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Everything posted by Goodle...

  1. I use the ban hammer to squash you. My Hill.
  2. Good job on wiping out the Kau and Tau. At last the recurring stupid title of these irrelevant aliens came to the end.
  3. The meteor is wrung back with space tape into 1 piece (perhaps with missing bits) and launched back into space. It hits the Kau home planet.
  4. I manage to persuade you to give me the hill .
  5. 4016:The Space kraken is found.
  6. Granted, but they mistake you for a horse (OR PONY) and bought you. You became their slave. I wish I can die.
  7. I assassinate your president and claim the hill. MY HILL MUHAHA
  8. 3952: the Kaus are wiped out by a pandemic, that caused kau extinction. Ditch eforts of cloning kau ended in failure, as the pandemic destroyed their DNA. (The kaus will not come back again. ever.) The pandemic stopped at the edge of the kerbol system. 3953: Kerbin war I initiated. Kadolf Kitler vowed for world domination.
  9. I inject you with 0.01mg of antimatter. You were annihilated therefore do not exist. I claim the hill.
  10. 1949 Japanese throw chinese invades out of japan and declare independance.
  11. 8/10 i think i see you often..
  12. Strapping an astronaut onto a SRB or using tape to secure parts of a rocket if they are falling off.
  13. I modestly use a shovel to dig away your hill, and buy new dirt to build one. I bury Tobbzzzz in the process. My hill.
  14. 3940.5 The kerbals at Krimea vote for independance and merging with Krussia or merging back with Kukraine. The Korth Koreans launch missiles but all splashed down. 3940.6 The beacon placed at Eeloo stopped transmitting signals. analysis claims it being broken.
  15. The planet suffers from whole scale plate movement.
  16. Sorry for double posting: but i have just got an idea. Kerbals now use SRBs to banish exiled criminals in428
  17. I slap a packet up your back and press a button. You blow up. My hill.
  18. and i put a bucket over your head before kicking you off a cliff, yelling, "This is Krata!"
  19. Epic ship. you just never stop surprising me with excellent designs
  20. I bribe your men so that they plant a lava pit in the crater. You fall in. My hill.
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