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Everything posted by Goodle...

  1. Year 351 gunpowder is invented. The inventor did so by blowing up himself in the experiment.
  2. I bombard you with Titan Vs until it breaks. MY HILL AND BROKEN FORTRESS
  3. So, this is a game where we create the history of the Kerbal civilization. I will start. Rules are: Everyone must post in Chronological order (in order of time) Must not contain obscene content easter eggs must not be super obvious must not be longer than 3 sentence per response (DO NOT USE SUPER-DUPER LONG SENTENCES) the year which kerbals exist is year 100, and now is year 5000. enjoy! Year 100: Kerbals exist on the planet kerbin as hunter-gatherers
  4. in the year 2014, dragons arrive to Earth from the planet blurb
  5. I send Jeb to slay you by shooting you into Kerbol. My hill. I use Space tape to tangle the orbit so nobody gets through
  6. I thermo-nuclear weapon the hill and exterminate all living being but not a scratch on the hill. MY HILL.
  7. 2025 the world is obliterated by a 10km wide asteroid
  8. you turn the power to yourself and you turned crazy. The power to not have my power trivialized
  9. I call in a orbital strike to obliterate your face, then send in drones to capture the hill and set up EMP proof energy shields with unlimited capacity. Drones are EMP proof. The station now obliterates anyone who tries to capture the hill. MY FORTRESS LIKE HILL (MUHAHAHAHAHAHA) with energy shield and orbital strike station ready to obliterate anyone who attempts to capture it.
  10. Oh. nice work. if anyone would be kind, can they build some long range cargoplanes? i need one for my next mission
  11. Nice and nimble P51-D! thus, poll results: we are encouraged to advance into the jet age. Good job! we are getting popular. i also plan to allow WWII concept crafts into the thread. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! We are proud of you guys (especially blackholesun and trollwinski:cool:)
  12. Nice plane, Mr. blackhole. i see that you are extremely devoted into this thread. i am honored to have a member in my thread like you.
  13. It's not complete yet SO OBSOLETE. (jk) good job though. it does not look Aircraft carrier in any angle
  14. Good stuff. Perhaps you can actually join Zoeiska. We need people like you.
  15. Next update probably on what kirrim did after marooned
  16. oops. perhaps i forgot to do some stuff. btw how to change the title, e.g. from rocketeer to something else, like AAR writer?
  17. CHAPTER 1 KSC-ALLIED Gene Kerman: KIB (kerbal intelligence bureau) have intercepted reports of KAOS (kerbin alliance of secret-keepers) is preparing an attack over KSC. All personnel on standby and ready for liftoff. Jeb: Roger that. What are they planning this time? another carpet bombing attempt? Gene Kerman: Nope. they are doing a fighter swarm attack or something like that. Bill: WHAT? how on earth are they capable of mustering a bunch of people for their fighters? Gene: somehow they managed it. Radar shows that they are en route for KSC-ALLIED. Perhaps they managed to use computers to control those stuff? Wernher Von Kerman: um, they are actually computer guided fighter drones. NOW GO AND PREPARE FOR LAUNCH!!! (Jeb and Bill runs at mach 2 towards hangar) Bill: how did they manage to shrink computers to that scale? thus, how did they even manage to get their hands on such advanced technology? Jeb: dunno. Just do what they tell you. (20 minutes later…..) Jeb: flight 423 leader ready for liftoff. Gene: roger that. squad ready? Bill, Bob, Kirrim, Jack Kerman: all ready. Jeb: Takeoff. Bill, Bob, Kirrim, Jack Kerman: Roger. liftoff commenced. Jeb: guys, we will be having contact after 10 mins. have your eyes peeled. fly in formation. Bill, Bob, Kirrim, Jack Kerman:YESSIR! (after 10 mins) Jeb: contact. Fire at will. let me at ’em. RATATATATATATATATATAT Jeb: got one Bill: Got one Kirrim: impact. Got one. I popped chutes. Safe. Jack: What. I don’t even. got one too. visuals and radar confirm all are obliterated. good job. Kirrim, we will get you back soon. Stay cool. Kirrim: NOOOOOOOOOO (please wait! if we get 1000views i will get another chapter out early.)
  18. guys, i need some planes here. go try if you can help! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60129-AAR-Kerbal-War-II --- guys, i am going to write an AAR really soon. need your crafts. --- Impressive. How many parts is that? --- blackhole, good use of the merlin engine! i never knew how to use it that way! --- ---- Mr. Blackhole, you have proved yourself as a great builder. can i trust you to build some crafts for my upcoming AAR? i will need some famous WWII crafts. All factions are OK. can you also give me the download link to all. Thx. ---- Guys, i need some builders fro my upcoming AAR. All crafts must be WWII era, but do your best! I look forward to working together well.
  19. Thanks for your support, but actually i am planning to do a WWII era AAR.
  20. Hi. I am going to write an AAR real soon. I am writing the main story line, but i seriously need some crafts. Craft file submission criteria: mods are allowed (duh) mods list :b9, firespitter, Lack Luster Labs, Mechjeb, Hyperedit and procedural wings and procedural fairings. Craft parts do not exceed 150. planes from all factions welcome. give some feedback! Goodle...
  21. Geändert den Titel, meine Freunde. steigen, Adler der Schlacht! Kampf für das Vaterland in der Stunde der Not! Fly, Adler! in den Himmel, um Ruhm und Tod!
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