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Everything posted by diomedea

  1. Ok, you may wish to try if controls work before take-off. Pressing AD, WS, QE keys should let the indicators deflect fully to one or the other side. If they don't means there's an issue and would better investigate, but it may require to see your settings.cfg (from the root KSP folder) and output_log.txt (please refer here for more info on that file). If they do, you should be able to make the vessel steer to the correct 90° heading. Don't expect the vessel to naturally tilt to that heading itself, quite the contrary, as Kerbin rotates eastward means vessels will be moving contrary (westward) while ascending, and even the very small angle of its prograde direction (westward from pure vertical) will be enough to start making the vessel rotate (due to the Center of Mass being above its Center of Pressure, where drag is applied, so there is a moment caused by gravity once the vessel starts tilting; which is correct and helping if aimed eastward to make the gravity turn, but goes opposite when westward).
  2. I've now tried your vessel, and it flies fine without any modification (). Had no problem controlling the ascent. Can see from your "ascent profile GIF" there seems to be no active control while the vessel is in flight (roll/yaw/pitch indicators stay neutral) but can't see why, seems like nobody is at the helm. You may see I use SAS (though not strictly required, but helps) and just a tiny bit of control, to keep the vessel aimed correctly.
  3. When you save the vessel in the editor, a file is created by that name with .craft as extension (it's actually a textfile internally). of course you'll find that file within the saves/<yourgame>/ships/VAB (being this vessel created within the VAB). Just upload that *.craft file, and provide a link here.
  4. Of course we have a bit more information that can't be released (or not yet) and often we discuss among us such things that will never be posted thereafter. I certainly was pretty vocal about a number of subjects (and I still think to have been mostly right) but isn't something I will tell around. Not even to those who joined the team later.
  5. eh, "unionized" (unh-eeo-naiz:d) (if I still remember phonetic spelling). You want the mod team version, or Squad's ? (joking, we of course get a few indications from Squad staff and do our best to make them happy)
  6. Seems like your station is too wide for the ascent stage, so it makes more drag then what can be controlled by fins or other means. Larger/more fins at the rear, and something to reduce drag at the top (e.g., enclose the whole station in fairings?) could be enough. If not, upload your vessel to allow others here to try other "tricks".
  7. Well, was a nice test about the comprehension ability for what appears on the surface as a simple math problem. Different conventions, different ways to consider order of operations; meaning of the multiple roots. There is much to learn from this, sure it tells how easily most can be deceived into assuming something. There are implications about messages on the forum too, and therefore the above could be seen as relevant on this thread.
  8. Lots of very good advice above, excuse me if I'll repeat some. Sure start practicing landings with a plane that requires the least speed to stay airborne ( I especially like the stock Albatross for that), get to know what is that minimal speed a plane needs to stay level at low altitude (depends on weight and flaps if you have them, so take care you do test with the proper setting), then fly the approach from the perfect position (align with the runway far from it, have an altitude so to follow the proper glideslope that will bring your plane to to touch at the runway threshold). For the above, I like this add-on a lot: NavUtilities. Make the flare (increase pitch) just before touching, so to further reduce both horizontal and vertical speed, but keep an eye on the variometer (vertical speed indicator) as you must not gain altitude. If done right you'll lose all excess horizontal speed while overflying the threshold 1-2 meters high and keeping vertical speed = 0, so the plane will lose lift just there and come down smoothly. Use brakes, engines reverse, chutes, to lose any horizontal speed you still have. Welcome to KSC. Note about controls. Standard attitude keys (ASDW+QE) are fine enough while flying, but may be hard to use in those hairy situations like landing. Even with precision control on, is easy to overshoot the mark; and is always possible touse a wrong key and roll while you needed to use rudder or else. I'm used to fly with a pretty good stick, such devices really help with flying planes in KSP as with other games.
  9. You made me laugh. Good joke! "Flying Tiger Entertainment" in case it was accidental.
  10. Really happy to see this development (though I only use PC versions of KSP). Was time for consoles players to see something this positive .
  11. Definitely interesting, tested with your settings.cfg and have the issue show everytime afterwards (even by changing settings back). Couldn't see a cause related to terrain settings however. There's a line in the output_log quite telling, a very large ground contact error when I cycle back to the rover after staging and a full cycle of the local vessels: Believe the above should already help in finding the cause.
