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Everything posted by diomedea

  1. This reminds me of an issue with specific parts, considered a bug still present with KSP 0.24.2, that was successfully dealt with by Modulefixer (here where to download that mod). Maybe that fixes also your issue.
  2. A rather old feature request, but more actual than ever: possibility to select the times displayed not only in Earth units (365 d/y, 24 h/d) but in Kerbin units too (426 d/y, 6 h/d). Just for convenience, as that avoids to convert from/to UT everytime in KSP.
  3. About the Mod TreeView, I would like the ability to show or hide any of the columns (to be chosen from the ModInfo), to keep the ability of sorting by any column (like already exists in 1.4PRxx), and add the ability to resize any of the displayed columns (and save the configuration with the chosen columns and sizes). Unless another solution is chosen, therefore a button to open a "column selection dialog". Other buttons already used with 1.4 PRxx are fine for me with all the panels.
  4. Concur. The conflict being about folders remains one of the most visible quirks with this tool (reported since 8th May about version 1.4PR8, sorry for the self-reference). Hope it may soon be tamed.
  5. Video tutorial in italiano non ne conosco, guide scritte si (su kerbalspaceprogram.it, ad esempio). Comunque, invita il tuo amico a farsi avanti, se gli servono delle dritte, spiegazioni, consulenze... siamo qui!
  6. Because of the way the cone works with dishes, that is only active when pointed at planetary bodies. You can't have it set to active vessel and have the cone at the same time, that is by design.
  7. Yes. Sat3 has not range enough to connect to Kerbin, and when it is the "Active Vessel", Sat 1 points the dish to it while Sat2 has no more connection, so can't work as a relay. Best thing would be to set the KR-14 with Sat1 to Sat2, and the KR-14 with Sat2 to Sat1, that would make sure they connect even if far away from the respective body (beyond the field of view of 0.04°). Connection would then exist when Sat1 is visible to KSC, within 5000Km, and if Sat2 and Sat 3 are visible to each other and within that distance.
  8. While I am obviously happy about your progress and wish to congratulate for your results, I also must say I was hoping that part KospY allowed you to use could be in some way related to an old request I made, and you answered with the first post linked above. Well, you certainly have a schedule and priorities, and it is to you to decide if and when any feature could be implemented with your mod. However, while reminding of the above, I would gladly know if you now see a possibility to implement the kind of "flexible struts" we talked about at that time. Possibly, with some more help from KospY. Thanks for all the work done so far .
  9. Without mods you can only transfer resources one part at a time. For what you want, you should really be using mods, my advice is to try TAC Fuel Balancer.
  10. Yep, understood. Well, my case is certainly not the same of for everybody else, but before Squad made the named-save feature, I used extensively a mod called Multiple Saves. Not anymore. However, I am also using Kerbal Alarm Clock, and that mod produces auto-saves as "KACBACKUPyyyymmddHHmmss+persistent.sfs|quicksave.sfs" or "KACJumptoShip.sfs", seems to keep a safe copy from before changing vessels when an alarm goes off. Believe KAC is a rather popular mod, so would be important to keep compatibility with that.
  11. dewkiller72, stop spamming with new threads about this RAM issue of yours. You already have one, that's enough. Then, KSP (x64) will use all memory that the OS will allow. RAM is just a part of the memory available to the OS, certainly 4 GB is not a lot but the OS will use disk space (swap file) to make more memory available. Until the max addressable to the OS, that in case of a 64 bit system is beyond 18*10^18 bytes, your swapfile is certainly way smaller than that. So, hint, to have more memory you can: 1) buy more RAM (best thing, way faster) 2) increase swapfile size (sloow, and when beyond some factor like 1.5 - 2 times the RAM size, it will become far less useful)
  12. 1.13 seems to be working fine on a new game. Absolutely consistent with the actual state of parts (tested with stock, RemoteTech2 and SCANsat parts up to now), and that is a great improvement . When entering Flight mode, it takes a fraction of a second to reload the state and show it with the buttons (unlike previous versions when the state was drawn almost instantaneously) but that is not really a prob. Hope to have more time so to run more extensive tests later. EDIT: Question: with the save folder I see a number of "AGExt0000#.cfg" files are saved, to hold the various parameters for this add-on to work. Have a vague idea those are saved each time a new persistent.sfs is automatically saved (so, when switching views/vessels). However, while persistent.sfs is unique, those files are numbered and keep increasing, so the presence of them all is a bit "excessive" (read: spamming too many of those files). Would be possible to manually trim them, or better if the add-on could keep them in sync with the main save files (persistent, quicksave and any other named save)?
  13. I'm also using a 64bit OS (Win 8.1), and the MCR 32-bit 2013a works fine with it (and, confirm that is the only MCR version that currently works with KSP TOT, I tested a number of MCR 32 and 64 bit, 2013 and 2014). Then, give it a try. Also, in case you have an error the first time you launch KSP TOT, just run it a second time, sometimes the first time MCR is launched it may be problematic.
  14. BB Code is your friend, check the [imgur] tag.
  15. I'm certainly already in love with this new coming add-on, and by heritage with your previous ones, I expect another masterpiece . Up to now, everything shown seems nice and valid, my feedback would be you're on the right track so please keep it that way. However, one feature that certainly would be great to have, is to link the transfer orbit parameters to the current orbit of a vessel, and directly bring the required burn vector as a new maneuver node in KSP. The above feature is actually already provided by another excellent tool, KSP TOT by Arrowstar, though that one is an external app running in a Matlab runtime instance and linked to KSP for the required data exchanges.
  16. Hi, welcome on the true KSP forum . You'll find plenty of helpful tutorials and people here, it's a great community we have, hope you'll like your stay.
  17. Thread temporarily closed while doing cleaning. Reopened. Please behave.
  18. Let me say, such big wall-of-text posts are not easy to go through. Most users would not read it all. But, as it is filled with interesting things, it could be worth doing. Could be better if the different ideas were made apart, structuring the text and using some formatting options. I like to start responding about the reputation thing. It is needed with the contract system introduced with version 0.24, the more reputation, the more and best contracts are made available to the player. But, this is a new concept still to be completely developed, future KSP versions will add something more about how reputation is managed.
  19. Definitely. Bottom-right on the map view you have the RT2 User Interface, the second button from the right is a switch to let shown alternatively, none, omni, dishes, omni+dishes connections.
  20. Welcome to the forum (at last! how could you keep playing KSP for that long without joining before? ). Your "problems" with the forum are the same every new user finds: until you have at least 3 posts approved, there are some restrictions in what you can do, among them editing avatar and signature. Just wait until you have enough posts.
  21. New users (affectionately called Curious George) can't edit avatar or signature. Wait until after you have 3 approved posts under your belt, you will no more belong to that usergroup and will have some freedom to choose avatar and signature. And, please, do choose respecting the forum rules.
  22. Really, can't see why to ask in General Discussions when you already know what are the mods of interest, and only have to ask if those have what you're looking for. Moved post here so you will have your answer from those who better know.
  23. Still no sourcecode nor license after a month of the previous warning. And now also obsolete in regard to FAR version. Download link removed.
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