click() Toolbar.Button:drawInToolbar(Rect, Boolean) Toolbar.Toolbar:drawButtons() Toolbar.Toolbar:draw() Toolbar.ToolbarManager:OnGUI() [ERR 11:09:58.144] [Toolbar] [ERROR] error while handling click event: ContractsWindow.ContractManager
  15. Ah, I have to modify my statement, the dropdown vanished after entering the space center scene. I need to observe whether I can find situations in which the dropdown stays throughout the game...
  16. I flew a few missions on 0.25, stopped KSP, reloaded, continued playing... To quote Nathair, So far seems to work fine
  17. Thing is, I am seeing the dropdown in the space centre, in the VAB and SPH (preventing me from selecting part types), on the normal flight scene, preventing me from seeing the complete warp speed element, in the research center... Practically everywhere... So, if you say that it should disable itself immediately when entering the space centre, maybe something on my system prevents it from doing so? Any idea where I can start to debug? Ah, and additionally, the "DevHelper" addon which allows you to load a game and enter a certain scene without interaction also locates its two dropdowns at the top left... Nicely colliding with AVC
  18. Windows ksp-32, 0.25, KSP-AVC I always have the dropdown menu with "Show All KSP-AVC Ready Add-Ons" on the top right. Is there a way to disable this dropdown once the game itself is started? The dropdown is not movable as well, so it hides important game elements too.
  19. In case someone likes to use RemoteTech in a Steampunky way, here is my ModuleManager config file for the Voice Transmogrificator: @PART[VoiceTransmogrificationset] { !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {} MODULE { name = ModuleRTAntenna Mode0OmniRange = 0 Mode1OmniRange = 2500000 MaxQ = 6000 DeployFxModules = 0 TRANSMITTER { PacketInterval = 0.3 PacketSize = 2 } } MODULE { name = ModuleSPUPassive } }
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