  12. Yes, I am. Let's see if @TheKosmonaut wishes to show...
  13. Many thanks, always useful to check things. However couldn't reproduce the issue in 4 tests with your savegame (interesting), KSP 1.2.2. (1622) x64 on Win 8. I decouple the rover and cycle around, when back to that rover it is landed just fine. I had it flown away once, but only because used a bit of thrust with the rockets stage to move it away (it remained under the rover in that test).
  14. I'm going to ask around if Alt+Enter is actually supported. Could be it was many versions ago, but now it seems to circumvent the way KSP manages settings, so it can't make things right. Just because that, I'm considering this issue would not be rated a bug, so no fix would be made for it. As @5thHorseman said, better use the Settings Menu.
  15. @buildmad22, is that output_log.txt you pasted complete (9307 lines), or had anything more? because if so it would seem like KSP stopped working, so it didn't draw the menu. Should you confirm so, that would already give some indication of what could be happening. However I haven't clear how you went fullscreen with that session. I know only about going fullscreen from the Settings Menu (right after the loading is completed, from the main menu) or by changing the settings.cfg; I am tempted to understand from your last post that the screen shows fine when you are already in fullscreen at loading time (therefore, settings.cfg with FULLSCREEN = True), but not when you have to make so from the settings menu (however, that output_log you pasted doesn't show you actually entered the settings menu, and that leaves me in the dark).
  16. Thanks for the effort, unfortunately we can't get files directly from your C: drive. Best option is to upload those to a shared online service (e.g., Dropbox; also pastebin works fine for textual files like those) then provide the link here for us to retrieve them. Also, don't forget the other info we need (e.g. the system specs, please run the dxdiag.exe from Start/command window and save the output in a file, then share it). Pity the error still happens with a fresh settings.cfg, really hoped it could help quickly solve your issue. Well, only means we will have to spend some more time trying to get to the heart of it. EDIT: oh, if you don't mind to run another thing that may also help with the issue: 1. Open your settings.cfg with a text editor (even Notepad does fine); 2. localize the line with "FULLSCREEN = ...", if you had KSP running in a window (like I understand from the description) it should read "... = False"; 3. change the above so to read "FULLSCREEN = True"; save the settings.cfg (without any other modification), now KSP should start already in FullScreen (and hopefully with all menu items displayed).
  17. Unable to reproduce the issue here. This appears specific with KSP install and/or system specs, but to diagnose further info is required. WRT what described here, please provide output_log.txt, list of system specifications, detailed explanation of the actions performed before the issue showed, info on the KSP install (clean new? upgrade?). Also, could you run a test with no previous settings.cfg (in KSP root folder; don't delete the file but move it in a safe place so to restore afterwards) and report if the issue still shows? (believe it may have something that confuses KSP). In case there is no issue with a clean settings.cfg, would you provide that old settings.cfg you had so we could have a look at the possible cause?
  18. In /GameData/RemoteTech subfolder find the config file for the antenna pack you wish (" RemoteTech_Antennas.cfg" for RemoteTech ones, "RemoteTech_Squad_Antennas.cfg" for the stock ones, and so on). Find the antenna you wish to edit (by the name of the part, not the title that shows in the editor) and change the line "%Mode1OmniRange = ..." or "%Mode1DishRange = ...".
  19. Though I'm rather old, can't really talk about eras other than contemporary. But when it comes to Naval Ops, can assure everybody about Harpoon, and C:MANO, to be a lot accurate (have quite some direct experience in the field of Naval operations, was my true job years ago). A few navies actually use Harpoon versions to train junior officers to the role.
  20. Please check your PC doesn't have any software running in background that will intercept the Mod-F12 key combination. Exactly such a case with the Console Window not working was already found, and trouble could be solved changing the key assignment with the interfering software (it was nVidia's GeForce Experience, your may be something else).
  21. Nobody is forever, still the news is striking. He was an inspiration to me, and sure for many others. Hope the opportunity is considered to dedicate something in KSP to his memory.
  22. In case you still have 1.2.0 - 1.2.1 version available (maybe you saved the zip from KSP Store, as I use to do), a quick fix could be to just extract the model file (TriBitDrill.mu) from the package and copy in your game folder (same position, ofc). You'll revert to the old colliders that way.
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