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Everything posted by hakan

  1. The ScienceAlert sent from KerbalStuff to CKAN has been merged about an hour ago, so you should expect to see 1-8-3 any moment now... Maybe 11:19 UTC if I read my log files right
  2. In this thread, the data comes from Kerbalstuff, and needs to be amended by zitronen over there... CKAN will automagically pick it up
  3. Seeing that you updated (or marked compatible) the main FASA archive to 0.90, would you mind terribly to create fresh release of the Launch Towers too? Perhaps also with version "5.00" so the full archive and "just the clamps" are in sync?
  4. STOP TALKING EATING SLEEPING WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING AND START CODING Nah, seriously, it's extremely cool that you found a way to send the proper signals. No Prob, I'm still waiting for a delivery of switch buttons, after which everything has to be rebuilt (again) anyway...
  5. Try https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malkuth1974/Achievements/master/version2.txt as your path. The "raw" button on github is your friend
  6. Thank you for your efforts, the NetKAN robot should pick up your new release in the next hour or so... Every day a new mod to add
  7. True dat... Nothing can be properly steampunky that does not consist of lots of wood, leather and copper
  8. From the original thread, the update check site seems to be blizzys own site. The plugin makes a check against http://blizzy.de/achievements/version2.txt to see if a new version is available. No information is sent. According to the html dump, the new plugin seems to contact github.
  9. According to my logs, the update checker of Achivements 1.8.0 contacts some web site and does not get the expected result: [LOG 21:57:10.561] [Achievements] [INFO] no update found: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en" class=""> <head prefix="og: http://ogp.me/ns# fb: http://ogp.me/ns/fb# object: http://ogp.me/ns/object# article: http://ogp.me/ns/article# profile: http://ogp.me/ns/profile#"> <meta charset='utf-8'> ... ... ... You might want to disable this and maybe just rely on CKAN and / or KSP-AVC
  10. PR is merged since just a few seconds ago.... I believe it is not showing up for LiquidSnow because the metadata is still marked as "0.25"... Although it works fine for me in my .90 game
  11. Actually, maybe wait another moment or two... My KSP log file is totally swamped with error messages from Kerb-fu: ... [LOG 21:45:28.624] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Kerb-fu/parts/propulsion/Fuel Tower/part/FuelTower' [ERR 21:45:28.684] PartCompiler: Cannot replace texture as cannot find texture 'textures2.png' to replace [ERR 21:45:28.687] PartCompiler: Cannot replace texture as cannot find texture 'textures2normal_NRM.png' to replace [ERR 21:45:28.689] PartCompiler: Cannot replace texture as cannot find texture 'screwplate.png' to replace [ERR 21:45:28.692] PartCompiler: Cannot replace texture as cannot find texture 'screwplate_normal_NRM.png' to replace [WRN 21:45:28.703] [ShipConstruct for FuelTower]: part cost (850.0) is less than the cost of its resources (1468.8) ...
  12. Thank you, now we just wait for the daemons to do their magic and soon everyone will be able to upgrade the way it always meant to be
  13. And the "ksp version" over at kerbalstuff Actually, I was just about to launch my .90 game in sandbox mode to test, but if Gregrox already did so....
  14. Ah, that would explain why netkan barfs on it too...
  15. Seconded Actually, I started looking into the bitbucket API for CKAN support, but seeing that they have no API to obtain the "uploads", and no progress in implementing one ( https://bitbucket.org/site/master/issue/3711/downloads-api-bb-1696 ), I quickly and silently put that idea to an early grave...
  16. Now that at least one other guy saw the code working, could you please upload the zip to kerbalstuff? And mark it as "0.90"? THAAAAAAANKS so much
  17. What I always wanted to ask you: could you add support for the fuel lines from the Vertical Propulsion Emporium too? They are called "CopperFuelLine". Or even a dropdown box or somesuch for any part that has the module "FuelLine"? Then, you would solve this problem once and for all
  18. Not really, I desire a User Interface. Not necesarily Graphical User Interface. I just want to inject additional data into the stream between KSP and the Arduino...
  19. Could you maybe go to your entry over at kerbalstuff and check the box for 0.90 compatibility as well? CKAN would automatically pick this up then.
  20. API first, and actually being allowed to use the data next. Did you look at the terms and conditions on curse? We discussed all this on a github ticket, please read through https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/issues/115 ...
  21. Thank you, I created the package file and gave it a twirl in my fresh install... By the way, from my limited testing, MovieTime seems to work with 0.90 too
  22. I just flew my first 0.90 "mission", and like any space program worth its name, it has to start with simple sounding rockets
  23. Wow, that "simple" controller is turning out to be a multi-computer (the Arduino is a full-fledged computer) network.... Then again, I'll have to check how many computers the Apollos flew with
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